Thursday, December 26, 2019
Essay on Sociology and the Value of Education - 1790 Words
Not one single person on earth can explain why they are where they are in life in a single sentence. I used to think that I would just take a year off of school after I graduated from college. Maybe I would explore or just work a lot and save up some money so I could have a little more freedom in life. Whatever it was, I was not quite sure yet, I just really did not want to be in school for a while. Well, my plans changed when everyone I knew was telling me not to do that because I would most likely not go back. I also saw friends that were older than I was take that break, and then regret it when all of their friends were graduating without them. I changed my mind pretty quickly after hearing about and witnessing their mistakes and†¦show more content†¦Like most Americans, I value education and everything that comes with it like a good stable job and a sense of accomplishment. Aside from values that Americans hold, I value what my family thinks to a great extent. My family has always encouraged me to attend college so that I can be an independent woman and be able to take care of myself. My values have affected my life decisions because it is how I evaluate how to react to situations. My initial reaction to nearly everything in life is based upon my value system. The value system that I hold, mostly comes from the Christian lifestyle that I was brought up in. School definitely isnt the highest thing on my priority list. Being there for my friends and reaching out to others is much more important to me. However, I feel that I can help others more effectively with and education in psychology. So I decided that going to school to get a degree in psychology would probably be a good idea since helping people is what I really love to do. A primary group is what Charles Horton Cooley explained as, the phenomenon that people tend to have face-to-fave interactions and form intimate, close, relations, that is, have strong ties to one another (Lucas, 2008, p. 1 91). Family or friends could be in ones primary group. It is whomever one has formed a close bond with and feels that they can be honest with and are accepted by. Primary groups are important to sociologists because they usually explain a lot about theShow MoreRelatedSocial Perspectives On Education And The Sociology Of Education1273 Words  | 6 PagesPerspectives in Education Assessment 2 - Essay TANUWIJAYA, Wirya Z3483970 Why is it important and/or helpful for initial teacher educators such as yourself, to learn about, and learn to use, ideas from the sociology of education? Social influences on educational outcomes and the social nature of education structures of the past and present exemplify how social institutions can affect education perceived by individuals. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Explain How the Solow Growth Model Would Analyse the...
PART 1 Explain how the Solow growth model would analyse the effects of a fall in the household saving ratio. In this essay, I will focus on two important aspects. The first is to give a brief historical outline of the Solow growth model. The second thread runs express how the outline on the Solow growth model might explain the effect of a fall in the household savings ratio.My essay will be guided by the diagram provided on which I have to make specific references and to think through as well as explain the various steps of the Solow growth model and what this would mean for economic growth. Without dismissing earlier attempts, the foundations upon which modern economic growth theory rests on the foundations put by US†¦show more content†¦In this essay, I will focus myself on two models of cooperation and bargaining. The first model is called realism and its thrust is to say that the international political systems as a whole is anarchic in so far as there is no world government but what exists are multiple competing sovereigns. In terms of cooperation and bargaining between states realism poses real challenges to interdependence and specialisation. The second model is called liberalism and like realism it begins by acknowledging that the system is of course anarchic but it goes a bit further to argue that the interests that states seek to pursue in conditions of anarchy are shaped very much by the nature of the society, domestic, and transnational over which they seek to rule and particularly liberals stress the role of dominant powerful groups within society i n shaping the nature of the national interests and this is clearly illustrated in a story about the development of India`s national interest in chapter 6. The fundamental difference between the two models is that liberalism says it is not just anarchy plus the distribution of power, it`s anarchy, and the distribution of power plus interdependence.The prospects for cooperation between states under conditions of both anarchy and interdependence bring to fore three aspects of the game. The first, the game is positive-sum when states are concerned purely with their absolute gains but the chanceShow MoreRelatedThe Theory Of Economic Growth Model2281 Words  | 10 Pagescountries’ growth records and in standards of living over times that affect living human welfare. Many model mechanisms have been used to study the worldwide growth and income differences across countries. A fundamental model that economist have used to study these issues is the Solow growth model. This essay co ncentrates on the analysis of this model. Firstly, the derivation of the model will be demonstrated including the needed assumptions. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Why Benjamin Franklin Was a Good Politician free essay sample
Hence, in June of 1754, delegates from most of the northern colonies and representatives from the SIX Nations met In Albany, New York. There, they adopted a plan of union drafted by Franklin. Under this Albany Plan of union, each colonial legislature would elect delegates to an American continental assembly presided over by a royal governor. This plan would have also created an International union with authority to levy taxes and finance an army for colonial defense.Although individual colonies shunned the plan, Franklins attempt for unity was an accomplishment In many aspects. For Instance, he anticipated many of the problems that would beset the government created after independence, such as finance, dealing with the Indian tribes, control of commerce, and defense. Franklins plan also contained the seeds of true union, and many of these ideas would be revived and adopted in Philadelphia less than thirty years later with the pending Revolutionary War. We will write a custom essay sample on Why Benjamin Franklin Was a Good Politician or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Being an intelligent politician, Franklin printed a political cartoon in Philadelphia newspaper, the Pennsylvania Gazette to unite the colonists against the French and Indian war, on May 9, 1754. The cartoon, named Join, or Die illustrated a snake cut into eight segments with each segment of its body labeled as one of the colonies. Since the beginning of the French and Indian war, many of the colonies were divided at the prospect of war. However, Franklins cartoon urged them to unite against the Indian and French pressure and fight against them.Franklins Join, or Die cartoon was a significant achievement because it had a profound effect on peoples views of the French-Indian War and a, even larger effect later in the American Revolutionary War. No doubt Franklins political cartoon was possibly one f the most influential cartoons in American history. Franklins role during the American Revolution was a most crucial one. He aided the Continental Congress In drafting the Declaration of Independence. In 1776, he was one of three ambassadors who was sent to France.As a diplomat, he secured an alliance between France and the colonies. As allies, Franklin and the French signed treaties of commerce and of defensive alliance in February of 1778. Franklin then stayed In France for the next nine years and served on a committee of three peace negotiators with England until he final peace was signed In September of 1783. With the support of the French during the revolution, Americans skipped Its way to victory. Without such and from French allies, the colonists would have never won the American Revolution or gained their Independence.Due to Franklins suave skills as a , he was responsible to bring the bring French support during the time of . Because of his accomplishments, from the Albany Plan of union to the diplomacy In France, Benjamin Franklin was one of the most influential politicians of his time. Why Benjamin Franklin Was a Good Politician By also a leading author, printer, scientist, philosopher, publisher, inventor, civic activist, France were increasing.When the French and Indian War broke out in 1754, Franklin colonies and representatives from the Six Nations met in Albany, New York. Union, each colonial legislature would elect delegates to an American continental inter-colonial union with authority to levy taxes and finance an army for colonial was an accomplishment in many aspects. For instance, he anticipated many of the to unite against the Indian and French pressure and fight against them. Franklins American Revolution was a most crucial one.He aided the Continental Congress in defensive alliance in February of 1778. Franklin then stayed in France for the next the final peace was signed in September of 1783. With the support of the French during the revolution, Americans skipped its way to victory. Without such aid from their independence. Due to Franklins suave skills as a politician, he was responsible to bring the bring French support during the time of crisis. Because of his accomplishments, from the Albany Plan of Union to the diplomacy in France,
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
The Theory of Connectivism
