Saturday, August 31, 2019
Albert Bandera
Albert Bandura has made great contributions to the field of learning and cognition. His finding formed the foundation of modern social learning theory. Bandura studies were base on observational learning or modeling (2013). He believed that people learn by observing others, such behaviors, but not necessary by imitating or mimicking (2013) For example if you see a friend slipping on the wet floor, you would go around to prevent from slipping like your friend. Observing behavior is a form of information a person obtains, a process of learning to later recover when need it. It incorporates the basic principles of learning like attention, memory and motivation. Albert Bandura Bobo Doll experiment set principles on social learning. Through this experiment he observed 33 children, boys and girls. These children were then divided into 3 groups, each group watch a different ending of the video. The video was of a woman beating a Bobo Doll; she beat up the doll, threw it across the room, kicked it, and called it names. She was very aggressive towards the doll for no apparent reason. The first group watched a video that showed the person beating the doll receiving a reward after the behavior. Second group watched the person being punished for the behavior, and the third group watched the video with no consequences (2013). After watching the video the children were presented to a bobo doll just like the one in the video. All 33 children reacted aggressively towards the doll. The aggression varied on what video each children watched. The children that watched the person being rewarded were more aggressive; the aggression decrease with the children that watched the person being punished and aggression was neutral with those that watch the video with no consequence (2013). In conclusion to this study, Bandura explain the influence of observational learning. First is attention, in order for a person to learn he or she needs to pay attention, be focused (2013). If there is distraction the observational learning process will have a negative affect. For example a dancer learning a new step, while the dance master is howing a new step, Silvia notices her crush walk-in the dance room. Instead of paying attention to the new step, her attention is elsewhere. Second is retention, is the ability to store the information a person learns through observing, he or she obtains the information to later act on it (2013). Third, reproduction, which is the process of practicing on what the person learns from observing, likes performi ng the behavior. For example; after the dancer learns a new step by observing the dance master, she then practice the behavior, in this case is the new dancing step. Last is motivation, for a person to act the behavior learned after observing he or she has to be motivated. Reinforcements and punishments are actually important role in the process of motivation. For example, lets take Silva the dancer, she makes sure to learn the right steps to the dance routine because if she does the dance master will defiantly picker her to be at the show to perform the dance. Albert Bandera social learning theory has become popular in todays society, like entertainment, education, and especially in the media such as advertising. Bandura did not like how the media would use the observational learning theory because it was mostly used to show negative or violent behaviors that people would learn (2013). Fox example alcohol or cigarette companies use media to advertise their product. These companies use attractive models like role models that todays society look up to or are considered to be â€Å"cool†. Society watches these advertisements, they become amuse some act the behaviors, such as smoking or drinking because they think is the â€Å"cool†thing to do especially the youth. Albert Bandura theory brought great contribution to the psychology field, observational learning or modeling has very concepts process, but if you think about it is really just common sense. Observational learning or modeling would be use more for children because they have not yet developed right from wrong (2013). Is also away that a parent or just any adult can know how to act a certain way around children, because a child behavior always reflects his or her parent or role model.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Earthquake Shaker
Would earthquakes of similar magnitudes in different populated regions of the Earth cause approximately the same levels of damage? In your discussions, consider both geologic and human-induced factors. The amount of damage caused by an Earthquake does not solely depend on the magnitude of the Earthquake. Factors such as population, geographic location, soil type, and the type of building material commonly used for construction in a region determine the extent of damage caused. If an Earthquake strikes a densely populated region, then life loss and property damage will be high.If an Earthquake of a similar or even higher magnitude strikes a region with a relatively low population, then life loss and property damage will be lower. The 6. 4 Richter scale Earthquake (1993) in the State of Maharashtra, India and the 8. 