Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Magic number 1089 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Magic number 1089 - Research Paper Example The procedure that yields the number 1089 through calculations bearing three digit numbers involves three basic steps. The first step involves a random selection of a three-digit number, which has the first and last digits having a difference of more than two. Secondly, the digits are reversed, this changes the order of the numbers such that the first one appears as the last and the last as the first. For example, 469 is reversed to become 964. After this, the smaller of the numbers is subtracted from the one that has a bigger value. From the example above it will be (964-469)= 495. Finally, the number obtained in step two is added to its reverse hence generating the number 1089. In our example, 495+593 yields 1089. This procedure yields this number (1089) only given that the three digit numbers used always have a difference of more than two between the first and the last numbers. To unravel the mystery behind the magic behind the mathematical logic we can systematically analyze the calculations. If the three digits in our number are a, b and c respectively; then, we establish the three digit number will be given by (100*a) + (10*b) + c. this means that when the number is reversed, it becomes; (100*c) + (10*b) + a. Engaging the next step in the calculation which involves a subtraction of the biggest number from the smallest (in this case we can use any of the numbers since we are not certain which letters represents the largest number). (100a+10b+c) – (100c + 10b + a) yields 99 (a-c). The logic here is that (a-c) must always be greater than two and definitely not greater than 9. The trick is usually in the predictable numbers that are obtained after the process gets to this level. It is a must that the values of 99 (a-c) should be either 198, 297, 396,495, 594, 693, 792, or 891. Looking carefully at these eight
Monday, October 28, 2019
Pick a Quote from the Book To Kill a Mockingbird Essay Example for Free
Pick a Quote from the Book To Kill a Mockingbird Essay During the depression in Alabama, many people, no matter what race, were encountering hard times. In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Haper Lee, Scout learns life lessons through experiences throughout her childhood. In her community and her household, Scout watches and interacts with all kinds of people. In the book, Scout learns something new about the people of Maycomb in each chapter and realizes that people are more than what they perceive to be by interacting with three main characters in the novel, Atticus, Mr. Cunningham, and Boo Radley. In the beginning of the book, Scout’s interpretation of these characters changed throughout the story. At the beginning of the book, Scout’s dad, Atticus, was not like the fun hunting loving father that the other kids had. Atticus was a fifty year old lawyer that didn’t have time or energy to even play football with Scout brother, Jem. Scout felt like she had nothing to brag or be proud of her father about that is shown in this quote, because his daily life was either in the office or into a book. â€Å"If your father was thirty you’d find life quite different†â€Å"It sure would. Atticus can’t do anything†¦. †(Lee 120) Later on in the story, Scout and Jem see a stray crazy dog. Atticus is asked to shoot it. Scout not knowing that her dad was the best shooter in Maycomb had doubts of letting her dad shoot the dog. Atticus shot the dog on the first bullet. â€Å"When we went home I told Jem we’d really have something to talk about at school on Monday. †(Lee 130) Scout’s first impression of her dad in the beginning of the story changed when she found that she could be proud of her father for being the best shooter in Maycomb. Another main character in the novel was Mr. Cunningham who was a farmer and one of Atticus clients. Atticus was also representing Tom Robinson, who was a black man being prosecuted for rape by Bob Ewell. Bob Ewell had gathered a bunch of men to go down to the jail house to kill Tom Robinson. Scout, who was hiding and watching everything from afar, could not recognize any of the men. Later on when she ran through the men to Atticus she then recognized one man, and that was Mr. Cunningham. At the beginning of the novel, Atticus told Scout that Mr. Cunningham was a good honest hard working man that did not take anything from anyone unlike Mr. Ewell. After she realized what was taking place at the jail house and what the men were there to do, she had doubts about Mr. Cunningham being the good man that her father had told her about at the beginning of the novel. Lastly, Boo Radley probably impacted Scout the most in what she learned. At the beginning of the novel, Scout, Jem, and Dill all were curious of the monster that lived at the Radley’s house. He was always kept away and never came out. All kinds of stories about Boo Radley had been told as Scout grew up, made by different people in her community. Scout was so scared of Boo that she would run past his house every time she would pass it. The town would not even eat the fruit off the trees by their house because they believed Boo had poisoned them. It was obvious that Boo Radley had a bad rep in the town. Later on in the story, Scout and Jim find out someone is leaving them things in a tree hole. They start to believe it is Boo, who was leaving it for them, but they are still not convinced that Boo is safe. Later on while Miss Maudie’s house was burning and Scout was watching it from afar, someone had put a blanket on her. They come to the conclusion it was Boo Radley and are confused why he would do so. When Boo Radley had saved them from Mr. Ewell in the last few chapters of the book, it had become clear that Boo was not bad at all but afraid of the outside world beyond his house. Scout’s original perception of Boo Radley was all wrong because of the people she interacted with day to day. In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Haper Lee, Scout learns life lessons through experiences throughout her childhood. Three main characters in this book impacted her life the most. Atticus, Mr. Cunningham, and Boo Radley showed Scout to not judge a book by its cover. Not everyone is who they first perceive to be. Like Atticus said â€Å"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view  until you climb into his skin and walk around in it. †(Lee 30) Atticus was right, Scout did not really know any of these people until she put herself in their place and saw who they really were.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Attitudes to War in Dulce et Decorum est and Drummer Hodge. Essay
Attitudes to War in Dulce et Decorum est and Drummer Hodge. Life wasn't easy for soldiers in the war as Wilfred Owen and Thomas Hardy express strongly in their legendary poems 'Dulce et Decorum est' and 'Drummer Hodge'. Peter Porter writes about the situation people may find themselves in when in, his poem 'Your Attention Please', he describes an announcement concerning a nuclear Rocket Strike. Wilfred Owen died at the age of 25 and was killed seven days before the end of World War 1. He is regarded as one of the most well-known war poets of the 20th Century, having written an astonishing 110 poems. Under the influence of Romantic, early 19th Century poets such as Wordsworth, Keats and Shelley, Owen produced 'Dulce Et Decorum Est' which revealed the truth behind war, the grief and suffering caused. Wilfred Owen wanted to dismiss the idea of romance as a motivation to fight in the war; young men believed that fighting in the war would make them heroes and that girls would be passionate about them. Of course many men didn't have an option in the matter: wives and girlfriends chose not to stay with their man if they didn't fight in the war, so men were forced to join up. The fact that their partner wouldn't stick by them was one reason but if they didn't join the whole society would look down on them with disgrace: they weren't men if they didn't fight for their country. "Dulce Et Decorum Est" speaks about the severe drowsiness of the soldiers on their way back from the front line and the sudden panic caused when the soldiers are hit unexpectedly with a gas attack. The poem begins with a simile, "Bent double, like old beggars under sacks". This indicates the extent of the load the men had to carry with... ...uses similes such as "like a man in fire or lime" where the man is in pain and is struggling to stay alive. Alliteration is used in both Owen and Hardy's poems. Most of Dulce et Decorum est is written in the 1st person perspective but many times it changes to 3rd person. When it's in 1st person it gives us the feeling of reality and truth behind the poem. In conclusion, war brings a great deal of pain and suffering so it shouldn't be under-estimated. Wilfred Owen, Thomas Hardy and Peter Porter all bring across the reality behind war and the torture it brings with it. Personally my favourite out of the three is "Dulce et Decorum est" as I know it's a true account of what happened in the war because Wilfred Owen was a soldier and died in action. I thought this poem contained a lot of discomfort and misery making it more out of the ordinary and authentic.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Conintelpro and Malcolm X Essay
My intention is to do a research paper on a topic which is still a very controversial topic right up until today, the assassination of Malcolm X, and who really played a major part in it. The reason I am so interested in writing on this topic is because the FBI until this very day, refuses to open and reveal documents about his assassination and who was really involved. What are they hiding? I intend to provide evidence that two innocent men went to prison and that there are some who were involved in his murder still walking the streets today. Too many bogus movies and uninformative documentaries have been presented before the public portraying only one viewpoint of this story in order to misinform and deter the public from the truth. Malcolm X was depicted as an advocate of violence which was another lie advocated by The FBI. Both the FBI and CIA refuse to reveal documents pertaining to his death. I will also touch on both assassinations of John F. Kennedy, and Martin Luther King, and why their deaths appear to be very suspect as well. This paper will also focus on J. Edgar Hoover, the first Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, which he transformed into his own secret police force called COINTELPRO (Counter Intelligence Program). J. Edgar Hoover’s main objective was to neutralize any movement or individuals which he felt was a threat to National Security, which in most cases was a product of his own imagination. Even Charlie Chaplin was on Hoover’s list as being suspected of advocating communist propaganda. The sources I will use will be an article from Goodmen Project. com, whatreallyhappened. com, and Cointelpro – the FBI war on political freedom.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Do you agree with Juliet Dusinbierres claim that Renaissance Drama is feminist-in-sympathy?