Educational theory Learning is a crucial activity in the lives of humans and its forms the basis of the educational process (Isman (2011). Consequently, a lot of attention has been paid to the understanding of how learning takes place, leading to the formulation of numerous theories of learning and instruction. These theories have evolved over the years as developments in other areas of education continue to happen.Advertising We will write a custom dissertation sample on The Theory of Connectivism specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More There is no one theory that can be described as the perfect theory that fits in all learning situations. This means that different theories are applied to different learning situations. The various theories of education and learning describe how learning occurs, the factors that shape learning, the importance of memory in learning, and how knowledge is transferred (Ravenscroft (2011). Behaviorism is one of well known learning theories. The theory posits that human beings receive a stimulus in the process of learning, which they respond to. According to Isman (2011), this mode of learning is best promoted by task-based learning. Learning under behaviorism is also influenced by the rewards that are obtained from learning, as well as punishment. Repeated experiences end up establishing memory. Cognitivism is the other theory of learning, which posits that learning occurs in a structured way. Yilmaz (2011) argues that knowledge is transferred by duplicating the knowledge of the instructor in cognitive learning. Consequently, problem solving type of learning highly promotes this mode of learning. The third most common learning theory is constructivism, which is a theory that proposes that knowledge is passed through socialization. Social and cultural factors seem to influence learning under this theory. A more recent theory of learning is the connectivism theory, which posits that knowl edge is transferred by connecting to the source if knowledge. According to Ravenscroft (2011), connectivism is a complex learning mode where learning is distributed in a web and it is enhanced by technological advancement. Connectivism According to Thomas (2010), the emergence and development of diverse communication tools and the subsequent deployment of these tools in the discharge of education has resulted in the alteration of the learning environment. What is meant here is that there is a lot of change in the way education is discharged.Advertising Looking for dissertation on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This comes from the fact that education is changing from the traditional perspective where it was delivered in specific learning environments that were largely confined in nature to the development of a virtual learning environment where content is not only guided by the teachers, but is also discharged by st udents who use technology to advance learning between and among themselves. This literature review contains the discussion of how the theory of connectivism has been applied in the field of education. Siemens (2011) argues that information technology has transformed the traditional learning environment in a significant way that necessitates a new learning theory. One rationale for the creation of a new theory of learning is that in the digital age, most learning environments are intertwined, technological, and social in nature (Kaufman Mann, 2007). Kaufman and Mann (2007) further observe that the different connection points in learning have been developed in learning where the use of technology, especially the web 2.0 technology tools are used to create learning groups by students. This is done both in formal literacy and informal literacy within the wide learning environment that is becoming wider due to the prevalence of diverse technology platforms for discharging learning activ ities. Dunaway (2011) observes that connectivism is one of the foundational theories that provide a critical framework on which learning on the part of the students is characterized in the contemporary learning environment where information and communication technology is taking center stage in the learning environment. The contemporary application of information and communication tools and technologies in learning is slowly but surely resulting in limiting the role and actual influence of teachers as the moderators of learning and is promoting scenes where students are taking the center stage in the contemporary learning environment. At this juncture, it is imperative to revisit the observation by Thomas (2010), whose argument about the application of the connectivism learning theory in the modern learning environment that is technology driven, reiterates on change in the manner in which literacy instruction is discharged.Advertising We will write a custom dissertation sample on The Theory of Connectivism specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The connectivist approach to learning can, thus, be better informed by looking at the real attributes of learning and literacy as fostered by both the learners and the educators (Dunaway, 2011). Pan and Franklin (2011) found that students had a comfort level customizing social media and educational tools to meet their learning needs. However, for many teachers, it was their first experience with online collaboration and Web 2.0 tools in an educational context. Kvavik (2005) noted that for Web 2.0 tools and a connectivist theory to be embraced, teachers should be eager and ready to utilize the technology. As the online environment matures, the role of both teachers and students grows, especially within group discussions where students interact with one another as opposed to interacting exclusively with the teacher. The connectivist learning theory alters the role of the tea cher, ensuring that students are involved and engaged in learning by answering each other’s posts as opposed to answering the teacher (Livingston, 2011). In a case study of blogging and its use in the connectivist learning theory, Garcia, Brown, and Elbeltagi (2013) found that connectivism has influenced the way blogs are used in teaching and learning. The change may not only be from the acceptance of blogging as a part of the instructional process, but also in how teachers and students have embraced the connectivist learning style (Garcia et al., 2013). Blogging provided collaborative opportunities for students to communicate online (Richardson, 2010). Another component of blogging that supported the connectivist learning theory is the manner content or remotely located experts could become involved in the learning environment. Blogging also represents an essential aspect of the connectivist principle that students can make associations for learning, while being associated w ithin a network (Boitshwarelo, 2011). Technology has facilitated learners to access a wealth of information resources; for instance, online libraries, peer-reviewed journals, and book reference services along with social media, blogging, and Web 2.0 tools (Lemke, Coughlin, Garcia, Reifsneider, Baas, 2009). The availability of content and the fact that leaners can access information through these tools is a positive indicator of using technology in facilitating learning.Advertising Looking for dissertation on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More With the availability of information, the use of teachers as the source of information as embraced in traditional learning environment is quite limited. This is in lime with the observation by London and Hall (2011), who noted that the intense deployment of Web 2.0 technology tools in learning in the contemporary learning environment denotes a shift from the teacher-controlled models of learning to the learner controlled model of learning. The emergence of digital literacies (print to paperless) has also intensified the need for connectivism. Lee, Messom, and Yau (2013) studied one school’s e-book implementation and determined that many surveyed students preferred e-books due to the Web 2.0 component. In the case study, students could post information on discussion boards and join to e-books so that their fellow students and educators could react and remark on posts that were freely accessible by course participants. As theory-guided practice in this case study, cooperation a mong students empowered them to interpret e-book content and to impart information among other learners (Lee et al., 2013). This indicates the ease with which collaboration and networking in learning can be attained in social and technological networks that are developed courtesy of the availability of technology. Tu et al. (2012) applauds the fact that learning is broadened because of the fact that learners can easily connect and establish learning networks on the technology platform. Collaborating on discussion boards facilitated many of the features in a connectivist learning model; for example, allowing communication between students, (Ferdig Trammell, 2004) elevating peer groups to assist in learning (Glogoff, 2005), and the evolution of discussion groups (Macduff, 2009). With the use of technology, students can now easily establish and sustain important learning networks, with only limited support from the instructors (Boitshwarelo, 2011). Another important aspect captured in the new paradigm is the emerging collaborative nature of education (Dunaway, 2011). Williams, Karousou, and Mackness (2011) studied Connectivism and Connective Knowledge (CCK08) at the University of Manitoba. With a rolling enrollment, students were able to plan their own path through the course content that was available on the course website. Students agreed that all knowledge would be created collaboratively and openly shared among all course members. Williams et al. (2011) remarked that CCK08 fulfilled key conditions for a connectivist course, such as asynchronous and synchronous learning events, daily aggregation of knowledge, content experts, discussion boards, and student responsibility for their own learning goals. Williams et al. (2011) noted that many of the students in CCK08 withdrew from the course. Consequently, the authors concluded that connectedness alone does not guarantee collaboration, let alone connectivist learning. CCK08 was a failed attempt to illustrate the application of theory, where the learning process has shifted from a one-sided and impersonal process into a dynamic one characterized by interpersonal communication, distant support, and increased platforms for information besides the instructor, such as access to world-class resources and experts (Kaufman Mann, 2007). Connectivism has informed the practice of librarians seeking greater student engagement in information literacy. Dunaway (2011) proposed that the learning theory of connectivism be merged with the framework of metaliteracy. In so doing, librarians can promote the development of personal learning networks for students. Mackey and Jacobson (2011) defined metaliteracy as a framework that integrates emergent technologies with various literacies, such as cyber, digital, media, and information literacy. Here, connectivism learning theory is embedded in the fact that a lot of people are engaged on social networks supported by the emergent technologies that support these ne tworks. Therefore, different locus of knowledge sharing and dissemination emerges, thereby challenging the traditional culture of learning that emphasized on a single dimension of learning; the use of instructors in discharging learning activities. Friesen and Lowe (2012) observed that the social media, which is part of web 2.0 technology tools, is promoting connective learning in the sense that it promotes the creation of engaged learning environments. New forms of leaning environments that are more engaging keep coming up as people embrace the use of social media in communication. References Dunaway, M. (2011). Connectivism learning theory and pedagogical practice for networked information landscapes. Reference Services Review, 39(4), 675-685. Friesen, N. N., Lowe, S. S. (2012). The questionable promise of social media for education: connective learning and the commercial imperative. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 28(3), 183-194. Isman, A. (2011). Instructional design in education: New model. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology – TOJET, 10(1), 136-142. London, M., Hall, M. (2011). Unlocking the value of Web 2.0 technologies for training and development: The shift from instructor-controlled, adaptive learning to learner-driven, generative learning. Human Resource Management, 50(6), 757-775. Ravenscroft, A. (2011). Dialogue and connectivism: a new approach to understanding and promoting dialogue-rich networked learning. International Review of Research in Open And Distance Learning, 12(3), 139-160. Thomas, H. (2010). Learning spaces, learning environments and the dis‘placement’ of learning. British Journal of Educational Technology, 41(3), 502-511. Tu, C., Sujo-Montes, L., Yen, C., Chan, J., Blocher, M. (2012). The integration of personal learning environments open network learning environments. Techtrends: Linking Research Practice to Improve Learning, 56(3), 13-19. Yilmaz, K. (2011). The cognitive perspective on learning: its theoretical underpinnings and implications for classroom practices. Clearing House, 84(5), 204. doi:10.1080/00098655.2011.568989 This dissertation on The Theory of Connectivism was written and submitted by user Mia Sharp to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Free Essays on Tupac