3 Richter scale Earthquake (2006) in Kuril Islands, Japan are examples that come to mind. With stone houses and a population of over 2 million, the Earthquake in Latur left nearly 8,000 people dead and brought as many as 30,000 houses to the ground.In contrast, Kuril Islands, with a population of just 17,000 and better disaster preparedness mechanisms, was able to get away with no loss of human life ,despite the fact that the Earthquake was much higher in magnitude when compared to that of Latur. References: http://latur. nic. in/html/earthquake. htm http://www. drgeorgepc. com/Tsunami2006Kurils. html 2) How are faults, foci (plural of focus), and epicenters related? Faults that are experiencing no active creep (relatively consistent yet minor movements) may be considered â€Å"safe. Rebut or defend this statement with what you have learned so far about faults. The points in the lithosphere of Earth where fracturing originates are called foci. In other words, foci are the points at which energy-release takes place. Foci are also termed as hypocenters. Large fractures inside the Earth’s crust are called faults. Typically, news reports talk abou t epicenters when they are reporting an Earthquake. As large fractures inside Earth’s crust begin to shift, there is a release of energy inside Earth, right at the displacement (focus) point.An epicenter is nothing but the point on the surface of Earth that lies directly over the focus. It is not true that faults experiencing no active creep are safe. Fault creep refers to slow rock movement arising out of the application of constant stress over a prolonged period of time. A fault creep is a slippage that occurs alongside a fault. A fault creep may produce a small earthquake that can be detected through a seismometer. An active creep zone is one in which the most significant of displacements are likely to take place.Current absence of active creeps neither means that there is no fault creep at all, nor that there will not be any movement in future. A currently inactive fault could become active in future and cause an earthquake, so safe is not a term that one can always assoc iate with the absence of an active creep. 3) At one time it was thought that the deep-ocean trenches at subduction zones would be a good place for disposal of high-level radioactive waste. Why is this not a good idea?Explain what can happen at a subduction zone and what might occur if the waste were buried there. (Hint: see oceanic-continental convergence. ) Over the years, different options have been considered as suitable permanent repositories for disposing high-level radioactive waste. The intent has been to find a way of permanently isolating high-level nuclear waste from the environment used by humans. It is true that at one point in time, subduction zone trenches in deep oceans were a good option for disposing high-level radioactive waste.It was thought that sticky mud and clay at trenches in deep-open subduction zones could be ideal places to bury high-level radioactive waste. It was assumed that radioactive waste canisters deposited in such places would slowly leak, only to be bound by sticky mud and clay for several millions of years. It was expected that burying high-level radioactive waste inside a subduction zone of a deep-ocean would gradually carry waste into the mantle of Earth.Today however, this approach is not a matter of serious consideration because of the technical considerations that are in play, legal restrictions associated with Law of the Sea, and the fect that leakages could lead to widespread contamination. The fact that oceanic-continental convergence helps create geologic formations and sustain many active volcanoes of Earth mean that contamination can be a serious threat when considering the burial of high-level radioactive waste in subduction zone trenches of deep oceans.
Leading Change in an Organization Essay
Abstract The reality of change is that it is likely to occur in personal life and business. In order for an organization to confront the realities of change, effective leadership is essential. Leadership is critical to the success of any change initiative. There are many forms of leadership that each come with a variety of personality traits, this paper will discuss leadership characteristics believed to be necessary to successfully manage change in organizations for the next decade and how to use Kotter’s change model to implement successful change management. Change in simply defined as â€Å"to make something different†, according to Mr. Neryl East, the author of â€Å"Change –What it is and what it isn’t†(East, 2007). Change management is the process that an organization uses to respond and adapt to change in order to improve its effectiveness and ensure continued success (Leban & Saban, 2008). Leadership is critical to the success of any change initiative in an organization. Quality leadership characteristics are equally important to the success of an organization. When good leadership is in place in an organization, it can be felt throughout the entire organization. When good leadership exists, positive corporate culture is not forced, it is developed (Mills, 2005). Leadership is defined as a process by which one person influences the thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors of others (Leban & Stone, 2008). Leaders set a direction for everyone else and they help the people around them see what lies ahead; they help their followers to visualize what might be achieved and they encourage and inspire. Without leadership it is likely that a group of individuals would quickly collapse into argument and conflict. Leadership helps to point people in the same direction and works towards joint efforts. Leadership is the ability to get other people to do something significant that they might not otherwise do. It’s energizing people toward a goal (Mills, 2005). In order for a leader to affect change in others he/she should possess many positive characteristics such as the ability to be a good communicator, be proactive versus being reactive and be flexible and adaptable among many possible characteristics to name a few (Group, 2009). As a leader, it is equally important to deliver clear, concise and consistent messages as it is to listen. Leaders should demonstrate a willingness to work to understand the needs of others. Leaders who are able to be successful at listening are able to ask meaningful questions, consider all options and provide leadership in the right direction. Secondly, is the ability to always think ahead, being proactive instead of reactive. Leaders who possess this characteristic are able to master their work environment with the goal of avoiding potential problems before they occur. And lastly, an effective leader will adapt to new surroundings and situations, doing their best to adjust in unexpected or uncomfortable situations (Val & Kemp, 2012). Change