The Renaissance oversaw a debate that challenged the roles of women. Although, feminism did not exist in Renaissance, there were women in society who struggled to achieve equality with men.1 However, whether Renaissance Drama contains feminist sympathies is controversial. John Webster's The Duchess of Malfi 2and Ben Jonson's Volpone3 are two plays that portray a female struggle for freedom and equality. Yet at the same, both plays show that there were limitations to this freedom and equality as not only were women dominated by patriarchy but also it seems that any women who proved resistant to this and strived to achieve equality were eventually punished for their actions. Webster demonstrates how women struggle to achieve equality and freedom as the protagonist, The Duchess is very dominating and independent. Siobhan Keenan supports this as she argues that â€Å"Webster's portrayal of the Duchess does not conform to either stereotype. The woman that we finally meet in the play is witty, self-assured and sexually knowing.†4Keenan makes a strong argument because , seems that the Duchess in the first half of the play at least is domineering and therefore does not remain the ideal, chaste and virtuous woman that formed the typical feminine stereotype in the Renaissance.5 The Duchess is â€Å"self-assured†6 and domineering by the way that she courts Antonio and marries him, despite defying her brothers, Ferdinand and the Cardinal, and marrying beneath her social class. This is seen in Act 1 Scene 3 when the Duchess says: Shall this move me? If all my royal kindred Lay in my way unto my marriage, I'd make them my low footsteps; and even now, Even in this hate, as men in some great battles, By apprehending danger, have achieved Almost impossible actions (I have heard soldiers say so), So i through fights and threatening will assay This dangerous venture. Let old wives report I winked and chose a husband, Cariola, To thy known secrecy I have given up More than my life – my fame (1:3:48-58)7 The Duchess is independent in the way that she marries Antonio, because unlike the male counterpoint that would usually courts his suitor, the duchess decides to appoint a husband for herself, and therefore in the process challenges patriarchal authority. The duchess challenges patriarchal authority because her description of her brothers as â€Å"her low footsteps†(1:3:50)8 illustrates that she cannot be controlled and that nothing will stand in her way of her marriage. Webster also demonstrates how women are equal alongside men to some extent where the Duchess is concerned because it appears that once the Duchess is married to Antonio, she wields immense control and influence over their relationship. This is seen in Act 3, Scene 2 when Antonio suggests: ANTONIO We'll Sleep Together DUCHESS Alas, what pleasure can two lovers find in sleep? CARIOLA My lord, I lie with her often, and i know She'll much disquiet you . ANTONIO See, you are complained of. CARIOLA For she's the sprawling'st bedfellow ANTONIO I shall like her The better for that (3:2:10-14)9 The Duchess's refusal to sleep with Antonio is significant here because it demonstrates not only that she mainly influences her relationship with Antonio but also that she will control her own sexual life and function as a woman. Jonson's Volpone also demonstrates that there is a struggle for women to achieve equality and freedom, as this is partly seen by the characterisation of Lady Politic-Would-Be and Celia. Webster shows how Lady Politic-Would Be is independent by the way that she likes to express her femininity as she says: Come nearer. Is this curl In his right place? Or this? Why is this higher Then all the rest? You ha' not washed your eyes yet? Or do they not stand even i' your head? Where's your fellow? Call her. (3:4:10-14)10 Lady Politic – Would Be's questioning of her beauty is significant here because it demonstrates that not only is she critical of her own image as a woman but also that she wants to control her own femininity and identity. Jonson also demonstrates to a certain extent through his portrayal of Celia that women are resistant towards men. This is particularly seen in Act 3 Scene 7 when Volpone tries to both seduce and rape Celia: VOLPONE Think me cold, Frozen, and impotent, and so report me? That I had Nestors hernia, thou wouldst think. I do degenerate, and abuse my nation. To play with opportunity thus long. I should have done the Act and then have parleyed. Yield, or I'll force thee CELIA O Just God! (3:7:259-264)11 Celia's adornment of Christian values and religion is used to camouflage her resistance to men to a certain extent. Celia's Christian values and beliefs play an important role in allowing her to prove her resistance because it demonstrates that apart from her husband, she is only responsible to God, and therefore this offers protection and comfort to her.12 Furthermore, both Celia's refusal to â€Å"yield†(3:7:263)13 to Volpone and her cry for help could be viewed as a key turning point in the play. This is because not only is this the first time that a female character resists male authority but also it shows that women do have a voice. Celia's voice could mark a stage in the struggle for female equality because it shows that women are both capable of expressing their identity and silencing patriarchy. However, at the same time, Webster and Jonson also show throughout their plays that there are limitations to achieving female equality. Webster and Jonson both show that patriarchy dominates the lives of women and therefore in doing so provides an obstacle to freedom. Jonson and Webster show how women are dominated by patriarchy by the way that both Celia and the Duchess are viewed as possessions and objects of men. Jonson shows that Celia is viewed as an object of Corvino because she is not allowed to leave her home and is therefore kept isolated from society. This is supported by Michael Stout who has argued that â€Å"Celia is not a character to appeal to feminists for she is dependent on the actions of others. Celia is acted upon, rather than acting freely herself and is at the mercy of the male characters in the play.†14 Stout makes a strong argument here because throughout the play, Celia is largely portrayed typically as the chaste, virtuous and subservient woman who proves to be dominated by her husband and is domesticated. Jonson also shows how Celia is treated as an object of her husband by the way that Corvino tries to sell his wife to Volpone, and therefore likens her to money as he asks â€Å"What is my Gold/The worse for, touching?†(3:7:40-41)15 Corvino's reference to Celia as â€Å"gold†(3:7:40)16 is significant here in demonstrating how women are viewed as property because by situating women in economic terms, it allows men to use and abuse women, and hence enables them to become more prosperous and powerful. In similar fashion, Webster also demonstrates that women are referred to in economic terms and treated as objects, as this is seen in Act 1 Scene 3 w hen the Duchess has a conversation with Ferdinand: DUCHESS Diamonds are of most value, They say, that they have passed through most jewellers' hands. FERDINAND Whores by that rule are precious. (1:3:7-9)17 Ferdinand's description of the Duchess as a form of jewellery that is â€Å"precious†(1:3:9)18 is significant in demonstrating how men try to reduce women to objects. This is because by trying to exert influence and dominance over women in this way; it not only allows men to become more prosperous but also more competitive and prestigious in society. Webster also shows how women never really achieve equality as this is seen by the way that the Duchess is murdered towards the end of the play and does not outlive any of the male characters.19 Although, Webster's play is a tragedy, it is significant that he alters the conventions in choosing a woman as his tragic hero. Webster's choice of a woman for his tragic hero and the Duchess' death in the play is important because it could demonstrate that women never really achieve freedom. Women never really achieve freedom because despite striving to achieve a voice, this ultimately proves too artificial and weak within a society governed and driven by men. Renaissance Drama only contains feminist sympathies to some extent. Although Webster and Jonson in their plays show that women struggle to achieve freedom and equality alongside men, this ultimately proves limited and counterproductive as not only are female characters heavily influenced by patriarchy. However, they are also eventually oppressed and punished for any attempted actions or resistance against this.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Essays on Mounting Tempest
A Mounting Tempest The 1960’s were a period of enormous social upheaval in America. The civil rights movement came to a head, the country itself was on unstable ground because of the Cold War, and the feminist movement began in earnest with the 1963 publication of Friedman’s book, The Feminine Mystique. The traditional roles that men and women had held throughout Western civilization were being shaken. More and more women were working and becoming successful in previously male-dominated fields. The June 23rd edition of The New York Times contains an article about Susan Greenburg Wood, a photographer who was â€Å"one of the few women who (had) succeeded as a photojournalist†at the time. The article praises Mrs. Wood on her rise to the top of a male-dominated field, but is quick to point out that her job has afforded her the opportunity to meet and marry a man. And, lest the readers be confused at her marital status, the author (a woman, by the bye) hastily reassures them that â€Å"once her identity as the wife of Brendan Wood . . . is established professionally, she will drop her maiden name.†This article is a very interesting examination of the clash between the dual roles many women were trying to maintain in 1962: the modern, driven career woman and the feminine, nurturing, traditional woman. Mrs. Wood is surely proud of her accomplishments, but she doesn’t mention them much. She is quoted more about her reasons for enjoying fashion photog raphy – â€Å"What woman isn’t interested in clothes?†– than she is about her serious work. In fact, she downplays her success – â€Å"I’m not terribly job-interested or career-minded†. The article about Susan Wood seems to be apologizing for the fact that she is a successful woman. There are two additional headlines for this article: â€Å"Susan Wood is One of the Few to Succeed in a Man’s World†and â€Å"Freelance Job Leaves Time for Her to be ‘Around Hou... Free Essays on Mounting Tempest Free Essays on Mounting Tempest A Mounting Tempest The 1960’s were a period of enormous social upheaval in America. The civil rights movement came to a head, the country itself was on unstable ground because of the Cold War, and the feminist movement began in earnest with the 1963 publication of Friedman’s book, The Feminine Mystique. The traditional roles that men and women had held throughout Western civilization were being shaken. More and more women were working and becoming successful in previously male-dominated fields. The June 23rd edition of The New York Times contains an article about Susan Greenburg Wood, a photographer who was â€Å"one of the few women who (had) succeeded as a photojournalist†at the time. The article praises Mrs. Wood on her rise to the top of a male-dominated field, but is quick to point out that her job has afforded her the opportunity to meet and marry a man. And, lest the readers be confused at her marital status, the author (a woman, by the bye) hastily reassures them that â€Å"once her identity as the wife of Brendan Wood . . . is established professionally, she will drop her maiden name.†This article is a very interesting examination of the clash between the dual roles many women were trying to maintain in 1962: the modern, driven career woman and the feminine, nurturing, traditional woman. Mrs. Wood is surely proud of her accomplishments, but she doesn’t mention them much. She is quoted more about her reasons for enjoying fashion photog raphy – â€Å"What woman isn’t interested in clothes?†– than she is about her serious work. In fact, she downplays her success – â€Å"I’m not terribly job-interested or career-minded†. The article about Susan Wood seems to be apologizing for the fact that she is a successful woman. There are two additional headlines for this article: â€Å"Susan Wood is One of the Few to Succeed in a Man’s World†and â€Å"Freelance Job Leaves Time for Her to be ‘Around Hou...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Romanticism Comparing essays
