Thursday, December 26, 2019
Essay on Sociology and the Value of Education - 1790 Words
Not one single person on earth can explain why they are where they are in life in a single sentence. I used to think that I would just take a year off of school after I graduated from college. Maybe I would explore or just work a lot and save up some money so I could have a little more freedom in life. Whatever it was, I was not quite sure yet, I just really did not want to be in school for a while. Well, my plans changed when everyone I knew was telling me not to do that because I would most likely not go back. I also saw friends that were older than I was take that break, and then regret it when all of their friends were graduating without them. I changed my mind pretty quickly after hearing about and witnessing their mistakes and†¦show more content†¦Like most Americans, I value education and everything that comes with it like a good stable job and a sense of accomplishment. Aside from values that Americans hold, I value what my family thinks to a great extent. My family has always encouraged me to attend college so that I can be an independent woman and be able to take care of myself. My values have affected my life decisions because it is how I evaluate how to react to situations. My initial reaction to nearly everything in life is based upon my value system. The value system that I hold, mostly comes from the Christian lifestyle that I was brought up in. School definitely isnt the highest thing on my priority list. Being there for my friends and reaching out to others is much more important to me. However, I feel that I can help others more effectively with and education in psychology. So I decided that going to school to get a degree in psychology would probably be a good idea since helping people is what I really love to do. A primary group is what Charles Horton Cooley explained as, the phenomenon that people tend to have face-to-fave interactions and form intimate, close, relations, that is, have strong ties to one another (Lucas, 2008, p. 1 91). Family or friends could be in ones primary group. It is whomever one has formed a close bond with and feels that they can be honest with and are accepted by. Primary groups are important to sociologists because they usually explain a lot about theShow MoreRelatedSocial Perspectives On Education And The Sociology Of Education1273 Words  | 6 PagesPerspectives in Education Assessment 2 - Essay TANUWIJAYA, Wirya Z3483970 Why is it important and/or helpful for initial teacher educators such as yourself, to learn about, and learn to use, ideas from the sociology of education? Social influences on educational outcomes and the social nature of education structures of the past and present exemplify how social institutions can affect education perceived by individuals. 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