Tupac Shakur (2Pac) Tupac Shakur was born in Brooklyn, NY in 1971. Early in his life, he moved to Baltimore, ND, where he attended The Baltimore School, Tupac led a lasting impression on his teachers and was showing tremendous potential. Unfortunately, Tupac was unable to continue his training. He moved to Oakland, California with the rest of his family. That’s when Tupac began hanging with the wrong crowd. Tupac later got into the rap and acting business, he was dedicated to both rap/hiphop and acting. Tupac was very real, whatever was on his mind he said it in his lyrics. Not held back by his lack of formal education, Tupac joined the Rap group Digital Underground as a dancer. Not long before the group achieved award-winning success, Tupac released his own album â€Å"2pacalypse now†, which was also a success. The hit single â€Å"Brenda’s Got A Baby†launched Tupac’s career like a rocket. His stunning talent also hot him a role in the motion picture â€Å"Juiceâ₠¬ . Tupac eventually released a second album â€Å"Strictly for my Niggaz,†which was an even bigger success. The highlight of Tupac’s acting career came when he appeared in â€Å"Poetic Juice†besides Janet Jackson. The role Jackson 2 made Tupac a household name and showed the world that music may not be Tupac’s number one thing. In the midst of a role in the movie â€Å"Above the Rim†and a Platinum album â€Å"Me against the world,†Tupac’s rising career was snagged. A woman he met at a nightclub brought him up on sexual assault charges. Hours before Tupac would be found guilty, men whose intent and purpose is still uncertain robbed Tupac at gunpoint. Tupac was eventually released at over $1 Million in bail. After his release, Tupac answered his critics by releasing his best album, â€Å"All eyes on me.†â€Å"All eyes on me†has currently sold around 6 Million copies, which is revolutionary for a double cd. Especially in Hip Hop music. As the album climbed the charts, ... Free Essays on Tupac Free Essays on Tupac 1971 - 1996 Tupac Amaru Shakur DOB: June 16, 1971 - Brooklyn, NY DOD: September 13, 1996 - Las Vegas, NV Height: 5'10 Weight: 168 Mother: Afeni Shakur Father: William Garland Step Father: Jeral Wayne Williams AKA Mutula Shakur Half Sister: Sekyiwa Shakur Half Brother: Maurice Harding (Mopreme of Thug Life) Godfather: Elmer "Geronimo" Pratt Music Groups: One Nation Emcees, Two From The Crew, Strictly Dope, Digital Underground, Thug Life, Outlaw Immortalz/Outlawz Aliases: MC New York, 2Pac, Makaveli (the don) Marital Status: Divorced (Keisha Morris) & Engaged (Kidida Jones) Tupac Shakur was born Lesane Parish Crooks in Brooklyn, NY in 1971. While still a small child, his mother changed his name to Tupac Amaru after an Inca Indian revolutionary, "Tupac Amaru", meaning "Shining Serpent". "Shakur" means "Thankful To God" in Arabic. From childhood, everyone called him the "Black Prince." Formisbehaving, he had to read an entire edition of The New York Times. When he was two, his sister, Sekyiwa, was born. This child's father, Mutulu, was a BlackPanther who, a few months before her birth, had been sentenced to sixty years for a fatal armored car robbery. With Mutulu away, the family experienced hard times. No matter where they moved-the Bronx, Harlem, homeless shelters- Tupac was distressed. "I remember crying all the time. My major thing growing up was I couldn't fit in. Because I was from everywhere. I didn't have no buddies that I grew up with." By the age of twelve, Tupac had discovered his loves for acting, writing love songs and poetry. As a young teen, his family moved to Baltimore , MD, where he attended The Baltimore School for the Performing Arts studying acting and ballet. At this school, Tupac left a lasting impression on his teachers and was showing tremendous potential. Unfortunately, Tupac was unable to continue his training. He moved to Oakland, California with the rest of his family. T... Free Essays on Tupac Tupac Shakur (2Pac) Tupac Shakur was born in Brooklyn, NY in 1971. Early in his life, he moved to Baltimore, ND, where he attended The Baltimore School, Tupac led a lasting impression on his teachers and was showing tremendous potential. Unfortunately, Tupac was unable to continue his training. He moved to Oakland, California with the rest of his family. That’s when Tupac began hanging with the wrong crowd. Tupac later got into the rap and acting business, he was dedicated to both rap/hiphop and acting. Tupac was very real, whatever was on his mind he said it in his lyrics. Not held back by his lack of formal education, Tupac joined the Rap group Digital Underground as a dancer. Not long before the group achieved award-winning success, Tupac released his own album â€Å"2pacalypse now†, which was also a success. The hit single â€Å"Brenda’s Got A Baby†launched Tupac’s career like a rocket. His stunning talent also hot him a role in the motion picture â€Å"Juiceâ₠¬ . Tupac eventually released a second album â€Å"Strictly for my Niggaz,†which was an even bigger success. The highlight of Tupac’s acting career came when he appeared in â€Å"Poetic Juice†besides Janet Jackson. The role Jackson 2 made Tupac a household name and showed the world that music may not be Tupac’s number one thing. In the midst of a role in the movie â€Å"Above the Rim†and a Platinum album â€Å"Me against the world,†Tupac’s rising career was snagged. A woman he met at a nightclub brought him up on sexual assault charges. Hours before Tupac would be found guilty, men whose intent and purpose is still uncertain robbed Tupac at gunpoint. Tupac was eventually released at over $1 Million in bail. After his release, Tupac answered his critics by releasing his best album, â€Å"All eyes on me.†â€Å"All eyes on me†has currently sold around 6 Million copies, which is revolutionary for a double cd. Especially in Hip Hop music. As the album climbed the charts, ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Free Essays on Effectiveness Of The Death Penalty As A Means Of Reducing Crime
Effectiveness of the Death Penalty as a Means of Reducing Crime A commonly used phrase for the Death Penalty is Capital Punishment, meaning, â€Å"The infliction of the death penalty for the commission of certain crimes.†American Heritage Dictionary, Houghton Mifflin Company, pg. 200. At one level, the death penalty is a minor issue. The media informs the public of horrible crimes committed, but few people are directly affected by those crimes. Few people are sentenced to death for crimes and fewer are ever executed. Inmates on death row represent only about one-tenth of 1% of inmates in prisons or jail.(Stassen, pg.15.) Several thousand on death row have been awaiting execution for over 10 years. At another level, the death penalty represents a couple of concerns for everyone: the value of human life and how to protect it. Death penalty supporters, in addition to believing the people who commit appalling crimes deserve to die, they also believe it prevents others contemplating such crimes from committing them. Opponents of the d eath penalty believe it is immoral and a civilized society would not employ the death penalty. They maintain that the perpetrators of such crimes can be dealt with by other means. Let’s take a look at the history of the death penalty in our country. During the colonial times death penalty laws varied from colony to colony. One extreme was the Puritans of Massachusetts Bay Colony, which listed 12 death-eligible crimes: (1) idolatry, (2) witchcraft, (3) blasphemy, (4) murder, (5) manslaughter, (6) poisoning, (7) bestiality, (8) sodomy, (9) adultery, (10) man-stealing, (11) false witness in capital cases (12) conspiracy and rebellion. (Bohm 1999). All of the crimes except conspiracy and rebellion were accompanied by a Biblical quotation as justification. The other extreme was the law of the Quakers who were less punitive than their neighbors. In the Royal Charter of South Jersey, capital punish... Free Essays on Effectiveness Of The Death Penalty As A Means Of Reducing Crime Free Essays on Effectiveness Of The Death Penalty As A Means Of Reducing Crime Effectiveness of the Death Penalty as a Means of Reducing Crime A commonly used phrase for the Death Penalty is Capital Punishment, meaning, â€Å"The infliction of the death penalty for the commission of certain crimes.†American Heritage Dictionary, Houghton Mifflin Company, pg. 200. At one level, the death penalty is a minor issue. The media informs the public of horrible crimes committed, but few people are directly affected by those crimes. Few people are sentenced to death for crimes and fewer are ever executed. Inmates on death row represent only about one-tenth of 1% of inmates in prisons or jail.(Stassen, pg.15.) Several thousand on death row have been awaiting execution for over 10 years. At another level, the death penalty represents a couple of concerns for everyone: the value of human life and how to protect it. Death penalty supporters, in addition to believing the people who commit appalling crimes deserve to die, they also believe it prevents others contemplating such crimes from committing them. Opponents of the d eath penalty believe it is immoral and a civilized society would not employ the death penalty. They maintain that the perpetrators of such crimes can be dealt with by other means. Let’s take a look at the history of the death penalty in our country. During the colonial times death penalty laws varied from colony to colony. One extreme was the Puritans of Massachusetts Bay Colony, which listed 12 death-eligible crimes: (1) idolatry, (2) witchcraft, (3) blasphemy, (4) murder, (5) manslaughter, (6) poisoning, (7) bestiality, (8) sodomy, (9) adultery, (10) man-stealing, (11) false witness in capital cases (12) conspiracy and rebellion. (Bohm 1999). All of the crimes except conspiracy and rebellion were accompanied by a Biblical quotation as justification. The other extreme was the law of the Quakers who were less punitive than their neighbors. In the Royal Charter of South Jersey, capital punish...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Transgender and Intersex Terms and Questions (responses) Assignment - 1