Romanticism Comparing essays Snap! Watson steps on the twig, but the mysterious figure does not seem to hear. Sir Arthur Conan Doyles The Hound of the Baskervilles is an excellent example of a Romantic novel because it shows that nature is kind, the settings are obscure and it shows how emotions affect a Romantic novel. The Hound of the Baskervilles is about a murder case of Sir Charles Baskerville. Detective Sherlock Holmes and his assistant Watson are asked to solve the very mysterious murder. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle creates a handful of characters in this novel who are very familiar with nature. One of these characters is a suspect, his name is Mr. Stapleton. A tin box for botanical specimens [hangs] over his shoulder and he [carries] a green butterfly net in one of his hands (Doyle 90). Mr. Stapleton is so devoted to nature and the specimens that live around him, he takes it so far that anyone that crosses his path would hear a long explanation about botanical specimens. Stapleton also has a sister or wife and he teaches her how to love nature as much as he does. My sister is as devoted to Nature as I am (102). Also many incidents in the novel that the other characters show their devotion to nature. Since the tragedy, Mr. Holmes, there [has] come to my ears several incidents which are hard to reconcile with the settled order of nature (30). Nature also helps Mr. Sherlock Holmes in solving his murder case. As it [seems] to me, for Nature to throw before the carr iage of the returning heir of the Baskervilles (77). Nature plays a big part in a Romantic novel because it shows that it helps the people who are kind to it. Examples from the book will help you understand how this novel is an excellent example of a Romantic novel. Nature was not the only thing Doyle writes about. Romantic novels must have obscure settings. Obscure settings are usually different from other novels...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Navigating Amazonland
Navigating Amazonland So, you want to sell your books on Amazon? There is no magic to it, just hard work. Before you bother trying to figure out the secret handshake, Ill tell you what most authors will tell you: First, write a darn good book. If youre an indie author, the next thing you should do is hire a darn good editor, then a professional cover designer, then write an amazing book blurb. Write the kind of blurb that will grab the readers For indies, its all about free. You can create a FaceBook page for your book to build excitement, list your book on Goodreads, make a book trailer and then advertise it on All of these things are free. Keep getting your name out there. You can make an About me page. Get on Twitter. Run contests or give aways on your FB page and on Goodreads. Coax your local papers into running press releases. Chat it up on Kindle Boards. Run an ad inBookbub, or on EReader News Today. All of these ideas will work in your favor, some free, some not. But lets talk free promotion on Amazon. First go to Author Central, a free webpage you can create on the Amazon site. Show the world who you are. Here, readers can see your latest tweet, read your
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Merger or Acquisition Case Study (Report) Essay
Merger or Acquisition Case Study (Report) - Essay Example On the other hand, if the organization feels it is not performing up to the expected levels, and needs some pep up from external forces, then also they can merge with or acquire company, which is also â€Å"sailing in the same boat†and thus facing the same issues. Thus, M&A can be both a successful strategy and at the same time survival strategy, aiding the organizations in the short as well as in the long run. Immediately it can fulfill the short term targets, and in the long run, probably after five years, it can satisfy each entities long term goals. So, this paper focusing on the merger of AT&T and BellSouth will first discuss the stated aims of that deal and the extent to which these aims have been fulfilled or being fulfilled. AT&T Inc is USA’s largest fixed telephony as well as mobile telephony provider. AT&T has reached its present status, after going through a series of break-ups and mergers. The original AT&T was divided in 1983 as a result of the United Stat es vs. AT&T antitrust suit, and Southwestern Bell Corporation (SBC) came into existence as the newer version of AT&T. Then in 1995, SBC changed its name to SBC Communications Inc. Then, finally in 2005, SBC Communications Inc. became AT&T Inc. ... One of the main aims of this acquisition by AT&T is to create a ‘super-sized’ AT&T, with largest customer base. In case of mergers and acquisitions, in particular acquisitions, the aim of the acquiring company is to further expand its size, operations, reach, etc, by absorbing all the resources of the acquired company. Likewise, in the case of AT&T, it is already a major corporation, while BellSouth was a middle player. Thus, AT&T wanted to further accentuate its size, reach and importantly customer numbers, and this acquisition of BellSouth provided the needed leverage and the numbers. The other associated aim of the acquisition is to control more than half of the telephone as well as internet broadband lines in USA. This way, it also wanted or aimed to beat their competitors. Competition is part of every business, and only if the concerned organization comes up with effective and sometimes â€Å"out of the box†strategy, it can beat off the competition. Thus, th is way AT&T can beat of its competitors like Verizon, Comcast, etc. With Verizon close on its heels, AT&T wanted to accumulate a customer base, which will be ahead of Verizon and other competitors. So, its aim to garner half of the total telephone and internet lines also pushed it to acquire BellSouth. Apart from these AT&T centric aims, the acquisition was also carried out with another aim of propping up Cingular Wireless, the mobile telephony wing. Even before the acquisition, both AT&T and BellSouth only managed Cingular’s operations, but without an single administrative setup. So, both AT&T and BellSouth through the acquisition process aimed to create a more efficient Cingular Wireless. Firstly, the merger
Leadership in organisations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Leadership in organisations - Essay Example It is the former who make a major contribution to the society. Leadership skills are required in every field irrespective of the nature. Leadership in organizations has been a topic of interest for many researchers and scholars over the last century. There is immense research that has gone into finding what qualities differentiate the leaders from the rest and why leadership is important to an organiztaion. Organizational leadership is very important for an organization. It is these leaders who account for the majority of the success of the organization. In spite of the research that has gone into organizational leadership, there are various questions unanswered. This report is a research proposal for carrying out further research in the filed of organizational leadership. 1.1 Suitability of Researcher for the Research Leadership has always excited the researcher and understanding leadership has turned into a passion. The researcher has read about the topic intensely and has been ins pired by the various leaders such as Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., Winston Churchill, etc. The researcher has been amazed by these leaders ability to command respect from the followers and lead them to a better life. The researcher would like to take this opportunity to officially study his/her passion through this research. The researcher has been following the developments in the filed prior to the idea of conducting an academic research on the topic. 1.2 Research Question The effectiveness and usefulness of a research primarily depends on the depth and accuracy of a research question. Research question addresses the scope of the research. Research question tries to find answers and for new questions about the research subject for further research or investigation (Lester, 1986). In a deductive approach the researcher makes an assumption or theory and then tries to prove his or her theory with the help of the research findings and data. On the other hand, in an inductive approac h the researcher uses practical findings and research results to derive a hypothesis. The research question needs to be apt and to the topic. Research question must not be too elaborative or too restrictive. Too elaborative research question would not be very useful to drive the point and it would be more of an explanation than a question. Too restrictive research question might not cover the scope of the research. The research question must be designed in such a way that it compels for an answer. Research question must not address any insignificant issues and divert from the core of the subject. Hence, the researcher must frame the research question with lot of care in such a way that it focuses on the core issue and compels for an answer. The purpose of this research is to study leadership in organization and throw new light on the topic. The research will be targeted in understanding how leadership makes an impact on the organization. It addresses the popular question of how lead ers and managers are different. Even though there has been a lot of debate over the above question, the researcher intends to bring in a new dimension to the debate. The various styles of leadership will be addressed and studying further. Researcher is of the view that leaders have qualities of entrepreneurs. An entrepreneur is definitely a leader who leads his company or organization to success and greater heights. But what researcher
Friday, October 18, 2019
Job Satisfaction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Job Satisfaction - Essay Example (1) Job satisfaction of the employees, and retaining them has become a growing concern in business organizations with the need to be more competitive, as a result of the growing globalization being witnessed. This stems from the belief that satisfied employees tend to be more productive, creative, and committed to the organization. There is evidence from the field of healthcare that job satisfaction among employees tend to make the healthcare organization more competitive in a market noted for its high rate of competitiveness. This competitiveness is through the improvement in quality and cost-effectiveness of satisfied employees. (2) Any discussion on job satisfaction needs to take into consideration the positive and negative factors of job satisfaction. According to Hezberg et al 1959, the positive factors known as motivators are achievement, recognition, the job responsibilities itself, and advancement opportunities. Negative factors known as hygiene factors include supervisors, fellow workers, company policy, workplace environment, and personal life. These findings of Hezberg et al were supported by studies conducted at the workplace, where workers were asked to present their perspectives of critical incidents that had occurred, but this remained the only manner in which the theory was supported. Wall et al in 1971, on the basis of confidentially collected data from workers, found that ego-defensive processes were responsible for the findings of Hezberg et al. These processes led to good events being the result of one’s own achievements, and bad events the due to the failings as a result of others. Thi s led to the general discarding of the Hezberg et al theory. However a subsequent study conducted in 1971, and as reported by Argyle, found relevance in the theory of Hezberg et al. This research on joy in workers found that while achievement was important, relationships