strategies that are believed to generally be effective for leading fundamental change are first the need for close and constant communication, it is also important to communicate regularly on the important, significant issues and topics. Also, it is important that all members of the company think and act purposefully and then communicate the assignment and required parts to each member of the department, positioning the foundation for a good fit with the company’s mission and plan. The leadership style of a manager during the change process can be either cooperative and consultative or commanding and coercive (Leban & Stone, 2008). According to Neryl East, the author of â€Å"Implementing an Effective Change Management Strategy†, when staff members are working jointly with management in a cooperative style, it can be expected that there will be both long and short term success to the company since the team will address issues and concerns and makes decisions in the general best interest of the organization. In the same way, when the decision is made by management to force the change, the staff may not be allowed to participate in the decision making process. (East, 2007). Following this further, the Kotter’s process of leading change model has good framework to allow the manager to work in a collaborative style with staff. Kotter’s model was established after studying more than one hundred organizations (Leban & Stone, 2008). Mr. Kotter was perplexed about the fact that the majority of change efforts were unsuccessful, and he sought out to identify the common error made in the change process. Kotters’s eight stage model offers a process to successfully manage change and avoid the common mistakes that occur during change in an organization (Leban &Stone, 2008). Furthermore, the Kotter’s model for change is effective because it provided two lessons, first that the change process goes through a series of phases, each could last a considerable period of time and second that critical mistakes in any phase can have a devastating impact on the momentum of the change process. Kotter’s process of change focuses on the strategic, not tactical level of the change management process (Leban & Stone, 2008). In retrospect, the use of the Kotter’s change model during the implementation of electronic health records at my current employer, Clayton Eye Center could have yielded a better transition and fostered a more positive work environment. In the Kotter’s change model, the first four stages deal with â€Å"unfreezing†the organization. These steps involve reducing those forces that are allowing the organization to continue its current behavior. The next three stages introduce new practices, â€Å"changing/moving†. This step shifts the behavior of the organization to a new level. The last stage is required to ground the changes in the corporate culture â€Å"refreezing†and make them stick. This step steadies the organization at a new state of balance (Leban & Stone, 2008). The first step in the Kotter’s model of change is to establish a great sense of urgency, identify crisis, potential crises and major opportunities (Leban & Stone, 2008). The passing of the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH Act) in 2009 by President Obama was the driver of change for The Eye Center (CEC) (Secretary, 2013). The system had to be in place by deadlines set forth by the government, therefore the urgency for change was created. The second step in the Kotter’s model of change is creating the guiding coalition, by putting together a group of people with enough power to lead the change (Leban & Stone, 2008). The Eye Center was successful in organizing a core team, composed of managers from each department to provide various perspectives to the change process. The appointed core team had previously worked together on various change issues and working as a cohesive unit was of no concern. The third step of the Kotter’s model of change is developing a transformational vision and strategy. Create a vision that will help direct the change and develop strategies for achieving that vision ( Leban & Stone, 2008). During this step, The Eye Center missed the opportunity to develop a positive need for the change. The vision for implementing a new EHR system was often stated as, â€Å"because we have too†. This was an opportunity for upper management to frame the view of the change before anyone formed a negative opinion about the change. The fourth step of Kotter’s model of change is communicating the change vision, using all possible avenues to constantly communicate the new vision and strategies (Leban & Stone, 2008). In this step, The Eye Center was reluctant to communicate the change because they held hope that ultimately the change would not be needed. Once it was clear that the bill signed into law by the President would be upheld, there was very little time to effectively communicate the change vision and receive positive buy in from the staff. The fifth step of Kotter’s model of change is empowering a broad base of people to take action, getting rid of blockers, changing systems or structures that did not line up with the change vision (Leban & Stone, 2008). Empowering the staff, whether real or perceived could have been a very important step to achieving staff support towards the change. However, in the case of The Eye Center, only the managers appointed for the core team were empowered as they were the only members of the staff who had knowledge about the upcoming change. Keeping the majority of the staff members in the dark about the change and not providing a platform for them to feel a part of the change was instrumental in the outcome for the possibility of successful change. The sixth step of Kotter’s model of change is generating short term wins, visibly recognizing and rewarding people who made the wins possible (Leban & Stone, 2008). Generating short-term wins is necessary to prevent the loss of momentum and keep the organization engaged. The Eye Center was not as successful as it could have been in this step. Approximately 