Transgender and Intersex Terms and Questions (responses) - Assignment Example A standout amongst the most entrancing things I found is the creators depiction of how individuals see themselves in their inner consciousness. The creator utilizes the MÃ ¶bius Strip, a level lace wound once and afterward joined end to end, which demonstrates a band and ants slithering along a topological riddle - the ground dwelling insect can ceaselessly go on this strip while never getting anyplace. Despite the fact that this book has what added up to 473 pages, the genuine perusing part is just few pages, with the rest gave to the creators careful notes, in which her grant and exploration are clear. When you wade through the exploratory and specialized language one finds that this is an intriguing and vital examination sexing of the body book in the social order. How would we think about sex and sexuality as a component of an improvement framework, and what particularly do we mean nature? Notwithstanding the extent to which we know about sex, there is still a considerable measure we do not think about our sexuality and how it forms in a singular, instead of on a widespread
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
MGMT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
MGMT - Essay Example The internet relays a vast array of information and services within the interlinked documents and emails. However, due to increased technology and widespread use of the internet creates security threats due to the vulnerabilities posed by the system. As a result, internet laws have been established to deal with matters related to internet. It’s necessary for the users to have knowledge of the laws. From the early days, professionals in the technology industry realized that the diversity of the internet functions required trust since it was used by the public. The industry code of conduct was established as a guiding principle to ensure responsible use of the internet by the operators and users. However, with the improving world of technology courts and governments around the world are creating internet laws to handle legal disputes related to internet use. Cyber laws have been designed to fit in the legal system frameworks in order to ensure there is order in the conduct and commerce in cyberspace. The internet law handles cases of trademark and copyright infringement as well as other related cyber crimes (Smith, 2006, 37). Internet has changed the legal landscape since it’s the world largest marketplace. The internet influences committing crimes, torts and infringing intellectual property. The internet law controls many aspects of internet use such as e-commerce, marketing and cyber activities. As a result, the laws protect the users in all the fields that incorporate internet use in their activities. Rules should accommodate new developments such as improvement in the software industry, as well as transformation in the intellectual property laws. The internet creates unique jurisdictional disputes since the technology respects no national borders. The internet rules keep changing due to the advancement in technology posing new threats and challenges. As a result, the legal frameworks must be designed to accommodate the changes to ensure protection of
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Tale characters are all presented Essay Example for Free
Tale characters are all presented Essay Gilead is a very unique world, thanks to Margaret Atwood! In The Handmaids Tail, it seems like all the characters are presented in a way which hides one part of their personalities. For the commander, it is his acceptation of the world he partly created, his happiness, which is hidden. He doesnt seem to be happy, but in fact he is. In this essay, I will show you that the commander really likes the way his life has taken and that he is an hypocritical and selfish man. The Commander lives a very normal life, comparatively to every character of the novel : he has a job which he goes to every day, he has a wife (lets not talk about her any further ), friends (his club), and a mistress(or more than one? )! It is true that his wife does not give him the hapiness a wife should, but in general, the Commander is a pleased man, for he has or obtain everything he wants. Also, lets not forget the fact that hes one of the creators of Gilead, and therefore can have access to anything thats still existing. The power he has is unlimited, and God knows power makes people happy. So, in short, the Commander is a pleased man because he is powerfull, sexually satisfied, and has an active social life. On an other side, he is a very hypocritical man and is also very selfish. The best example to prouve this is his relation with Offred. It is presented in a way that make the reader think he is nice to her, but in fact he is nice to him! He doesnt play scrabble with her so she can have fun, but because he is bored at night and wants to be entertained. In the club scene, he even says to Offred : You cant cheat Nature, Nature demands variety for men. There, hes trying to justify his acts towards her, his hypocrisy. Hes telling her that it is normal that this sort of underground club exists, for human need to be entertained and have a social life. This is really a significant trait of the real Commander : we see through these paroles that, for him, life kept going almost the same as before. His relation with Offred is therefore normal for him, since you cant cheat nature, and it shows all the selfishness of the act ; he doesnt really care about what she can feel since he does this entirely for his own satisfaction. In short, the Commander uses Offred as a tool, not letting her know he is, to satisfy his own needs ; thats why I say he is hypocritical and selfish. So, the Commander is not as white as snow. Looking through his character, you can see hes not as nice as he seems, as careful about Offreds hapiness as he lets her think. In fact, hes a selfish and powerful man that is totally in control of the people surrounding him, except for his wife, which he is scared of because of the power the wifes have in Gilead. We can say he is a very interesting character 533 words(Microsoft word count) Julien Duguay-McEvoy Matricule 0142092 Ci gep du Vieux Montri al English Language Culture 604-103-03 Character Analysis Handed in November 15th 2001 To Misses Caroline Orton Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Margaret Atwood section. r
Friday, November 15, 2019
High-tech Snooping Threatens Our Privacy :: Free Argumentative Essays
High-tech Snooping Threatens Our Privacy The Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution states: The right of the people to be secure in their person's houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. The Fourth Amendment values privacy in the home and protects people's privacy from unlawful search and invasion. This topic interests me because I am concerned about the recent use of thermal imaging and the ways it could be used to invade the average citizen's privacy. Thermal imaging devices allows police to view heat as a visible light image. When police use this technique as a means of gathering evidence before a warrant is obtained, it can be said to violate our guaranteed Fourth Amendment rights under the Constitution. In the recent Supreme Court case, Kyllo v. United Sates, "the Supreme Court held that police use of a thermal imaging device to scan a suspect's residence violated his right under the Fourth Amendment. The decision had reversed a federal appeals court ruling finding the scan lawful" (Is warrantless?). In the case cited, police suspected Kyllo was growing marijuana in his home. They used a thermal imaging device from across the street to scan Kyllo's home to see if the level of heat escaping from it was consistent with high-intensity lights used to grow marijuana indoors. The result of the scan showed that portions of Kyllo's home were relatively hot compared to the rest of his home. Using the result of the scan, as well as other information, police obtained a warrant to search Kyllo's home, and found a marijuana-growing operation in their search. When the trial court refused to suppress the evidence, Kyllo appealed to the federal court and challenged the legality of the search, saying a search warrant should have been obtained prior to using the thermal imaging device. Law-enforcement officials argued that a warrant was not required before a using technological surveillance device that merely records information about a home that is exposed to public view. The federal appeals court affirmed the trial court's decision, finding that Kyllo had no subjective expectation of privacy because he did not try to conceal the heat escaping from his home. Even if he had, the appeals court said, there was no objectively reasonable expectation of privacy because the thermal imager did not expose any intimate details of Kyllo's life, only vague hot spots on his home's exterior.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Modulation: Computer Software and Unknown Music Virus
Richard Powers’ â€Å"Modulation†is about a mysterious, unhackable music virus that is taking over and controlling the minds of the people it comes in contact with. Out of nowhere this virus comes about and starts to spread vigorously through cyberspace, eating up computer software systems around the world. Not only is this virus spreading to computer systems and to data bases, but it starts spreading through people’s minds. Toshi, Marta, Jan, and Mitchell are the main characters in this story and all are unified throughout by this music virus.Powers tells how each character deals with the virus and how it affects them internally. Toshi, thrilled off of hacking through cyberspace, finally met his match when the RIAA hired him to work for their company. They thought by hiring the man that hacked through their system could defeat such a virus as this one. Toshi, in awe by this unknown music virus, is being beaten internally because it is the one thing he himself c annot beat, but at the same time this scares him because he does not know what it is capable of.The virus was something Toshi had never seen or heard before. It was a new type of music, so haunting and powerful that it imbedded inside his brain. Marta, a reporter reporting on the war in Iraq, hears this catchy tune she had never heard before. It sticks in her head as if it was like an â€Å"earworm†of some sort. This tune she keeps hearing is like a sickness she cannot get rid of. It starts eating at her mind like a virus eats at a computer hard drive. The only way Marta is at ease is when she hears the catchy tune again.The music virus not only sickens her, but also relieves her; making the tune the perfect medication. Not only is it a virus trying to destroy, but it also serves as a firewall against itself. Jan, a recently retired music professor, is searching for something he has never heard before. He wants something new and reinvented to offer society so he can change h ow people look at music. He believes all music should be free and his life passion is discovering world music. As soon as he hears the music virus he knows it is what he had been searching for.This tune was so refined and new, he had never heard such a tune before. After listening to this he knew his lifelong goal had been met. His search for a new and different type of music had been complete. He could now die a happy man. On another note, Mitchell, a music composer, found himself threatened by the music virus. His compositions were starting to sound like the infamous tune. No matter what he did he could not get the catchy tune out of his head. His performance was in danger as he could not produce anything but what was ingrained in his mind by the virus.He soon realizes he can use this threat as an opportunity to achieve greatness in his compositions and as a composer. All of the characters that Powers uses in his short story are unified by this sick, unhackable music virus that ha s only one motive: to spread. Each character deals with the virus to the best of their ability and tries not to let this innovative type of music control and get the best of them in times of vulnerability. Powers tells the readers how each character in the story deals with the music virus, how it affects them internally and how they try to overcome it.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Macbeth Paper on Evil Essay