Representatives of American Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Representatives of American Culture - Essay Example The choice of design and color for the flag tells a story in itself. The blue and red colored flag with prominent stripes and stars represent the union of fifty states spanning the North American landscape. Beyond this basic symbolism, the flag has been associated with the nation’s progress in science and technology. For example, when Neil Armstrong and his colleagues in NASA successfully landed on the moon, it was the planting of the American Flag which served as the token purpose of the mission. At that time, the world was divided in two as a result of the Cold War. (Jolene & Couper, 2003, p.328) The flag also represented the country in its military endeavors. Irrespective of political conditions and arenas of conflict, the flag has always been at the forefront of American military operations going back to the Declaration of Independence (Goode, 2002, p.13). At the same time, it has been used by American citizens to express their dissent. For example, the mass demonstrations that followed American participation in the Vietnam War saw instances of flag burning. The same kind of protestation against American government’s policies is being repeated at present with respect to the issue of invasion of Iraq. In this case, it is an expression of dissent. It will not be an exaggeration to state that the American people are obsessed with the flag. (Jolene & Couper, 2003, p.328) Disney world is a relatively recent entrant into the collective consciousness of American people. While it was started by Walt Disney to be an amusement park for children, gradually it had metamorphosed into a recreational center for the entire family. A lot can be discerned by studying what it offers to visitors. The most famous of its mascots, the Mickey Mouse, is a household name in America. The numerous animated cartoons produced by Walt Disney Incorporation, including a few iconic series, are a rite of passage
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Does music play a central role in the Goth scene Essay
Does music play a central role in the Goth scene - Essay Example Elsewhere goth is described in terms of an identity that is counter-culture and goes against the grain of popular society. It chooses deliberately to be unpopular and to go its own way in terms of self-development, fashion, music, and other key lifestyle aspects, including the choice of friends and activities (Urban Dictionary 2014; Williams 2006). Meanwhile, from the point of view of the rest of society, goth, the goth scene, and goth subculture tend towards the fringe and dark side of things. This is the case in fashion and in elements of popular culture such as music. That said, the mainstream seems to have mixed reactions towards Goth, with many seeing goth as a benign and a valid way for teenagers and disaffected youth to define themselves and their group (Gold and Cuda 1999). While simple definitions abound, modern day contexts for Goth and the Goth scene seem to indicate that Goth identity and the elements of Goth are fluid and are continuously evolving. There is the assertion in Daniel and Desantis (2013) that Goth as a movement of counterculture owes its staying power to the lasting appeal of its aesthetic, which is not death but persistent non-death. Goth seems to thrive by going against the mainstream. The emphasis is ongoing against what mainstream society prescribes in terms of activities, what to do, and fashion, what to wear, among other things. Moodiness and an inclination towards the dark and lonely side of things is a pervasive emotional atmosphere. This moodiness is what outside society sees from the outside looking in. As subculture, meanwhile, Goth has within it elements relating to the free expression of sexuality, defining artifacts and features that include certain fashion and musical preferences as described above (Daniel and Desantis 2013; Fereday n.d.; Wilkins 2004; Hodkinson 2005; Tumblr 2014; Smith 1997). Music too comes up inevitably in discussions of Goth, as a key
Comparing and contrasting functionalist,marxist and feminist Essay
Comparing and contrasting functionalist,marxist and feminist perspective on religion - Essay Example Religion refers to those socially shared ways of thinking, feeling, and acting that have to do with the supernatural or "beyond" (Zanden 371). For Shepard, Religion is a unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things (388). The theorists like Marx Weber, Karl Marx and Emile Durkheim have different views on Religion. Emile Durkheim presented his functionalist perspective of religion in his work The Elementary Forms of Religious Life (Thio 385). He emphasized that religion functions to preserve social order. Every religion possessed both rituals and moral norms (Ibid). By way of rituals, people sanctify and renew their bonds to one another. Their beliefs in the sacred and acceptance of common norms are strengthened. Thus, religion binds the society and maintains it (Ibid). As a whole, functionalist theorists direct their focus on the contributions the religion has made to the survival of the society. Functionalists argue that the role of religion is to preserve the s tatus quo rather than to promote social change. They agree that religion is a beneficial conservative force because it maintains consensus, binds people together and promotes social order. They however see it as having a positive influence, whereas the Marxist view is somewhat more negative in its outlook. ("The Different"). The essential function of religion was to provide through sacred symbols a mirror for members of society to see their common unity. Through its system of beliefs, religion offers an explanation of the nature of social life (Shepard 391). The conflict theorists on the other hand, as represented by Karl Marx viewed religion as producing an otherworldly focus that diverts the oppressed from seeking thisworldy social change (Zanden 382). Marx viewed it is an expression of human alienation and an illusion. It is a form of false consciousness and as a tool of the powerful in the struggles between competing social class ( Robertson 405). It is the "sigh of the oppresse d creature, the heart of the heartless world, the soul of the soulless circumstances. It is the opium of the people" ( Thio 385). Marx considered it as a profound form of human alienation because people tend to lose control over the social world they have created resulting to a situation where they find themselves alien in the hostile social environment (Robertson 405). This is because people shape social institutions expecting that the same will serve their needs yet find themselves to be the servant of the institutions they created (Zanden 382). Conflict theorists have taken a new perspective on the relationship between religion and social change. They view it not as a passive response to social relations of production but as an active force shaping the contours of social life (Ibid 383). Marxist argue that religion is a mechanism for social control- (as does functionalism), religion maintains the existing system of exploitation, and reinforces class relationships and inequalities . Further, Marx argued that religion dulls the pain of oppression by: 1) Promising a paradise of eternal bliss in the after life, 2) By often making poverty tolerable by offering heaven as a reward for they're suffering c) By giving the hope of supernatural intervention to solve the worlds problems and d) Justifies social order/hierarchies- by saying that poverty is divinely ordained as a punishment for sin ( "The Different"). .Feminists on one hand agree with Marxists to the extent of religion acting as an instrument of domination and oppression but not for the ruling class but for men. They believe people live in a patriarchal society. Radical feminists during the 1970's and 1980's view religion primarily as patriarchal ideology regardless of the different forms in which it appeared (Newman, "Feminist"). They found that there exists a relationship between religion and politics. The male controlled institution, such as religion defines women as subordinate to men and are used to
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Does music play a central role in the Goth scene Essay
Does music play a central role in the Goth scene - Essay Example Elsewhere goth is described in terms of an identity that is counter-culture and goes against the grain of popular society. It chooses deliberately to be unpopular and to go its own way in terms of self-development, fashion, music, and other key lifestyle aspects, including the choice of friends and activities (Urban Dictionary 2014; Williams 2006). Meanwhile, from the point of view of the rest of society, goth, the goth scene, and goth subculture tend towards the fringe and dark side of things. This is the case in fashion and in elements of popular culture such as music. That said, the mainstream seems to have mixed reactions towards Goth, with many seeing goth as a benign and a valid way for teenagers and disaffected youth to define themselves and their group (Gold and Cuda 1999). While simple definitions abound, modern day contexts for Goth and the Goth scene seem to indicate that Goth identity and the elements of Goth are fluid and are continuously evolving. There is the assertion in Daniel and Desantis (2013) that Goth as a movement of counterculture owes its staying power to the lasting appeal of its aesthetic, which is not death but persistent non-death. Goth seems to thrive by going against the mainstream. The emphasis is ongoing against what mainstream society prescribes in terms of activities, what to do, and fashion, what to wear, among other things. Moodiness and an inclination towards the dark and lonely side of things is a pervasive emotional atmosphere. This moodiness is what outside society sees from the outside looking in. As subculture, meanwhile, Goth has within it elements relating to the free expression of sexuality, defining artifacts and features that include certain fashion and musical preferences as described above (Daniel and Desantis 2013; Fereday n.d.; Wilkins 2004; Hodkinson 2005; Tumblr 2014; Smith 1997). Music too comes up inevitably in discussions of Goth, as a key
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Explain the significance of time-to-market and how this can be Essay
Explain the significance of time-to-market and how this can be enhanced - Essay Example The concept of time to market is very important for any company or organization. A decreased time to market is good for a company because it makes the sales of the company’s products go high, whereas increased time to market makes a company less competitive. If a company does not pay attention to the significance of the time to market concept, it results in decreasing the overall productivity and profitability of the company, which ultimately makes the company less productive in nature. Generation of revenues is directly related to the time, which a product takes from its development to its availability in the market. Reduction in the time to market of new products and services increases the revenues for a company, whereas delay in the time to market of new products and services not only results in decreasing the revenues but also increases the costs of development. Reduced time to market also increases the productivity for a company. If a company brings its products in the ma rket before any other company brings the same product in the same market, it results in increasing the productivity of the company because the product will be new for the customers and they will like to buy that product which will increase the demand for the that product.