2 months after implementation, upper management decided to reward the front desk staff for what had been considered reasonably successful implementation of the system thus far. However, the other 4 departments that were largely affected by EHR implementation and played a role in its success, although only 2 months in were not offered rewards for their efforts. This flaw in judgment created negative vibes between departments that needed to work together for continued success of the change implementation. The seventh step of Kotter’s model of change is consolidating gains and producing even more change by hiring, promoting and developing people who can implement the change vision (Leban & Stone, 2008). In this step, The Eye Center could make strides to correct past change errors by focusing on the continued development of staff with the new EHR system. The company should also consider utilizing previously purchased unused project management hours to aid them in this step to ensure that moving forward the change vision process is revitalized. And finally in this step, the company could build on polices and structures that have worked during the change process and remove all polices and structures that don’t fit the change vision. The eighth and final step of the Kotter’s model of change is institutionalizing new approaches in the culture by articulating the connections between new behaviors and company success while developing means to ensure leadership development and succession (Leban & Stone, 2008). This step again creates an opportunity for The Eye Center to build a foundation for successful change moving forward. The company could use this step to make successful change a part of its culture by communicating to the staff how current behaviors do or do not line up with the change vision of the organization. The implementation of continued leadership development through ongoing training would also fulfill this step while preparing the company for successful change behavior in the future. A clear description of the characteristics of a healthy organization prepared to address the issues of change in the 21st century is upper management support and involvement, considering the needs of employees and an effective project manager. Change is almost impossible without the support and involvement of top leaders. Leadership must set the direction, pace and tone while providing a clear vision that brings everyone together (Leban & Stone, 2008). In order for any change initiative to be successful, the company must create a positive culture and motivate the staff, this allows them to visualize and buy in to the change project (Leban & Stone, 2008). Effective project management involves planning and coordinating all aspects of the change program, this allows the organization to place necessary focus on the values, attitudes and behavior of everyone involved to guarantee an effective outcome ( Leban & Stone, 2008). Without these characteristics, change programs risk failure. In final consideration, there are many change models available to organizations; the Kotter’s eight-stage model dictates that each stage be worked through in order to obtain successful change. Skipping even one step or moving too far ahead with a concrete foundation can create problems according to Mr. Kotter (Leban & Stone, 2008). In the case of The Eye Center, we see this to be the case; as complete follow through of each step could have yielded better results for the organization. The need for change is almost guaranteed for every organization if they want to remain relevant. Organizations that will succeed in the 21st century and beyond are those who are aware of what is changing in their perspective industries and are willing to take into account how those changes are most likely to affect its current success. References East, N. (2007). Change-What it is and what it isn’t. Retrieved from Implementing an Effective Change Management Strategy: Group, H. L. (2009). Holden Leadership Center. Retrieved from Leadership Characteristics: Leadership Styles. Pathways: The Ontario Journal Of Outdoor Education, 24(3), 28-31. Leban, B., Stone, R. (2008). Managing Organizational Change 2nd ed. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. Mills, D. Q. (2005). Leadership: How to Lead, How to Live. Retrieved from The Importance of Leadership: Secretary, O. (2013, June 13). FACT SHEET: White House Task Force on High-Tech Patent Issues. Retrieved from The White House: Val, C., Kemp, J. (2012). Leadership Styles. The Ontario Journal of Outdoor Education, v24 n3 p28-31 Spring 2012 4pp.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Current_Event_WK1_RES351 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Current_Event_WK1_RES351 - Research Paper Example The company also conducted a business research in the Smartphone industry to establish unexploited features/ characteristics that could give the new series a competitive advantage. Equally, through consumer surveys, the company sort to establish what new or advanced features that the customer expected to get on the new iPhone series. With all these information, Apple Inc. was able to develop an iPhone series that was slimmer, lighter and with a high-resolution 16:9 screen ratio. Other additional features include an advanced mobile operating system, customized ARMv7 processor, and support for LTE. Conclusively, the case study of Apple Inc. in regards to the success of iPhone 5 confirms the significant role played by business research. Through business research, a company is able to develop products and services that will meet customers’ expectation and hence offer it a competitive advantage within the market, since according to Pogue (2012) Apple Inc. is currently the world largest Smartphone maker by
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Reflections of what happened in early childhood center of early Essay - 1