Macbeth is a real tragedy written by William Shakespeare for what’s presented is a morally significant struggle, one that attempts to engage our sympathies and understanding. In this dark and powerful tragedy, Macbeth is a part of several murders, including the murder of King Duncan of Scotland. Macbeth performs these murders after he encounters the weird sisters and hears the prophecy that he will one day become the King of Scotland. But although Macbeth was the one that was directly involved in every murder, there are other influences that have an impact on his pursue for the crown of Scotland and could be responsible for the evil done in the play. When Lady Macbeth first hears about the prophecy of the witches, she immediately plans Duncan’s murder because of her ambition for her husband to become king. The weird sisters, also known as the three witches, initiates the murders because they prompt Macbeth to murder Duncan with their prophecies that Macbeth will one day become the King of Scotland. But ultimately, Macbeth is the villain of this tragedy in view of the fact that he is accountable for the murder of Duncan and also orders his subordinates to murder Banquo and the family of Macduff. Macbeth is most responsible for the evil done in the play owing to the fact that his killing of Duncan provokes the other murders and evil in the play. Although Lady Macbeth is a part of the murders that occur in Macbeth, she is not responsible for the evil done in the play. Lady Macbeth is a very cunning, manipulative character. When she hears about the witches’ prophecy of Macbeth becoming the future king of Scotland, she immediately demands Macbeth to murder Duncan so Macbeth could become king. Lady Macbeth successfully persuades him to kill Duncan by questioning his masculinity. Lady Macbeth puts the idea in Macbeth’s mind that he will be a coward if he does not commit the murder. After persuading him, Macbeth finally commits the murder. Therefore, Lady Macbeth is evil for she pressures Macbeth into killing Duncan. But, she is not responsible for the evil done in the play. Although she is a strong, significant figure in the murder of Duncan, she begins to change through the play as she starts to feel the guilt and remorse for persuading Macbeth to kill Duncan. She ultimately kills herself because she couldn’t manage the guilt and grief for her involvement in the murder and seeing her husband turn into an evil, uncontrollable villain. Therefore, she is not responsible for the evil done in the play because although she persuades Macbeth to kill Duncan, she later feels guilt for what she’s done. The three witches are also not responsible for the evil done in the play. In the beginning, the three witches tells Macbeth his prophesy that he will one day become the king of Scotland. When Lady Macbeth hears about the prophecy, all she thinks about is her husband becoming king. So, Lady Macbeth convinces Macbeth to kill Duncan in order for Macbeth to become king as soon as possible. If the three witches never told Macbeth the prophesy of him becoming king, none of the murders would have happened. Therefore, without the witches, there would be no evil in the play. But, the three witches are not responsible for the evil done in the play because even though they incite Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s desire for king, it was Macbeth who ultimately decides to murder Duncan, which causes the rest of the evil done in the play. Macbeth is responsible for the evil done in the play. Macbeth is more evil than the other characters because he is the reason why all of the murders in the play occur. He murders Duncan because of his evil desire to become the king of Scotland as soon as possible. â€Å"Stars, hide your fires; Let not light see my black and deep desires.†(I, Scene 4, lines 57-58) This quote shows Macbeth’s great desire to become king and also shows how he is aware that his thoughts are evil. But, he does not do anything to keep himself away from these dark thoughts and he eventually commits the evil murder. The murder is certainly avoidable, but he let Lady Macbeth influence him. â€Å"This night’s great business†¦ sway and masterdom.†(I, Scene 5, Lines 80-82) This quote shows how Lady Macbeth has total control over Macbeth and how Macbeth put the power into Lady Macbeth’s hands. Macbeth could have told Lady Macbeth to stop her plans, but instead he gives all the power to her and eventually agrees with her. Therefore, the murder of Duncan is completely his fault because he lets Lady Macbeth influence him and commit the murder himself. Macbeth is also responsible for the other murders in the play because he hires three murderers to kill Banquo and orders his servants to kill Macduff’s family. Consequently, Macbeth is responsible for the evil done in the play because he involves himself in all of the murders in the play. Macbeth is accountable for the evil done in Macbeth because his murder of Duncan causes a chain reaction and brings about the rest of the evil in the play. Although Lady Macbeth has a notable influence on Macbeth to commit the murder of Duncan, it was ultimately his decision to kill Duncan and order the other murders. The Three Witches incites Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s desire for the throne of Scotland, but Macbeth’s decision to commit the murders ultimately brought darkness and fear onto Scotland. Macbeth is responsible for Duncan’s death, and that murder causes a chain reaction and incites the other murders. If he did not murder Duncan, there would not have been any evil in this play to start with. Ultimately, Macbeth compels to arise these evils, and it is his greed to blame. Macbeth is already known as a man of integrity for being appointed as the Thane of Cawdor, but his greed and avarice brings about the evil that he carries out. This relates to human nature because even if a man has everything to gratify his needs, his greed can demand for more, leading to trouble just like Macbeth. This demonstrates that if you only care about your own needs and always ask for more, you will be unsuccessful. As Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi once said, â€Å"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed.†[Word Count: 1057]
Friday, November 8, 2019
How to Design a Logo Essays
How to Design a Logo Essays How to Design a Logo Essay How to Design a Logo Essay HOW TO DESIGN A LOGO You know a great logo when you see one but you would like to know how to properly design one. A word of caution if youre thinking about going the do it yourself route in designing your own logo. It is one thing to read and understand the elements or principles of good design, but applying them appropriately is another matter. The explosion in software development has flooded the market with a wide variety of programs that will enable you to design your own identity. Even the most basic Desktop Publishing program has enough features to get the job done. Creativity is an art, not a science, and all too often novices sit down with the DTP software and are so enamoured with the available features that they use as many of them as they can. Professionals know what features to apply and in what proportions. The Internet has made a variety of lower cost professionals available at reasonable prices. Most offer custom design services and include diagnostic interviews so they can learn what your company is all about. So at least explore the possibility of hiring a professional design consultant to help. The use of color will illustrate one of the many benefits of professional services. If you go it alone your DTP program will let you concoct color combinations never seen by human eyes. But when you take your logo to the printer, can they be reproduced? A professional designer will know. Organizing Principle of Logo Design The color discussion leads us to the organizing principle of design: simplicity leads to functionality. Think about it and youll realize that some of the best logos ever created are really pretty simple. The McDonalds Golden Arch, Apples apple with the bite out of it, and Nikes swoosh are all examples. So where does functionality fit in? Logos are used in too many ways to even list. Consider some of them: on the corporate offices and satellite locations, on banners and billboards, on the Internet, on letterhead and business cards, on every piece of marketing material the company produces, on promotional items like shirts and hats, and yes, even on the tops of sticks placed in drinks served at company sponsored events. Simple images will work for any of those uses. They can pretty much go anywhere and do anything. So remember the KISS principle: Keep it Simple, Stupid! Font Style and Size As is the case with all elements, Fonts should be selected which match the nature of the companys business. If you want viewers of your company image to be reassured that your company is reliable, safe, and trustworthy, avoid flashy fonts and bold use of font sizes. Leave that for the companies representing bold, new, and innovative fields like alternative energy development. Banks and other financial service companies should use traditional and familiar font styles. Using Color Again, use bold colors like reds and oranges for bold businesses. Muted colors are not what you want here. Use of a lot of colors can actually be distracting. The old Apple logo contained multiple layers of color but it was redesigned to improve its functionality in the late 1990s. Using Enhancing Effects Many good logos simply present the company name and graphically enhance certain letters by wrapping them or stretching them in some way. Look at the FedEx logo. Simply boxing off the name created the desired effect. Simple, yet functional! That is how you design a logo.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
To Open a Pandoras Box