Monday, October 14, 2019
COMPUTERIZED SYSTEM Essay Example for Free
COMPUTERIZED SYSTEM Essay Systems techniques are tools used in the analysis, design, and documentation of system and subsystem relationships. They are largely graphical (pictorial) in nature. Systems techniques are used by accountants who do systems work. Documentation includes the following types of tools: Narratives (written descriptions) Flowcharts Diagrams Other written material For this subject, we only need to discuss two (2) of the most common documentation tools: Data flow diagrams Graphical descriptions of the sources and destinations of data. They show: Where data comes from How it flows The processes performed on it Where it goes Include three types: Document flowcharts describe the flow of documents and information between departments or units. System flowcharts describe the relationship between inputs, processing, and outputs for a system. Program flowcharts describe the sequence of logical operations performed in a computer program DATA FLOW DIAGRAMS A data flow diagram (DFD) graphically describes the flow of data within an organization. It is used to: Document existing systems Plan and design new systems There is no black-and-white approach to developing a DFD. Data sources and destinations Appear as squares Represent organizations or individuals that send or receive data used or produced by the system An item can be both a source and a destination Data flows Appear as arrows Represent the flow of data between sources and destinations, processes, and data stores As you probably surmised(GUESS) from the previous slides, if a data flow is two-way, use a bi-directional arrow.If two data elements flow together, then the use of one data flow line is appropriate.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Grapes of Wrath Essay: Steinbecks Political Beliefs -- Grapes Wrath e
The Grapes of Wrath and Steinbeck's Political Beliefs    Steinbeck's relationship to the transcendentalists [Emerson, Thoreau, and Whitman] was pointed out soon after The Grapes of Wrath appeared by Frederick I. Carpenter, and as the thirties fade into history, Jim Casy with his idea of the holiness of all men and the unreality of sin seems less a product of his own narrowly doctrinaire age than a latter-day wanderer from the green village of Concord to the dry plains of the West.  Although Steinbeck argues for collective action to achieve specific goals, only the most unperceptive critics continue to argue that he is a collectivist in either philosophy or politics. Throughout his work he decries the mindless indoctrination of the totalitarians and maintains that only through reflection upon his bitter experience can learn the value of acting in concert with others for the relief of emergency conditions -- like the flood at the end of The Grapes of Wrath -- so that the individual may subsequently be free to realize his own potentialities. Nothing better illustrates Steinbeck's concept of social organization than the pictures in Chapter Seventeen of The Grapes of Wrath of the world that is created each night a people come together, and disappears the next morning when they separate.             In reference to the government camps in The Grapes of Wrath, Steinbeck never suggests that these camps should offer more than temporary relief during emergencies; he never suggests that the government should provide work for the people. We must recall, too, the camp manager's comment that the people in the camp had taken his job away from him by assuming responsibilities for self-government. Steinbeck's approval ... ... the question: How can any form of government avoid playing a continual role in the shaping of people's lives, whether directly or indirectly?       Simply to prove that Steinbeck was not a socialist, a rather easy task these days thanks to the work of Steinbeck scholars in the 60s and 70s, does not mean that he was a conservative bastion of American individualism and an opponent of "big government." Such a portrait of Steinbeck is as inaccurate as the socialist portrait French and Lisca exposed.   Works Consulted French, Warren. A Companion to The Grapes of Wrath. New York: The Viking Press, 1963. Hawgood, John A. America's Western Frontiers. New York: Alfred P. Knopf, 1967. Jones, Evan. The Plains States. New York: Time Life Books, 1968. Steinbeck, John. The Grapes of Wrath. New York: The Sun Dial Press, 1939.  Â
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The Physics of Cooling Techniques :: thermodynamics physics refrigerator
There are many reasons for wanting to cool things, but whatever the reason, the Second Law of Thermodynamics dictates that cooling something will take effort (sorry, no spontaneously cool sodas). Different techniques have been developed to address this issue, each having its own limitations and ideal uses. The most commonly used method of cooling is with vapor-compression cycles, because it is fairly easy to construct a cooling device employing this method and the cost is low. In fact, conventional refrigerators use this method of cooling to keep your leftovers and drinks chilled! Air conditioners also employ a vapor-compression cycle to cool the ambient air temperature in a room. Basically, vapor-compression refrigeration employs a heat engine run backwards, so heat energy is taken from a cold reservoir and deposited into a hot reservoir. By the Second Law of Thermodynamics, heat energy does not spontaneously transfer from a cold to a hot reservoir. In order to have heat transfer in that direction (and not from from hot to cold, as the system is naturally inclined to do), it is necessary to do work on the system. Vapor-Compression Refrigeration Cycle This refrigeration cycle is approximately a Rankine cycle run in reverse. A working fluid (often called the refrigerant) is pushed through the system and undergoes state changes (from liquid to gas and back). The latent heat of vaporization of the refrigerant is used to transfer large amounts of heat energy, and changes in pressure are used to control when the refrigerant expels or absorbs heat energy. However, for a refrigeration cycle that has a hot reservoir at around room temperature (or a bit higher) and a cold reservoir that is desired to be at around 34Â °F, the boiling point of the refrigerant needs to be fairly low. Thus, various fluids have been identified as practical refrigerants. The most common include ammonia, Freon (and other chlorofluorocarbon refrigerants, aka CFCs), and HFC-134a (a non-toxic hydrofluorocarbon). Stages of the Vapor-Compression Refrigeration Cycle The Vapor-Compression Refrigeration Cycle is comprised of four steps. The conceptual figure of the process shows the PV changes during each part. Part 1: Compression In this stage, the refrigerant enters the compressor as a gas under low pressure and having a low temperature.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Certainty and Doubt Essay Essay
William Lyon Phelps and Bertrant Russel have conflicting views regarding the importance of certainty and doubt. Phelps position is that having certainty in oneself allows you to accomplish impossible tasks. While Russel believes it is healthy to have a certain amount of doubt in oneself and that people should not only believe in any one philosophy. Both Russel and Phelps make good points on the relationship between doubt and certainty but a combination of the two would be the most helpful. You should always have certainty when it comes to your own capabilities, but doubt is useful when forming your own beliefs and when it comes to others beliefs. Having certainty in yourself is the only way to have the confidence and drive to reach your goals. You cannot be confident if you are not certain in what you believe in or what you are capable of achieving. This is true for most athletes or dancers. My dance coach always says that you have to go out on the floor with confidence, when you are confident you seem certain in what you are doing even if you do it wrong. This certainty and confidence can lead to personal success or a team’s success. It shows that the most powerful way to have confidence is to trust your capabilities and that you know what you are doing. Russell’s views on doubt will create a well-rounded view when added to this. Especially in science when doubt must be included at all times. Scientist and doctors have a hard time proving there theories or ideas true, they have to rewrite and improve these theories many times over even if they are right or leaning in the right direction. Doubt also allows someone to view issues or ideas through the eyes of others. When you think differently than someone it opens up a discussion that could lead to doubt on one side of the argument. Doubt allows you to think critically about situations and see all perspectives of a discussion or theory. When it comes to the relationship between certainty and doubt they are both equally important.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
British policies that have taken place since the end of the Second World War
In this essay I am going to be looking at British policies that have taken place since the end of the Second World War. The government have used a mixture of private and public welfare up until today; I am going to be looking into what ideologies influence the policies that have been put into place. Also throughout the essay I will explain how ideologies and policies have an effect on certain social groups in society. The term ideology is the ideas and beliefs of an individual or a group about how the world should be. There are lots of different political ideologies; the main two I will be looking into are Liberalism and social reformism. However both of these ideologies overlap with Marxist and conservative views which I will look at broadly. The first ideology I am going to look at is Social reformism also known as social democracy. This emerged from the late 1800’s and was set up from the trade unions and non conformist churches such as Methodist in Britain. This ideology has very strong values in helping and supporting people who are worse off than their selves. They believe that the government has a duty to look after the worse off in society, and they try to do this through the welfare state. They believe that democratic change is the way forward to succeeding in society, this usually means voting will be used to determine what changes are made. Social reformism believes that the government should interfere with the running of society and that the large industries should all is state owned. Another one of their ideas is for everyone to have equal opportunities, also a part of this is the belief that if you have a big income that you should be taxed according to this. Read also Analyze the Ways in Which British Imperial Policies This means that the rich will be getting taxed more than the poor which will mean the money will be put into the state to help the worse off, to help everyone become more equal and have equal chances in life. The second ideology I am going to look at is Liberalism which is the philosophy of john Locke, Adam smith and John Stuart Mill. This ideology mainly started in the 1600’s as a movement against the power of the monarchy however became more dominant in the 1800’s. The Liberalists stand for freedom and protection of people’s rights and equality between everyone. Liberalists believe that the government should have none or very little involvement with the running of society. This includes limiting the state owned businesses and government powers over industries. From a economics point of view Liberalism believes that we should have a free market and free enterprise over the world. They encourage free trade so much in order to move forward towards being a more successful capitalist society. Liberalism does not want the state involved in the economy ect, as they believe it works best without any political input from the government. However as the liberalists believe in the protection of human rights they accept input in policing, courts, and the military as these are provided to protect individuals. The next ideology I’m going to look briefly at is Marxism also known as socialism. Marxism was first introduced by Karl Marx who believed in having a classless society in the 1600’s. Marxists believed that there were two main groups who were relevant in making the economic system worked. He called them the Bourgeoisie who are the owners of industry, and the proletariat who are the working class.Ap World History Units 1-3 Study Guide The Marxist idea is that the owners of industry exploit the working class to make as much profit out of them as possible. The Marxists notice this and have a view that a revolution should take place which would let the working class rise against the ruling class. Marxists believed that the state should be fully involved in society such as owning industries, and have control over health care, housing and a good welfare system to ensure everyone has equal opportunities at having a good life and a good standard of living. The last ideology that was mainly used was conservatism which emerged at the time of the French revolution 