Reflections of what happened in early childhood center of early childhood education in NZ - Essay Example I am now at the point where I want to know how to balance children’s interest with the things I know they need to learn with the teacher’s guidance. Informing Kilderry (2004) discussed critical pedagogy in a sense that early childhood educators critically assess the purpose of everything they do with children. They hold wide perspectives and know when to adjust to the context each child comes from. Critically aware early childhood practitioners believe that knowledge is constructed within a social group and is mediated and cannot be separated from its cultural and historical understandings (Jipson, 2000). Thus, in a multicultural setting, the teacher gets to adjust to and respect each child in accordance to their cultural and family backgrounds. The teacher makes a range of teaching decisions in everything that comprises the learning environment of children, but ultimately follows the child’s lead. Critical pedagogy in the New Zealand educational system applies t he principles of the Te Whaariki curriculum of empowerment, holistic development, family and community and relationships (MOE, 1996). Such curriculum supports the learning and development of children and their families through a nurturing safe environment that allows children to explore their world under the watchful eyes of their teachers and parents. Confronting This reflection conforms to the learning outcome 4.3 The ethical, moral and political dimensions of professional dilemmas are critically reflected upon, including reference to both the early childhood Code of Ethics and the New Zealand Teachers Council Code of Ethics. This is very apt to my own questions on the balance between child-centredness and teacher-directedness in the early childhood curriculu
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Effects of capitalism and socialism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Effects of capitalism and socialism - Essay Example The system of socialism does not have the objective of accumulation of capital as followed by profit driven entities. The methods of accounting for a system of socialism does not follow financial calculations but is recorded on the basis of physical quantities, labor and time. Capitalism on the other hand is a system of economy where the means of production are owned by the corporate houses and the private businesses. The management of the ownership structure in a capitalist system is based on the production of goods and services for earning of profits. In a system of capitalism, the prices of goods and services are based on the market forces like competition, customer base, etc. The motives of capitalism are based on the accumulation of capital by the ownership structure. The methods of accounting in a capitalist structure in based on financial calculations. Effects: socialism and capitalism The systems of socialism and capitalism in the economy are different from the management of ownership of these two structures. The motives of socialism and capitalism also vary from each other. Due to this, the effects of socialism and capitalism are different from one another. The system of socialism is aimed at production of goods and services solely for the economic conditions of demand. ... The system of socialism has an effect on the labor wages and rights of the workers. The wages of labor are not reduced below a certain level in socialist economy. The minimum labor wages are sufficient to earn the livelihood in a socialist economy. However, due to absence of competition in the market, the employment level in the market is nor too high. There are a lot of people in the economy who are unemployed. Due to equitable distribution of goods and services in the structure of socialism, the demand of goods and services do not exceed the supply by much. Thus there is very little scope of inflation in a socialist economy. Also the production of goods and services are much lower in order to only meet the minimum demand of the population. Thus the GDP growth rates of the economy are much lower. On the other hand, the capitalism structure is driven by the profit motives. The system of capitalism includes the market forces of competition, labor wages, prices of goods and services fo r the growth of economy. The ultimate objective of the owners in a capitalist economy is the accumulation of business capital (Jones, 2010). The increase in competition of the market forces leads to increase in the production capacities. The increase in the production capacities and the requirement of labor for increased production gives rise to the employment level in the economy. Thus the availability of more jobs raises the bargaining power of the employers for which the labor wage rates decline in a capitalist economy. However, the rise in liquidity in the economy and shortage of employment among a few sections of the population gives rise to disparity of the
Monday, August 26, 2019
Liberalism (liberties, human rights, and free trade) Research Paper
Liberalism (liberties, human rights, and free trade) - Research Paper Example Liberty of conscience and freedom of worship. Freedom of speech. Freedom to collaborate or not to collaborate. Individual freedom, guaranteed by the justice, law and administrative body. No gender discrimination. The opportunity to have the varied and full education irrespective of birth. Security from the unfavorable issues such as unemployment, old age, disability and sickness. Free choice of the consumers and to rap the opportunity of productivity of industry and soil. Civil and political rights can only be realized where the right of security and subsistence are recognized. Reorganizations The need to promote and protect the rights of religious, national and ethnic and linguistic minorities. Need to establish and practice a culture that overcomes the issue of discrimination among the people of several groups. Need to abolish the regulations and laws regarding the discrimination. Support and defend the activities of the individuals who have fought with the society in order to get personal freedom and fight for civil liberties and human rights. Free