To Open a Pandoras Box To Open a Pandoras Box To Open a Pandoras Box By Maeve Maddox Ive found an expression that annoys me more than deja vu all over again. Its a box of Pandoras. Denmark has tumbled into a box of Pandoras. Meryl may regret having opened this whole box of Pandoras (language site, discussion of the difference between can and may) My, I do seem to have opened a can of worms (or a box of Pandoras) here. (the topic is the music of Chopin.) In many places the expression is attributed to former governor of New Mexico Bruce King: His [Kings] most famous malapropism, frequently repeated by legislators during floor debates, was the time King said that a legislative proposal would open a whole box of Pandoras. (Santa Fe-New Mexican, Nov. 14, 2009) Ive also seen it attributed to Casey Stengel, Al Gore, former Arkansas Governor Frank White, and former Washington D.C. mayor Marion Barry. Ideas about nature are famously malleable. Try to take just a peek, and Shazamm!you have opened what Casey Stengal [sic] once called A Box of Pandoras. (excerpt at Amazon from a published book about Nature) We dont want to open up a box of Pandoras. Vice-President Albert Gore, Jr. (comment at a site called TruckNet) â€Å"We dont want to open a box of Pandoras.†That was said by Marion Barry, the former mayor of Washington, D.C. He was referring to the Greek Pandoras’ Box. (a blog called Dahn Batchelors opinions) As former Gov. Frank White of Arkansas once put it, the president thus opened a whole box of Pandoras. (article by Frank Perly at, May 18, 2010) The expression to open a Pandoras box has long been used to describe an act that may have unforeseen and unpleasant consequences. It derives from a Greek myth in which the woman Pandora, driven by curiosity, opens a jar (or a box) containing various human evils, unintentionally loosing them on the world. The distortion to open a box of Pandoras may owe its galloping popularity to its similarity to opening a can of worms. As a figurative expression, opening a box of Pandoras may have sounded amusing the first time it was used, but as an ongoing expression it gets old fast. NOTE: the word Pandora on its own enjoys a huge popularity as a product name and in other contexts. Someone opening a delivery of electronic gadgets might have reason to declare that he was opening a box of Pandoras. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Words for Facial ExpressionsUse a Dash for Number Ranges5 Ways to Reduce Use of Prepositions
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The Role of Fluency in Comprehension Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Role of Fluency in Comprehension - Essay Example This paper, basically, examines the effects of reading fluency on comprehension. Fluency refers to the ability to read aloud automatically and expressively with understanding (Fountas & Pinnell 62). Fluency is one of the requirements for becoming an excellent reader. Excellent readers are efficient problem solvers, who utilize syntax and meaning as they quickly decode unfamiliar words efficiently. Fluency should, however, not replace the meaning as the main focus of reading (Fountas & Pinnell 64). According to Mrs. Pepper, a speech pathologist in Athens, fluency is the ability to pronounce the words without struggling. She suggests that struggling to call words affects people’s thoughts. The National Reading Panel defines fluency as the ability to read comprehension accurately, quickly, and with proper expression (Fountas & Pinnell 68). The study of fluency among school children became a significant concern, after NRP realized the children were not getting the proper fluency r equired out of them. Limited fluency makes it difficult for the children to understand what they reading. The researchers analyzed two teaching approaches since they had not settled on one. The first approach requires students to read comprehension orally with feedback and guidance (Fountas & Pinnell 65). This includes paired reading, assisted reading, repeated reading, and shared reading. The second approach encourages students to read extensively. This includes programs such as accelerated reader, drops everything and read (DEAR), sustained silent reading (SSR), or any other appropriate incentive program (Fountas & Pinnell 67). The researcher at NRP established that Guided Repeated Reading procedures are efficient enough to improve reading fluency, and general reading achievement. These procedures improve word fluency, recognition and comprehension (Fountas & Pinnell 70). However, the researchers found out that children do not improve their fluency if they are left to read on thei r own. It is also necessary recognize that these programs do not improve reading skills. Fluency is usually analyzed with respect to comprehension. After the Pre-Kindergarten level, children are expected to begin reading independently. As the complexity and volume of reading materials and expectations get wider, children who still have a problem in reading fluency usually have difficult times understanding and handling schoolwork (Fountas & Pinnell 69). Students who cannot read and understand passages lose both the academic and intellectual grounds. The NPR identifies a strong correlation between comprehension and fluency. Fluency frees reference materials to process meaning. Fluency is something that is instantly acquired, and therefore, it is long-term. Classroom activities and strategies like repeated reading can encourage students achieve fluency (Fountas & Pinnell 72). There are various strategies that tutors can use to develop, and improve fluency among their students. For ins tance, teachers and students can do repeated reading in classroom, try readers’ theater in class, and model fluent reading (Fountas & Pinnell 65). Modeling provides approaches through which the teachers demonstrate unfamiliar reading strategy or skill to the students. Teachers are experienced readers, and they do modeling whenever they participate in literacy activities. Pre-Kindergarten students learn from their teachers when they turn pages, hold books, and read from left to right. They also listen to the tonal variation and
Friday, November 1, 2019
The Feminine Voice of Africa Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 19
The Feminine Voice of Africa - Essay Example Men and women both get caught up by the forces of history and circumstances of their physical and social environment, getting transformed in the process. As a result, they are bound together by a common fate in the face of hardship and oppression to assert their rights. Ousmane portrays the strike from all possible angles and in that respect, the novel is often compared to Émile Zola's masterpiece, Germinal. In God’s Bits of Wood, the strike causes evolution in the self-perceptions of the Africans themselves, both men and women. This is most evident in the women charactersâ€â€Bamako, Thies, and Dakar. These women go from mutely standing behind the men in their lives, to walking alongside them and eventually marching ahead of them. In the course of the novel, they undergo a metamorphosis in terms of initiative and expression. Ousmane establishes the central issue in the opening pages of the novel through the musings of Niakoro, an aged woman of the community. When the men are able to work the jobs that the train factory provides them, the women are responsible for running the markets, preparing the food, and rearing the children. However with the onset of the strike, the role of bread-winner or perhaps more precisely bread scavenger, shifts to the women. Women go from supporting the strike to actively participating in the strike. Eventually, it is the women that march on foot, over four days from Thies to Dakar.Â
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Magic number 1089 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Magic number 1089 - Research Paper Example The procedure that yields the number 1089 through calculations bearing three digit numbers involves three basic steps. The first step involves a random selection of a three-digit number, which has the first and last digits having a difference of more than two. Secondly, the digits are reversed, this changes the order of the numbers such that the first one appears as the last and the last as the first. For example, 469 is reversed to become 964. After this, the smaller of the numbers is subtracted from the one that has a bigger value. From the example above it will be (964-469)= 495. Finally, the number obtained in step two is added to its reverse hence generating the number 1089. In our example, 495+593 yields 1089. This procedure yields this number (1089) only given that the three digit numbers used always have a difference of more than two between the first and the last numbers. To unravel the mystery behind the magic behind the mathematical logic we can systematically analyze the calculations. If the three digits in our number are a, b and c respectively; then, we establish the three digit number will be given by (100*a) + (10*b) + c. this means that when the number is reversed, it becomes; (100*c) + (10*b) + a. Engaging the next step in the calculation which involves a subtraction of the biggest number from the smallest (in this case we can use any of the numbers since we are not certain which letters represents the largest number). (100a+10b+c) – (100c + 10b + a) yields 99 (a-c). The logic here is that (a-c) must always be greater than two and definitely not greater than 9. The trick is usually in the predictable numbers that are obtained after the process gets to this level. It is a must that the values of 99 (a-c) should be either 198, 297, 396,495, 594, 693, 792, or 891. Looking carefully at these eight
Monday, October 28, 2019
Pick a Quote from the Book To Kill a Mockingbird Essay Example for Free
Pick a Quote from the Book To Kill a Mockingbird Essay During the depression in Alabama, many people, no matter what race, were encountering hard times. In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Haper Lee, Scout learns life lessons through experiences throughout her childhood. In her community and her household, Scout watches and interacts with all kinds of people. In the book, Scout learns something new about the people of Maycomb in each chapter and realizes that people are more than what they perceive to be by interacting with three main characters in the novel, Atticus, Mr. Cunningham, and Boo Radley. In the beginning of the book, Scout’s interpretation of these characters changed throughout the story. At the beginning of the book, Scout’s dad, Atticus, was not like the fun hunting loving father that the other kids had. Atticus was a fifty year old lawyer that didn’t have time or energy to even play football with Scout brother, Jem. Scout felt like she had nothing to brag or be proud of her father about that is shown in this quote, because his daily life was either in the office or into a book. â€Å"If your father was thirty you’d find life quite different†â€Å"It sure would. Atticus can’t do anything†¦. †(Lee 120) Later on in the story, Scout and Jem see a stray crazy dog. Atticus is asked to shoot it. Scout not knowing that her dad was the best shooter in Maycomb had doubts of letting her dad shoot the dog. Atticus shot the dog on the first bullet. â€Å"When we went home I told Jem we’d really have something to talk about at school on Monday. †(Lee 130) Scout’s first impression of her dad in the beginning of the story changed when she found that she could be proud of her father for being the best shooter in Maycomb. Another main character in the novel was Mr. Cunningham who was a farmer and one of Atticus clients. Atticus was also representing Tom Robinson, who was a black man being prosecuted for rape by Bob Ewell. Bob Ewell had gathered a bunch of men to go down to the jail house to kill Tom Robinson. Scout, who was hiding and watching everything from afar, could not recognize any of the men. Later on when she ran through the men to Atticus she then recognized one man, and that was Mr. Cunningham. At the beginning of the novel, Atticus told