1789. Conservatism has a very traditional approach and believes in maintaining the status quo or having very little slow change. This ideology believes that the class system in our society works. They believe that having an upper class, middle class and working class is a functional way to live. They believe that we should be able to help the poor but not too much that they get dependent on societies input into helping them. In 1939 was the beginning of World War 2, where Britain took place in one of the toughest wars known to history. The war affected everyone in the country as individuals, businesses and families. Neville Chamberlain was the Prime minister of Britain at the beginning of World War 2, however in 1940 Chamberlain decided to resign and Winston Churchill became Prime Minister. Post war governments throughout 1945-1975 steered the economy and all the political parties to continue and to further support the welfare state. This time is also known as the kaynesian and Beveridgian period. William Beveridge was a social reformist who was asked to carry out a a report which was released in 1942. He believed that the government should pay to provide basic welfare, and take responsibility for helping the unemployed and people in poverty. In his report he said that the government should be able to tackle the â€Å"5 evil giants†Which are Want, Disease, Ignorance, Squalor and Idleness. The Beveridge report is such an important part of history because the Beveridge report helped produce the welfare state. Kaynes was an economist which argued that in times of recessions the government should invest into the economic system to help create jobs for people. This would be a good idea because as people now have jobs they will then be able to pay their money slowly back into the economy. However when the economy is booming the government should be able to have the power to be able to slow down the economy by introducing more taxes, this is so people don’t demand more goods as this may lead to inflation. Around the time just after the war there were a lot of social reformist approaches. Firstly The National Health Service Act (1948) was introduced. This act was established to give people a right to a free health service and free medical treatment for everyone. However when this Act was first mentioned GP’s were not fond of the idea and didn’t want to join. However this Act has affected many people throughout Britain For years such as Working Class Families. This Act has given them the opportunity to have free health care where as they may not have been able to afford medical treatment before which means we as a country are saving more lives through the NHS. The next Act i am going to look at is the National Insurance Act (1946). At this stage when the Act was first introduced everyone had to pay into it (employer, employee, and the government) which entitles you to sick pay and a pension. The next Act was the Children’s Act (1948), this gave the government responsibilities for looking after children in Britain and having the main power for the Childs Protection . Throughout 1946-1948 housing Acts were also introduced to help people get a better living standard. Between 1950-1975 we currently had nationalised industries. This meant that the government owned most of the large industries such as Coal, gas and electric. Within this time period the government also decided to get rid of the Grammar schools which meant also scrapping the 11+ exam and introduce comprehensive schools, which was also a social reformist idea. However they did decide not to abolish private schools which meant this also had a sense of a conservative approach. This is because keeping the private schools is only keeping the class difference the same of if anything making the gap larger. In the late 1970’s family income support was introduced. This policy was pretty much the same as working tax credits however this meant that your income was supplemented to a good living standard. This was introduced to try and not let people get into the poverty cycle, people went through a means testing processes which the government believed was done very fairly and reached out to help a lot more people who were struggling or maybe not entitled to the original benefit. From 1979-1997 lots of changes were being made to society when the conservatives where in power. Margret Thatcher a conservative, re introduced a Liberalist approach into society. Even though Thatcher stood for the conservative party she introduced a lot of Liberalist ideas into the policies between 1979 and 1997. This idea of a new liberalist approach was known as The New Right. Thatcher believed that the state was being used too much and was too involved in people’s lives. This era is known as the welfare break up, as Margret Thatcher was very Anti welfare state and in favour for lowering the income tax. Thatcher decided to start De nationalising industries because she believed they were inefficient and there were way too many people employed. The railway, coal, BT and parts of the NHS were a few industries which where effected who were put into the hands of the private sector rather than the government meaning a lot of people loosing their jobs which is also a Liberalist approach. At this time the conservatives also tried to cut the welfare benefits; however did not successes with this due to the government worrying about riots because unemployment was at its highest at 4million which would leave a lot of people fending for them selves. However slight changes were made to the welfare system where they cut 16-18 year olds being able to get welfare benefits. This was because they wanted too push teenagers to go and get a job or go into education, this is where the government intruded the youth training system to help young people. In 1997 Labour won the election by a landslide victory making Tony Blaire MP. In the 1980’s before Labour were elected socialists argued with social reformists within the labour party. This made some of the MP’s leave the labour party who chose to create a social democrat party, which has now formed into the Liberal democrat party. He also decided to change the name to ‘New Labour’ as apposed to ‘Old Labour’ as they had removed some of their socialist ideology. They came up with an idea of a ‘third way approach’, this meant that they were able to take bits of ideologies and put them together to win votes. One example of this is labour not changing some of the privatisation of the NHS which would win over voters from more of a conservative background. Through 1997-2010 there were lots of policies introduced by the Labour government. Some of the policies took a very Liberalist approach and some took a Social reformism approach. I am firstly going to look at the policies which were introduced by social reformism under Labour government. The first Policy i am going to look at is the National Minimum wage. This was introduced so that people were able to only sell their labour for a good standard amount of money. This is also to helps people (especially working class) not to fall into poverty as they will be guaranteed a ‘liveable’ wage. The minimum wage has changed since it was first brought in, as the minimum wage now stands at ?6. 08 for workers over the age of 21. Also to be re introduced was Working family tax credits, which Labour increased the amount of money people where able to get to supplement their income which reached out to working class families to help them have a better standard of living. The government were also very fond of trying to tackle child poverty. They did this by injecting money in to schools in low income areas to help the children get a better education in that area, and also supplying children with after school clubs and breakfast clubs to help families struggling financially. Another major policy brought in by Labour is Job seekers allowance. This was introduced to help people get back into work and to support them financially whilst doing so. Most of these policies introduced by social reformism under Labour government are there to help families with low income living in low income areas. Labour also had policies which were introduced by Liberalism. Firstly Labour continued to slowly de nationalise industries and introduce agencies to run the government department. Therefore this Liberalist view is mostly advantaging the Upper/middle class. This is because if Labour are still privatising parts of the welfare state for example social care the working class are going to be unable to pay for these services due to low income. Gordon Brown was elected for Labour in 2007 where Britain fell into a economical crisis. He then went to nationalise the banks which meant the government had to buy shares or all parts of the banks to ensure they didn’t go under, which is a socialist idea. In 2010 the Coalition government came into power which consisted of the Liberal democrats and Conservatives. There aims for Britain are to be able to reduce government spending by cutting back on the welfare, education and local government services which is based on Liberalist Ideology. Up to the present day to day Britain is still struggling to get back on its feet after the recession however things are improving.
Bulgaria Economy Essay
Alongside the north coast of Black Sea, the Bulgarian state was first founded in 635 A. D with the Slav and Bulgar peoples. Between the year 893 and 927 the first Bulgarian Kingdom was established which is known as the â€Å"Golden Age†in the history of Bulgaria. In the early 20th century social and political disorders blemished Bulgaria and forced the country to participate in the First Balkan War in 1912 and then in the Second Balkan War in 1913. Bulgaria also took a part in the World Wars first by associated with the Central Powers and then with the Axis Powers. In the beginning of the Second World War, the country united with the Germany, but towards the end of the war it changed its position for fighting with the German troops that resulted in the killing of 30,000 Bulgarian soldiers. Communism came forward and materialized dominantly in the political environment of the country in 1944 when the Soviet soldiers entered into the territory of Bulgaria and the Axis power crushed in the Second World War. Gradually the country turned as the protectorate of the Soviet Union during the era of Cold War. With dethrone of Todor Zhivkov, thethen head of the Communist Party of Bulgaria, democratic change took place in the country. In 1991 the first egalitarian parliamentary elections occurred in Bulgaria. In 1992 the country experienced its first ever direct presidential elections. Bulgaria, which comes out through the agonizing struggle and trouble of communism, faced various social disorder and economic turmoil that ultimately ended with the huge economic and financial crisis in the period of the late 1996 and the early 1997. However, the economy of Bulgaria came back to the stabilizing path with a series of reforming initiatives taken by Ivan Kostov, the former prime minister of the country. (Background Note: Bulgaria, November 27, 2009). Overtime, Bulgaria has gradually emerged as a market-driven economy from an old command economy. In 1996, the country experienced major economic crises in the form of banking system disorder, depreciation of currency, reduction of production as well as foreign trade. Dwindling foreign exchange reserves and significant increase in rates of interest further aggravated both the burden of domestic debt and growth of the country. Within a period of one year gross domestic product dropped by almost 11% in 1996 while it experienced a 2% increase in 1995. In the late 1996 privatization model was accepted, but the privatization of the public sector industries declined. During this period the IMF disbursed almost $580 loan to Bulgaria. But the country failed to augment its structural reform process. This lack of progress of Bulgaria insisted the IMF to postpone the loan sanctioned to the country. For avoiding needless spending and huge inflationary pressure, the IMF proposed to form a currency board to renovate the confidence of the country. In this case Mr. Ivan Kostov (UDF), the former Prime Minister of Bulgaria, who got the crown in 1997, played the leading role to launch the ambitious reform programs. With such initiatives the currency board was set up on July 1, 1997 to bring back the stability and growth in the economy of Bulgaria. The outcome of the formation of the currency board was seen by the fall in inflation rate. While the rate of inflation was a three digit number in 1997, it was slashed to 1% in 1998. A decrease in the inflation rate, a decrease in interest rate and an increase in the foreign investment were followed by the formation of the currency board. The government of Bulgaria also assured to sell off some of the assets of the country. Though the country faced a 7. 