Trade The potential of the free trade is to bring strength and empower in the human being to increase the standard of live in the globe (Huntington, 1993). Free trade in the modern age generally entails the following. Free flow of staffs and employees. Deregulation and liberalization of the economy. End to private and state monopolies. Rule of law and property rights. Human creativity and private initiative of environment conducive. Currency wars and trade disputes. Inter communal violence, political instability, war and dictatorship. Corruption and weakness of government. The modern liberalism has highlighted that; the free trade must be controlled and guided by certain regulations and rules that are... Liberalism is a dominant political ideology. Liberalism is known as the response to the urbanization and industrial revolution in the 19th century. Liberalism was occurred in America and Europe. Classical liberalism was constructed on the basis of the ideas in the 18th century. Liberties, human rights and free trade are the three major aspects of liberalism. In order to discuss every single aspect of the modern liberalism, it is necessary to highlight theme resolution of free trade and human rights. Human rights and Free trade theme was constructed in the year 2011 by the manila Congress that discusses the integrity of the system of free trade and human rights. Human rights are the fundamental and universal rights that determine the virtue of humanity of the human beings. This right has not constructed on the basis of nationality, religion, culture, race, citizenship, social class, ethnicity, gender and sexual orientation. Human rights and the policies related to the welfare of human being and society need to be exist in every community. This process will help the globe to bring the equality among the several groups of individuals in this modern civilization era. The fundamental conditions and rights are mentioned in the document of international founding. The modern liberalism has highlighted that; the free trade must be controlled and guided by certain regulations and rules that are enforced by the accountability foundations at the national, regional and international levels. It recognizes and understands the effectively and the importance of the free trade recall with several effective public policies in order to sustain the development and overcome the reasons and issues related poverty in the society.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Colombias dispossessed Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Colombias dispossessed - Essay Example This social problem plagued almost all of the population everywhere in Latin America, and so as in Colombia. Stories of hardships of families and ethnicity of some native groups and communities of Colombia were best described and stated on books of Latin American authors such as Alfredo Molano. In his The Dispossessed it is clearly stated how the many families and ethnic groups were impoverished and are unlawfully forced out of their homes to work to coca fields and production of drugs though the violent acts of the military and the paramilitary forces. Molano stated the example of the inequality and violence of the military, paramilitary or sometimes local policemen which forces innocent families, communities or sometimes regions to flee for their own safety, not knowing if the next place they settle will mean salvation. For the desterrados, dispossessed families and ethnic groups of Clombia, there is a constant feeling of struggle between whether their original home where they stayed and lived for a long time or the home they make when they are forced to leave is the safer option. It is obvious and frightening that the dispossessed people cannot feel safe due to the ongoing violence of the paramilitaries as well as the guerillas. Either side of the violence could attack any innocent barrio at any time. The violent acts of the military and paramilitary forces some people into hiding in the wilderness where there is no chance of stability. Toà ±ito from Molano’s book: â€Å"I ran until I couldn’t hear the screams anymore†(105), but later he realizes the jungle will not save him either, â€Å"†¦I thought to myself, no, it’s better to go back and look for death than wait for it to find me†(107). Another example of the oppression of the paramilitary and military forces is the forcing of the families to abandon their homes. Imagine how you could live to see that you are being forced to abandon and leave the home you built and stayed for a very long time,
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Why They Didnt Teach Us in Sales Classes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Why They Didnt Teach Us in Sales Classes - Essay Example One month is a very short period to comprehend all these aspects. Therefore, it won't be a wise decision on the part of Rick to give up at this juncture. It is quite shocking to see how Mr. Brown responded to the distress call from Rick. The response can at best be termed callous and irresponsible. If Mr. Brown had taken the call from Rick and told him to take it easy and wait for the rains to stop, Rick would've felt quite at ease. Such a gesture would not only boost the morale of Rick but it would in the long run help the company in attaining better sales figures. Mr. Brown must take into consideration that; Rick is recently married. Though, for a company it means nothing, but if we take into account the humanitarian aspect, Mr. Brown must have taken this aspect into account as well. Effectively managing the Human Resources and developing this resource into a competitive advantage forms the core component of globalization. Therefore, an ideal response from Mr. Brown would've been, if there's no sign of the rain stopping, the Rick must head home for the day and instead take up the leftover assignment next day. Subsequently, in the coming days, Mr. Brown should train Rick in handling such situations in a better manner. Sales divisions of many companies are the ones with high turnover