Scout that Mr. Cunningham was a good honest hard working man that did not take anything from anyone unlike Mr. Ewell. After she realized what was taking place at the jail house and what the men were there to do, she had doubts about Mr. Cunningham being the good man that her father had told her about at the beginning of the novel. Lastly, Boo Radley probably impacted Scout the most in what she learned. At the beginning of the novel, Scout, Jem, and Dill all were curious of the monster that lived at the Radley’s house. He was always kept away and never came out. All kinds of stories about Boo Radley had been told as Scout grew up, made by different people in her community. Scout was so scared of Boo that she would run past his house every time she would pass it. The town would not even eat the fruit off the trees by their house because they believed Boo had poisoned them. It was obvious that Boo Radley had a bad rep in the town. Later on in the story, Scout and Jim find out someone is leaving them things in a tree hole. They start to believe it is Boo, who was leaving it for them, but they are still not convinced that Boo is safe. Later on while Miss Maudie’s house was burning and Scout was watching it from afar, someone had put a blanket on her. They come to the conclusion it was Boo Radley and are confused why he would do so. When Boo Radley had saved them from Mr. Ewell in the last few chapters of the book, it had become clear that Boo was not bad at all but afraid of the outside world beyond his house. Scout’s original perception of Boo Radley was all wrong because of the people she interacted with day to day. In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Haper Lee, Scout learns life lessons through experiences throughout her childhood. Three main characters in this book impacted her life the most. Atticus, Mr. Cunningham, and Boo Radley showed Scout to not judge a book by its cover. Not everyone is who they first perceive to be. Like Atticus said â€Å"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view  until you climb into his skin and walk around in it. †(Lee 30) Atticus was right, Scout did not really know any of these people until she put herself in their place and saw who they really were.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Attitudes to War in Dulce et Decorum est and Drummer Hodge. Essay
Attitudes to War in Dulce et Decorum est and Drummer Hodge. Life wasn't easy for soldiers in the war as Wilfred Owen and Thomas Hardy express strongly in their legendary poems 'Dulce et Decorum est' and 'Drummer Hodge'. Peter Porter writes about the situation people may find themselves in when in, his poem 'Your Attention Please', he describes an announcement concerning a nuclear Rocket Strike. Wilfred Owen died at the age of 25 and was killed seven days before the end of World War 1. He is regarded as one of the most well-known war poets of the 20th Century, having written an astonishing 110 poems. Under the influence of Romantic, early 19th Century poets such as Wordsworth, Keats and Shelley, Owen produced 'Dulce Et Decorum Est' which revealed the truth behind war, the grief and suffering caused. Wilfred Owen wanted to dismiss the idea of romance as a motivation to fight in the war; young men believed that fighting in the war would make them heroes and that girls would be passionate about them. Of course many men didn't have an option in the matter: wives and girlfriends chose not to stay with their man if they didn't fight in the war, so men were forced to join up. The fact that their partner wouldn't stick by them was one reason but if they didn't join the whole society would look down on them with disgrace: they weren't men if they didn't fight for their country. "Dulce Et Decorum Est" speaks about the severe drowsiness of the soldiers on their way back from the front line and the sudden panic caused when the soldiers are hit unexpectedly with a gas attack. The poem begins with a simile, "Bent double, like old beggars under sacks". This indicates the extent of the load the men had to carry with... ...uses similes such as "like a man in fire or lime" where the man is in pain and is struggling to stay alive. Alliteration is used in both Owen and Hardy's poems. Most of Dulce et Decorum est is written in the 1st person perspective but many times it changes to 3rd person. When it's in 1st person it gives us the feeling of reality and truth behind the poem. In conclusion, war brings a great deal of pain and suffering so it shouldn't be under-estimated. Wilfred Owen, Thomas Hardy and Peter Porter all bring across the reality behind war and the torture it brings with it. Personally my favourite out of the three is "Dulce et Decorum est" as I know it's a true account of what happened in the war because Wilfred Owen was a soldier and died in action. I thought this poem contained a lot of discomfort and misery making it more out of the ordinary and authentic.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Conintelpro and Malcolm X Essay
My intention is to do a research paper on a topic which is still a very controversial topic right up until today, the assassination of Malcolm X, and who really played a major part in it. The reason I am so interested in writing on this topic is because the FBI until this very day, refuses to open and reveal documents about his assassination and who was really involved. What are they hiding? I intend to provide evidence that two innocent men went to prison and that there are some who were involved in his murder still walking the streets today. Too many bogus movies and uninformative documentaries have been presented before the public portraying only one viewpoint of this story in order to misinform and deter the public from the truth. Malcolm X was depicted as an advocate of violence which was another lie advocated by The FBI. Both the FBI and CIA refuse to reveal documents pertaining to his death. I will also touch on both assassinations of John F. Kennedy, and Martin Luther King, and why their deaths appear to be very suspect as well. This paper will also focus on J. Edgar Hoover, the first Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, which he transformed into his own secret police force called COINTELPRO (Counter Intelligence Program). J. Edgar Hoover’s main objective was to neutralize any movement or individuals which he felt was a threat to National Security, which in most cases was a product of his own imagination. Even Charlie Chaplin was on Hoover’s list as being suspected of advocating communist propaganda. The sources I will use will be an article from Goodmen Project. com, whatreallyhappened. com, and Cointelpro – the FBI war on political freedom.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Do you agree with Juliet Dusinbierres claim that Renaissance Drama is feminist-in-sympathy?
The Renaissance oversaw a debate that challenged the roles of women. Although, feminism did not exist in Renaissance, there were women in society who struggled to achieve equality with men.1 However, whether Renaissance Drama contains feminist sympathies is controversial. John Webster's The Duchess of Malfi 2and Ben Jonson's Volpone3 are two plays that portray a female struggle for freedom and equality. Yet at the same, both plays show that there were limitations to this freedom and equality as not only were women dominated by patriarchy but also it seems that any women who proved resistant to this and strived to achieve equality were eventually punished for their actions. Webster demonstrates how women struggle to achieve equality and freedom as the protagonist, The Duchess is very dominating and independent. Siobhan Keenan supports this as she argues that â€Å"Webster's portrayal of the Duchess does not conform to either stereotype. The woman that we finally meet in the play is witty, self-assured and sexually knowing.†4Keenan makes a strong argument because , seems that the Duchess in the first half of the play at least is domineering and therefore does not remain the ideal, chaste and virtuous woman that formed the typical feminine stereotype in the Renaissance.5 The Duchess is â€Å"self-assured†6 and domineering by the way that she courts Antonio and marries him, despite defying her brothers, Ferdinand and the Cardinal, and marrying beneath her social class. This is seen in Act 1 Scene 3 when the Duchess says: Shall this move me? If all my royal kindred Lay in my way unto my marriage, I'd make them my low footsteps; and even now, Even in this hate, as men in some great battles, By apprehending danger, have achieved Almost impossible actions (I have heard soldiers say so), So i through fights and threatening will assay This dangerous venture. Let old wives report I winked and chose a husband, Cariola, To thy known secrecy I have given up More than my life – my fame (1:3:48-58)7 The Duchess is independent in the way that she marries Antonio, because unlike the male counterpoint that would usually courts his suitor, the duchess decides to appoint a husband for herself, and therefore in the process challenges patriarchal authority. The duchess challenges patriarchal authority because her description of her brothers as â€Å"her low footsteps†(1:3:50)8 illustrates that she cannot be controlled and that nothing will stand in her way of her marriage. Webster also demonstrates how women are equal alongside men to some extent where the Duchess is concerned because it appears that once the Duchess is married to Antonio, she wields immense control and influence over their relationship. This is seen in Act 3, Scene 2 when Antonio suggests: ANTONIO We'll Sleep Together DUCHESS Alas, what pleasure can two lovers find in sleep? CARIOLA My lord, I lie with her often, and i know She'll much disquiet you . ANTONIO See, you are complained of. CARIOLA For she's the sprawling'st bedfellow ANTONIO I shall like her The better for that (3:2:10-14)9 The Duchess's refusal to sleep with Antonio is significant here because it demonstrates not only that she mainly influences her relationship with Antonio but also that she will control her own sexual life and function as a woman. Jonson's Volpone also demonstrates that there is a struggle for women to achieve equality and freedom, as this is partly seen by the characterisation of Lady Politic-Would-Be and Celia. Webster shows how Lady Politic-Would Be is independent by the way that she likes to express her femininity as she says: Come nearer. Is this curl In his right place? Or this? Why is this higher Then all the rest? You ha' not washed your eyes yet? Or do they not stand even i' your head? Where's your fellow? Call her. (3:4:10-14)10 Lady Politic – Would Be's questioning of her beauty is significant here because it demonstrates that not only is she critical of her own image as a woman but also that she wants to control her own femininity and identity. Jonson also demonstrates to a certain extent through his portrayal of Celia that women are resistant towards men. This is particularly seen in Act 3 Scene 7 when Volpone tries to both seduce and rape Celia: VOLPONE Think me cold, Frozen, and impotent, and so report me? That I had Nestors hernia, thou wouldst think. I do degenerate, and abuse my nation. To play with opportunity thus long. I should have done the Act and then have parleyed. Yield, or I'll force thee CELIA O Just God! (3:7:259-264)11 Celia's adornment of Christian values and religion is used to camouflage her resistance to men to a certain extent. Celia's Christian values and beliefs play an important role in allowing her to prove her resistance because it demonstrates that apart from her husband, she is only responsible to God, and therefore this offers protection and comfort to her.12 Furthermore, both Celia's refusal to â€Å"yield†(3:7:263)13 to Volpone and her cry for help could be viewed as a key turning point in the play. This is because not only is this the first time that a female character resists male authority but also it shows that women do have a voice. Celia's voice could mark a stage in the struggle for female equality because it shows that women are both capable of expressing their identity and silencing patriarchy. However, at the same time, Webster and Jonson also show throughout their plays that there are limitations to achieving female equality. Webster and Jonson both show that patriarchy dominates the lives of women and therefore in doing so provides an obstacle to freedom. Jonson and Webster show how women are dominated by patriarchy by the way that both Celia and the Duchess are viewed as possessions and objects of men. Jonson shows that Celia is viewed as an object of Corvino because she is not allowed to leave her home and is therefore kept isolated from society. This is supported by Michael Stout who has argued that â€Å"Celia is not a character to appeal to feminists for she is dependent on the actions of others. Celia is acted upon, rather than acting freely herself and is at the mercy of the male characters in the play.