4% drop in its GDP in 1997, it expected the GDP to bounce back in 1998 to an estimated level of 2%. The government of Bulgaria also took some other initiatives like achieving the success of land reform policy, the process of privatization and the reform of the banking system, etc. as its other prime objectives. The government of Bulgaria has taken the steps to provide a strong and sustainable growth in the GDP of the country by learning the lessons from the fall of GDP in the years 1996 and 1997. For reducing the level of unemployment and sustaining the growth of production of the economy, Bulgaria has taken all the required steps from time to time. The governments have taken the necessary measurements to reduce the level of both the individual and the corporate taxes, curb the corruption and draw the flow of foreign investment into the country. The government of Bulgaria has also taken the steps to restructure the foreign debt policy of the country, restore and stimulate the stock market and aggravate the process of privatization of the some of the major state monopolies. All such steps of the country have led the European Commission to declare that Bulgaria is â€Å"Functioning Market Economy†in October 2002 as its main economic policy. (Background Note: Bulgaria, November 27, 2009). All the successive governments have maintained such reform and ultimately Bulgaria has taken the membership of the European Union in 2007. A World Bank report suggests that Bulgaria has been able to draw the maximum levels of flow of foreign direct investment among all the nations of Eastern Europe as a percentage of GDP in 2006. The government of Bulgaria has brought down the rate of corporate tax to 10% in 2007 to magnetize the additional flow of foreign capital in the country. Such a corporate tax rate has been reported as the lowest rate in the whole Europe. The cost of domestic labor has also dropped through the legislation of the flat personal income tax level of 10% in January 1, 2008. To enhance the stability in local economic functioning, the Bulgarian parliament has taken the policy of fiscal decentralization for the municipalities so as to provide them the power of collection and supervision of some taxes. Such a step was taken by responding the increasing demand for independence of financial procedures of the local governments of the country. The achievement of the country towards the restructure of its fiscal policies and tax reforms, however, somewhat wiped out by the recent global financial crisis and economic turmoil that started from the middle of 2007. Such a worldwide global dwindling phase has forced the Bulgarian economy to be trapped by the vicious circle of recession at the end of 2008 after experiencing a prolonged 10 years steady growth. The effect has been seen in the mounting household debt and the increased rate of unemployment in the country. In this situation the government has responded by taking an â€Å"anti-crisis†strategy for strengthening fiscal recovery and promoting economic stability. To increase the power over the funds of the European Union, the government has also given its commitment. Such governmental steps are also expected to fight the crime and the corruption in the Bulgarian economy in an organized way. (Economy in Bulgaria, n. d. ). Let us look at some of the basic statistics which are very helpful to assess the present economic structure of the Bulgarian Economy and its overall development. It is a known fact in the history of mankind that the identification of the goals of economic development has not been properly done by human. (Todaro and Stephen, 2009, p 16) The Bulgarian economy has been designated as an economy with an upper and middle income nation by the World Bank. Though in the recent past the country has exhibited a steady trend in its growth, it is one of the least developed nations of Europe. The economy of Bulgaria heavily dependent on the industrial sector, but in recent past the service sector has also contributed to the growth of the country’s GDP. Petroleum, copper, gold, coal, beverages and tobacco, fruits, electronic tools and items, vehicle machineries, nuclear fuel, iron, construction items, sunflowers, wine, barley, etc. , are some of the major products of the country. From 1996 to 2008, over a period of 12 years, the country has able to maintain a growth of 6% and more. The huge inflow of foreign direct investment in the country has helped it to maintain such a significant rate of growth. However, the latest global recession has adversely affected the country on its export sector as well as on its capital inflow. This in turn has affected the growth of the country. The GDP of the country has fall to 5% in 2009. In terms of purchasing power parity, the GDP of Bulgaria has dropped to $90. 54 billion in 2009 from the level of $95. 1 billion of 2008. In terms of absorption of the work force of the country, the agriculture sector contributes 7. 5%, whereas industry contributes 27. 6% and service sector contributes 64. 9%. According to the estimation of 2009, the total work force of the country is 2. 63 million. The share of unemployed population in 2009 stands almost 9. 1% in the total working population. The corrupted system of public administration, feeble judiciary system and the increasing criminal activities has led almost 14. 1% of the population of Bulgaria to live their lives below the poverty line and under a greater hardship. (Bulgaria Economy, n. d. ). The estimated per capita GDP of the country has dropped to $12,600 in 2009 from the level of $13,100 in 2008. The estimated percentage of GDP of the country in agriculture, industry and services sector are 7. 5%, 27. 6% and 64. 9% successively. The estimated level of unemployment of Bulgaria has risen to 9. 1% in 2009 in comparison with 6. 3% in the previous year 2008. Total estimated gross investment in 2009 of the country is 28. 6% of GDP. The estimated amount of public debt has risen to 21. 4% of GDP in 2009 from the level of 14. 1% in 2008. The growth rate of industrial production in 2009 has been estimated as negative and stands at -14% of GDP. The estimated foreign exchange reserve and gold has also dropped to $16. 49 billion on December 31, 2009 from the level of $17. 93 billion on December 31, 2008. In response to the unfavorable effect of the global financial turmoil on the economy of Bulgaria, the government has taken many steps to strengthen the economy. Such governmental initiatives are supported by various statistics. The estimated public debt of Bulgaria has dropped to 21. 4% of GDP in 2009 as compared to the 14. 1% of the year ago. Estimated rate of inflation in terms of consumer prices has also decreased to 2. 7% in 2009 from that of 12. 3% in 2008. The prime lending rate of the central bank of Bulgaria has been increased to 10. 86% in December 31, 2008 from that of 10% in December 31, 2007. The stock of domestic credit has increased to $32. 04 billion in December 31 which was $17. 03 billion in December 31, 2007. (Bulgaria Economy 2010, February 8, 2010). According to the latest available data as published by Nation Master, the external debt of Bulgaria has increased to $3488 million which is a very high amount. In terms of Gini index, which is the measure of degree of inequality in the distribution of family income, the country has been ranked as 103rd out of 133 nations in case of its equal distribution of family income. (Economy, 2010). For analyzing the socio-economic structure and development issues of Bulgaria we should study the basic education system, healthcare system, urbanization process and migration and the strategies of the country to develop the economy in the presence of corruption. The minority communities of Bulgaria are protected by many international instruments according to the 1991 new Bulgarian constitution. Such a constitutional structure has established the superiority of the international law over the national law of Bulgaria. Such international norms and regulations have made the basic principles of the legislation of the country through which the government of Bulgaria is able to control and adjust the common rights of its citizens who vary across the languages of their respective communities, religions and cultures. However, there are many problems in the country associated with the minorities. Such problems are not only related with the cultural or religious variations but also basically with the economic and social values of the citizens. (Karasimeonov, n. d. ). The government of Bulgaria is very concerned to respect its citizen’s human right. In past, there were, however, some problems in many areas. The citizens who were the member of minority population of the country were suspected by the law enactment officials. The prisoners were also mistreated and misbehaved. The degree of arbitrary arrest, police violence and exploitation were very common in the country. The prevalence of corruption and other problems associated with the system led the judicial structure of the nation to suffer greatly. The press was also restricted to freely expose the views. In Bulgaria there were also many barriers on some of the religious groups of the nation. They were strictly deterred to present their cultural and religious outlooks. Communal harassment was very common in the country. Social discrimination between the men and women was very high and the violence against the women was vastly prevalent in the society. The increasing problem of child labor in the country have also setback the economy of Bulgaria. Throughout the ruling of all the political organizations in Bulgaria, corruption and crime has remained the basic concerning factors of all the governments. To fight against the corruption and to increase the awareness of its citizens, the government of Bulgaria has formed the inter-ministerial anticorruption commission in 2002. To combat against corruption though the Bulgarian government has taken various methods, the European Union, however, has argued that the country is still facing many problems associated with the presence of corruption in the economy. The Union has recommended for the requirement of rehabilitated efforts to tackle such advanced and sophisticated corruption. (Corruption and Anti-corruption Policy in Bulgaria, 2002, pp 102-104; Bulgaria, February 28, 2005). The education system of Bulgaria is basically national in nature, but also affected significantly by foreign controls. In the 19th century the educational system of the country was highly motivated and influenced by the impact of Soviet Russia. The influence of Western Europe and the American educational culture are also significant on the overall educational environment of Bulgaria. However, to bring the country’s educational system in the line of Western European process of education the educational system of Bulgaria has been reformed. With such initiative to reform the educational system of the economy, Bulgaria has supported the agreement with the European Union. (Bulgaria- Educational System- overview, 2010). Development is the concept of freedom of human. The Human development index consists of the status of health, education and the income (Todaro and Stephen, 2009, p 19-21). The Human Development Index of Bulgaria is . 808 which has given it the rank of 55 among the 178 nations. (Economy 2010). In the early 20th century the proportion of residents who lived in the cities with their counterparts who lived in the villages were merely 20 percent. In 1945 the proportion has increased to almost 24 percent and at the end of 1990 it has been seen that more than 6 million people resided in the cities while less than 3 million population of Bulgaria resided in the villages. Such a change in demographic movement is well enough to argue that Bulgaria has experienced the pace of urbanization with the passage of time. Since almost 66% of Bulgarian migrants has relocated in the same states of the country, so there has not been seen any sharp decline in the regional population ratio. The demographers, however, are very concerned over the decline of the population of the villages. They are very concerned over the skewed distribution of population towards the cities. The 1990 democratization activities have raised many debates over the issue of agricultural privatization program of the government. (Curtis,1992). References: 1) Todaro, P, M and S, C, Stephen (2009), â€Å"Economic Development†, Pearson Education Limited, 10th Edition, England. 2) â€Å"Background Note: Bulgaria†(November 27, 2009), Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs, U. S. Department of State. Available at: http://www. state. gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/3236. htm Access On: May 18, 2010 3) â€Å"Economy in Bulgaria†(n. d. ), World66 Available at: http://www. world66. com/europe/bulgaria/economy Access On: May 18, 2010 4) â€Å"Bulgaria Economy†(n. d. ), EconomyWatch Available at: http://www. economywatch. com/world_economy/bulgaria/ Access On: May 19, 2010 5) â€Å"Economy†(2010), Bulgaria, Europe, NationMaster. com Available at: http://www. nationmaster. com/country/bu-bulgaria/eco-economy Access On: May 19, 2010 6) â€Å"Bulgaria Economy 2010†(February 8, 2010), Countries of the World. Available at: http://www. theodora. com/wfbcurrent/bulgaria/bulgaria_economy. html Access On: May 19, 2010 7) Karasimeonov, G, (n. d. ), â€Å" The constitutional Rights of Minorities in Bulgaria†Available at: http://www. cecl. gr/RigasNetwork/databank/REPORTS/r9/BU_9_Konstantinov. html Access On: May 20, 2010 8) â€Å"Corruption and Anti-corruption Policy in Bulgaria†(2002), Open Society Institute Available at: http://info. worldbank. org/etools/antic/docs/Resources/Country%20Profiles/Bulgaria/OpenSocietyInstitute_CorruptionBulgaria. pdf Access On: May 20, 2010 9) â€Å"Bulgaria†(February 28, 2005), Bureau of Democr