ratios on account of challenging working conditions and sales targets. In order to retain the workforce and reduce the turnover rates amongst new sales personnel, the company can; Announce attractive incentive schemes for different sales targets. This would certainly involve some cost, but this cost would be much less than the additional cost burden involved in recruiting and training newer personnel. Sales people have very hectic schedules which often results in disturbing their family lives. Therefore, if the company is able to provide some periodic family get-together opportunities as well for the sales people, it would go a long way in boosting their motivational levels. Training and development of the sales personnel is a must, because they are the ones who have to handle different types of situations, meet people of different temper and tastes etc. Q4: What can firms do to increase salesperson status It is indeed in the best interest of the company if the sales-personnel feel proud of their status in the company, in the society, amongst the fellow workers and in the market. Irrespective of the nature and specialisation of company, it can be said for sure that, 'people' form the core of its activities and therefore, the behaviour and character of these very 'people' will affect the overall functioning and character of the organisation. The performance level of this workforce in turn depends upon the types of motivations provided by the organisation. In order to improve the status of the salesperson the company can; Delegate some leveraging and bargaining power in the market, so that in a scenario like the one mentioned in the case study, the sales team is able to offer something to their existing distributors/ retailers for them not
Friday, August 23, 2019
New Labour Education Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
New Labour Education Policy - Essay Example In keeping step with the concept that the school is a reflection of society, New Labour's educational policies have been framed in their philosophy of free market competition, equality, and the recognition and reward of ability. New Labour has made a significant commitment to narrowing the gap between the rich and the poor and lessening the effects of the social and cultural capital that permeates the system. The policy is also committed to "reversing the increasing social exclusion of the unemployed and low-paid, and to equality of opportunity in education and the need to develop the potential of every child" (Tomlinson 2003, p.195). In addition, New Labour has maintained a steadfast commitment to "choice and competition, with education developing as a market commodity driven by consumer demand, fuelled by league tables of examination results, school 'choice' by parents, specialist schools and failing schools" (Tomlinson 2003, p.196). The ruthlessness of the market and cultural trad itions have often compromised the drive towards equality and fairness and has created tension in New Labour's controversial educational policies. No matter where you look in the educational system you will see the influence of the social stratification, racism, the gap between the poor and rich, and the class attitudes that are reflected in education's mirror. However, national standards and mandates have dictated that these influences must be overlooked and not considered in favour of an inclusive and performance based system. The initial enthusiasm that met New Labour's educational reforms has "dissipated into puzzlement, disappointment and concern about the direction of education policy, at least in... The researcher of this essay concluds that education reform in the UK has followed a violent and rocky road since the beginnings of formal education. Once thought to be the property of the elite, the researcher states that education is now perceived as a right that every citizen has an opportunity to attain. The traditional view that the school should be a reflection of the society becomes problematic when trying to instil equality, while honestly accounting for the culture. The call for free market choice and competition add additional tension to the multiple goals of the educational initiatives. Traditional social and cultural groups that underperform in society or economics will also underperform in education. This results in socio-economic groupings that take on the characteristic of being exclusionary. The students with social capital will group with like peers and self perpetuate the segregation. Meritocracy further increases the gap, as the most capable students will be the on es from an advantaged background. The researcher hopes that thse phenomena will resonate through race, ethnicity, gender, and the disabled. In this scenario demands that society make some fundamental changes in correcting its own prejudice. Still, Labour has shown a willingness to acknowledge its failures and alter their approach when possible. They have begun to consider the social context of the schools and it can be concluded that educational reform is far from ideal, but continues to evolve as society pulls it along.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Personal statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 26