†14 Stout makes a strong argument here because throughout the play, Celia is largely portrayed typically as the chaste, virtuous and subservient woman who proves to be dominated by her husband and is domesticated. Jonson also shows how Celia is treated as an object of her husband by the way that Corvino tries to sell his wife to Volpone, and therefore likens her to money as he asks â€Å"What is my Gold/The worse for, touching?†(3:7:40-41)15 Corvino's reference to Celia as â€Å"gold†(3:7:40)16 is significant here in demonstrating how women are viewed as property because by situating women in economic terms, it allows men to use and abuse women, and hence enables them to become more prosperous and powerful. In similar fashion, Webster also demonstrates that women are referred to in economic terms and treated as objects, as this is seen in Act 1 Scene 3 w hen the Duchess has a conversation with Ferdinand: DUCHESS Diamonds are of most value, They say, that they have passed through most jewellers' hands. FERDINAND Whores by that rule are precious. (1:3:7-9)17 Ferdinand's description of the Duchess as a form of jewellery that is â€Å"precious†(1:3:9)18 is significant in demonstrating how men try to reduce women to objects. This is because by trying to exert influence and dominance over women in this way; it not only allows men to become more prosperous but also more competitive and prestigious in society. Webster also shows how women never really achieve equality as this is seen by the way that the Duchess is murdered towards the end of the play and does not outlive any of the male characters.19 Although, Webster's play is a tragedy, it is significant that he alters the conventions in choosing a woman as his tragic hero. Webster's choice of a woman for his tragic hero and the Duchess' death in the play is important because it could demonstrate that women never really achieve freedom. Women never really achieve freedom because despite striving to achieve a voice, this ultimately proves too artificial and weak within a society governed and driven by men. Renaissance Drama only contains feminist sympathies to some extent. Although Webster and Jonson in their plays show that women struggle to achieve freedom and equality alongside men, this ultimately proves limited and counterproductive as not only are female characters heavily influenced by patriarchy. However, they are also eventually oppressed and punished for any attempted actions or resistance against this.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Essays on Mounting Tempest
A Mounting Tempest The 1960’s were a period of enormous social upheaval in America. The civil rights movement came to a head, the country itself was on unstable ground because of the Cold War, and the feminist movement began in earnest with the 1963 publication of Friedman’s book, The Feminine Mystique. The traditional roles that men and women had held throughout Western civilization were being shaken. More and more women were working and becoming successful in previously male-dominated fields. The June 23rd edition of The New York Times contains an article about Susan Greenburg Wood, a photographer who was â€Å"one of the few women who (had) succeeded as a photojournalist†at the time. The article praises Mrs. Wood on her rise to the top of a male-dominated field, but is quick to point out that her job has afforded her the opportunity to meet and marry a man. And, lest the readers be confused at her marital status, the author (a woman, by the bye) hastily reassures them that â€Å"once her identity as the wife of Brendan Wood . . . is established professionally, she will drop her maiden name.†This article is a very interesting examination of the clash between the dual roles many women were trying to maintain in 1962: the modern, driven career woman and the feminine, nurturing, traditional woman. Mrs. Wood is surely proud of her accomplishments, but she doesn’t mention them much. She is quoted more about her reasons for enjoying fashion photog raphy – â€Å"What woman isn’t interested in clothes?†– than she is about her serious work. In fact, she downplays her success – â€Å"I’m not terribly job-interested or career-minded†. The article about Susan Wood seems to be apologizing for the fact that she is a successful woman. There are two additional headlines for this article: â€Å"Susan Wood is One of the Few to Succeed in a Man’s World†and â€Å"Freelance Job Leaves Time for Her to be ‘Around Hou... Free Essays on Mounting Tempest Free Essays on Mounting Tempest A Mounting Tempest The 1960’s were a period of enormous social upheaval in America. The civil rights movement came to a head, the country itself was on unstable ground because of the Cold War, and the feminist movement began in earnest with the 1963 publication of Friedman’s book, The Feminine Mystique. The traditional roles that men and women had held throughout Western civilization were being shaken. More and more women were working and becoming successful in previously male-dominated fields. The June 23rd edition of The New York Times contains an article about Susan Greenburg Wood, a photographer who was â€Å"one of the few women who (had) succeeded as a photojournalist†at the time. The article praises Mrs. Wood on her rise to the top of a male-dominated field, but is quick to point out that her job has afforded her the opportunity to meet and marry a man. And, lest the readers be confused at her marital status, the author (a woman, by the bye) hastily reassures them that â€Å"once her identity as the wife of Brendan Wood . . . is established professionally, she will drop her maiden name.†This article is a very interesting examination of the clash between the dual roles many women were trying to maintain in 1962: the modern, driven career woman and the feminine, nurturing, traditional woman. Mrs. Wood is surely proud of her accomplishments, but she doesn’t mention them much. She is quoted more about her reasons for enjoying fashion photog raphy – â€Å"What woman isn’t interested in clothes?†– than she is about her serious work. In fact, she downplays her success – â€Å"I’m not terribly job-interested or career-minded†. The article about Susan Wood seems to be apologizing for the fact that she is a successful woman. There are two additional headlines for this article: â€Å"Susan Wood is One of the Few to Succeed in a Man’s World†and â€Å"Freelance Job Leaves Time for Her to be ‘Around Hou...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Romanticism Comparing essays
Romanticism Comparing essays Snap! Watson steps on the twig, but the mysterious figure does not seem to hear. Sir Arthur Conan Doyles The Hound of the Baskervilles is an excellent example of a Romantic novel because it shows that nature is kind, the settings are obscure and it shows how emotions affect a Romantic novel. The Hound of the Baskervilles is about a murder case of Sir Charles Baskerville. Detective Sherlock Holmes and his assistant Watson are asked to solve the very mysterious murder. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle creates a handful of characters in this novel who are very familiar with nature. One of these characters is a suspect, his name is Mr. Stapleton. A tin box for botanical specimens [hangs] over his shoulder and he [carries] a green butterfly net in one of his hands (Doyle 90). Mr. Stapleton is so devoted to nature and the specimens that live around him, he takes it so far that anyone that crosses his path would hear a long explanation about botanical specimens. Stapleton also has a sister or wife and he teaches her how to love nature as much as he does. My sister is as devoted to Nature as I am (102). Also many incidents in the novel that the other characters show their devotion to nature. Since the tragedy, Mr. Holmes, there [has] come to my ears several incidents which are hard to reconcile with the settled order of nature (30). Nature also helps Mr. Sherlock Holmes in solving his murder case. As it [seems] to me, for Nature to throw before the carr iage of the returning heir of the Baskervilles (77). Nature plays a big part in a Romantic novel because it shows that it helps the people who are kind to it. Examples from the book will help you understand how this novel is an excellent example of a Romantic novel. Nature was not the only thing Doyle writes about. Romantic novels must have obscure settings. Obscure settings are usually different from other novels...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Navigating Amazonland
Navigating Amazonland So, you want to sell your books on Amazon? There is no magic to it, just hard work. Before you bother trying to figure out the secret handshake, Ill tell you what most authors will tell you: First, write a darn good book. If youre an indie author, the next thing you should do is hire a darn good editor, then a professional cover designer, then write an amazing book blurb. Write the kind of blurb that will grab the readers For indies, its all about free. You can create a FaceBook page for your book to build excitement, list your book on Goodreads, make a book trailer and then advertise it on All of these things are free. Keep getting your name out there. You can make an About me page. Get on Twitter. Run contests or give aways on your FB page and on Goodreads. Coax your local papers into running press releases. Chat it up on Kindle Boards. Run an ad inBookbub, or on EReader News Today. All of these ideas will work in your favor, some free, some not. But lets talk free promotion on Amazon. First go to Author Central, a free webpage you can create on the Amazon site. Show the world who you are. Here, readers can see your latest tweet, read your
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