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Goals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Goals - Essay Example There is something strongly helpful in writing one’s goals. It does not simply help an individual to remember his goals but it also aids in his focus towards his visions. Having pointed that out, it is my desire to do the same, to write my life goals, understanding as Goddard did, that I have also my limitations which can only be minimized by focusing on the goals that I set for myself. As Goddard said, â€Å"I set up a blueprint of goals so that I would always have something to work for†(22). Due to the limitation of space, I will discuss only four of my most important goals which include my aim to get into the soccer team this year, travel all of the 50 states of America, complete my college education in two years instead of three and to establish my own business company that I will expand to other countries. One of my passions is sports and so it would really be a good thing if I can become a part of the soccer team in school this year. Team sport does not simply help me physically but also mentally and socially. Therefore, I plan to stay fit and competitive in the field of soccer so I would be able to achieve this goal. I will exercise at least two hours a day, concentrating more on improving my agility and endurance because I believe these are important qualities for a soccer player. Of course it is also a part of my duty to have good grades so that I will not be disqualified due to academic incompetence. Thus, I need to concentrate also in my studies, submit all necessary requirements on time and read a lot. As I continue to exercise my brain and body, I will enlist in the soccer team and practice well with the team to ensure my entry. I plan not to miss any practices because I believe that every meeting is important and there are always new things or insights that I could learn from the coach and the other players. Since I have other goals in mind, I want to achieve this goal this year. As a student of Business Administration, my eyes are set on
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Case study and Virtual Negotiation between Law Firms for solving the Essay
Case study and Virtual Negotiation between Law Firms for solving the issues - Essay Example This suggests that the Mary was not technically an employee of the charity as she was responsible for the payment of her national insurance and income tax. It is also however, important to note that just paying the national insurance and income tax by the employee does not automatically term the employee as the self employed. This also depends upon who decides the work and what are the terms and conditions of the contract and some other factors.2 One of the key contractual issues arising out of this case therefore would be to make a decision on determining the employment of the employee and her contractual relationship with the employer. This is probably the key element in the case. Length of the Contract and legal status of employment Document D01 outlines that the contract for employment was from September to July which totals to one year of services with the current employer i.e. You Can. According to document D08B, Mary has in fact accepted the offer to renew her contract and as such both the employer and the employee are in contractual agreement to honor each other’s commitment. ... conditions mentioned in document D1 therefore You Can may significant legal challenge in this regard. As such, You Can made an offer to renew the contract of Mary which was duly accepted and therefore is binding on You Can to honor different conditions and obligations stipulated in the contract. You Can also failed to properly terminate the contract despite the fact that a Marry clearly indicated her intentions to take a break from teaching during the session. This should therefore be viewed from the perspective of forming a contract between two parties and legal obligations arising under the contract. There are different conditions under which the overall status of the employment of a person is decided as to whether a person is a self employed or an employee. Most importantly, it is critical to assess as to who directs the work under the circumstances and how the employee is paid. It is important to note that You Can actually directs the work however, Mary is not paid regularly as s he is only contracted to do a part time job of once a week. Accordingly, first condition may entitle Mary as a employee of the charity however, since she is not paid regularly therefore she may not claim that she is an employees. It is also important to note that rights given to en employee under the contract are always in addition of the rights given under the law of the land. As such rights such as paid holidays etc should also be given to the employees and employers are obliged to complete this condition. However, it is important to note that contract in DO1 clearly outlines that Mary may not be entitled to some entitlements under the contract which may be in direct conflict with
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Business Research Individual Work 1 Week 8 Essay
Business Research Individual Work 1 Week 8 - Essay Example Lastly, there was the stratum for the 100 taxi drivers in each of the major company who were to be interviewed. Random sampling was used in each of the strata mentioned above for example for choosing the countries, cities, taxi companies and lastly for the taxi drivers. There was no specified order for choosing any of the categories above and hence an assumption that the interviewers chose the kth item in each stratum is used. This sampling method not only simplifies the whole sampling method in the large population as well as reduces the expenses of having to travel to different places or collect unnecessarily large information. The fact that there are diverse drivers also makes the information collected generalizable (Zikmund, Babin, Carr and Griffin, 2012). The population in this case study was the taxi drivers because they were the ones whose information was being sought and who formed the basis for the whole research. However, in order to get the information from the taxi drivers but ensure the information was generalizable as well as was accurate and reliable, it was necessary to work harder. The taxi drivers had to be found in different countries which meant not only choosing the countries but the cities as well. Since the number of interviews to be conducted were many, it was necessary to find a taxi company with large number of drivers than the provided approximate of 100 drivers in each company so that they can be randomly chosen. The sample in the case was the number of the taxi drivers in each major taxi company which is 100 specified in the case study. The 100 taxi drivers were declared the sample because they were the ones who were to participate directly in the interviews for the research being carried out. The sampling method as mentioned above is the stratified sampling technique which is under the probability sampling methods because it is purely based on probability and not on judgment of the
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Cross cultural management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2
Cross cultural management - Essay Example Every country has a different culture, cultural values, and beliefs. These traits are visible in society and organizations and determine how transactions are carried out. Overcoming these differences in a new business environment is important to the overall success of the business. Cross-cultural management is involved in overcoming these cultural differences. To successfully conquer the Western market, it has numerous principles to follow for success. The article points to the difference in levels of customer service in the two markets. Americans are used to the high quality of customer service thanks to firms like Apple. Asian companies making their entry into the Western markets are not able to match these levels of customer service. Moreover, the article also argues that Western shoppers concerned about the layout of Chinese websites such as Alibaba. Perhaps reflective of the Chinese business streetscape, Alibaba's online platform has a cluttered store fonts and layouts, whereas Western shoppers are more used to minimalist layouts in online platforms. It is, therefore, evident that proper techniques in cross-cultural management will determine Alibaba's success in Western  and other foreign â€â€markets. To illustrate differences between the West and China, I will use Hofstede's six cultural dimensions. Hofstede's adopts a problem-solving approach that is pragmatic in culture management. Hofstede defines culture as a "collective programming of the mind, which distinguishes the members of one category of people from another".
Friday, October 4, 2019
Analysis of Doves Real Beauty Sketches campaign Essay
Analysis of Doves Real Beauty Sketches campaign - Essay Example The second set of portraits were more beautiful than the first ones. The video became extremely popular in social media because it revealed that women were more critical of their beauty than were others. While the campaign received widespread praise, some also criticized it for making beauty a central part of women’s self-identity and self-esteem. The following analysis discusses the marketing concepts at work in these praises and criticisms. Social Media Marketing The video was viewed more than 14 million times within a week of its launch (Dan, 2013). This level of reach is a testament to the growth of online and social media marketing. Social media marketing through platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube empowers consumers by allowing them to share and comment on the marketing message. According to Tuten (2008), social media helps to impart a personality to brands which helps to differentiate a brand from others. Shareability of marketing content has been facilitate d by the integration of various platforms. Such integration has been achievable because of the Web 2.0 technology (Zarrella, 2010). Evans (2010) explains that marketing through social media creates a deeper sense of engagement with the consumer and develop a two-way relationship with the brand. For instance, Dan (2013) states that he was alerted about the video through his Facebook page. This can also be related with viral marketing through which content reaches a worldwide audience as viewers share it with members of their social networks. Media Planning The choice of platform also reflects the importance of effective media planning by which Dove was able to ensure that the campaign was rolled out to reach the target audiences around the world. According to Funk (2012), YouTube is the most appropriate brand for visual brands such as fashion and lifestyle brand. According to this view, Dove made an appropriate choice of media platform. Secondly, Kelley and Jugenheimer (2008) argue t hat ethnic diversity and geography impact media planning decisions. This supports the initial launch of the campaign in English speaking countries. Role of Market Research Dan (2013) also reveals that the campaign was based on market research findings, thus helping to illustrate the importance of reliable market research for successful marketing campaigns, particularly in international markets (Craig and Douglas, 2005). According to the research used by Dove, only 4 percent of women believe they are beautiful. Dove uses this research to reach out to the 96 percent of women and convince them that they are beautiful. Emotional Branding Another aspect of the campaign is the emotional nature of the content. Gobe (2013) explains that effective consumer interaction is based on feelings and senses. The Dove campaign explores the insecurity women experience when it comes to physical beauty. Travis (2000) explains that greater trust between the brand and consumer is created through emotional branding. The campaign also shows how the looking-glass theory works by showing how women view themselves critically in response to societal pressures and norms (Boone and Kurtz, 2013). The emotional impact is further heightened by the use of testimonial advertising where the women share their thoughts and feelings with the viewer, where the spokesperson adds authenticity to the advocacy role (O’ Guinn, Allen and Semenik, 2009). Perception and Self-Reflection Perception and self-reflection play an important part in consumers’ interpretation of their behaviours (Koekemoer, 2004). The campaign shows how women perceive themselves in terms of beauty. The campaign attempts to promote the concept of real beauty by showing that women are more beautiful
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