Personal Statement Example s to Steve Jobs and from Warren Buffet to Ratan Tata, and from a very young age I have focused on making sure I understand the delicate intricacies of the business world from these people who I consider to be my role models. As I decide to go to college, I have a clear picture in my mind of the direction I have to head in to achieve the goals that I have always aspired to. Being a people’s person, I believe is one quality that would greatly help me both, with my studies in business management, as well as my professional career once I move into it. To be able to do well in business, communication is highly essential, and that only comes in if one is able to connect to other people, understand their needs and requirements, as well as get our point through to them. I believe being a people’s person puts me at a natural advantage compared to others, and this quality is likely to give me an edge over others in my professional career. Studying business management would allow me to deeply understand what theorists have to say about the way businesses work, and then go on to apply those lessons learnt in real life business scenarios in order to reap the benefit of my education. I have always believed that to succeed in a field, one need to know about it inside out and that is one of the key reasons why I have decided to study about business management. Though I currently have a limited amount of knowledge in the field of business management, one thing I know for sure is that it involves effective teamwork to achieve something big out of a business structure. My belief in working in teams dates back from the time when I was in fifth grade. It was at the annual sports day function at my school when I was the captain of my class’s tug of war team. Prior to the actual competition, my team was losing out in all the practice sessions, primarily due to the fact that my team members were not really putting in their hundred percent into the activity. It was then that I
Industrial Development and Western Expansion’s Effect on US Farmers Essay Example for Free
Industrial Development and Western Expansion’s Effect on US Farmers Essay True, the United States of America’s surge in industrial development and western expansion were indeed crucial factors that led to protests by farmers. This is evidenced by many different events that occurred during the time when industrialization was most in focus in the United States. This onset of industrial boom occurred some time between the 18th century and the 20th century. The fist thing that should be tackled here in order for one to understand the truth behind the initial statement of this essay is the Western United States. This refers to the westward expansion of the United States. Because of the demand for more land, the rich prairie lands of the west proved to be a lucrative source for larger areas of development. Many chose to pursue a life in the west and resided there. America’s expansion towards its west allowed more than 400 million acres of free land to be utilized for whatever purposes could be thought of by its new owners. This had numerous implications for the American citizen, most especially to the American farmer. Land became available in bulk over night. However, despite this availability, farmers and farm labor decreased by at least 30% during this stage. This decrease in production may have been due to the increase in individuals who could provide satisfaction to the market’s demand for agricultural products. Thus greater production also led to lower costs for the said products on the agricultural market. Farmers found themselves unable to compete with this change. The industrial development which had already begun at that time also contributed to this. Farmers found themselves unable to deal with industrialization. The industrialization of the agricultural industry meant new innovations, new machines. Some of these innovations included railroads which allowed the harvested agricultural products to reach the market more quickly. Other innovations such as the refrigerator allowed for preservation of the produce. Farm yields now reached more distant places but could also now be processed in factories to last longer. This meant that the farmers were up against a major competitor in the food industry, markets and globalization. Local family farms found themselves unable to keep up with the tide of new instruments. Although machines were available for them to work more efficiently such as the reaper, the steal plow, and the harvester, these were not enough for the greater capabilities of factories and national manufacturers. The marginalization of the individual farmer in the face of westward expansion and industrial development brought much distress and discontent. Protests were held and many voiced their frustration at the economical change that seemed to have happened over night. Farmer organizations such as The Grange and Farmers Alliance were established. These worked to demand regulations, protective tariffs, trade policies, conservative monetary policies and the like. It is clear from the evidence given that westward expansion and industrial development truly were factors in the protests of farmers. Whether these two issues proved to have good results in the long run is a different matter. It is sufficient to say that these caused much discontent in farmers at the time enough so that they rose in protest. References Cowan, Ruth Schwartz (1997) A Social History of American Technology, New York: Oxford University Press Hindle, B. Lubar, S. (1986) Engines of change: the American industrial revolution, Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press Meyer, D. (1989). Midwestern industrialization and the american manufacturing belt in the ineteenth century. The Journal of Economic History, 49(4), 921-937 Shannon, F. (1950). The status of the midwestern farmer in 1900. The Mississippi Valley Historical Review, 37(3), 491-510
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Analysis of the UK Banking System
Analysis of the UK Banking System A strong and efficient Banking system is a key to progress in a country.To achieve an efficient a banking system one should analyze the internal and external factors of that country. For this issue I have chosen ENGLAND banking system to know its internal and external factors faced by its banks? what kinds of banks are operating in uk?,what kinds of activities are performed by them?what are the sources of finance in uk?what is the evolution of banking in uk?what is the role of central bank in uk?etc First of all a question raise in our mind what is meant by system?System is an integrated collection of different part of a body which performed specific function for example banking system of uk it has many banks in parts which perform different functions like commercial banking,investment banking,specialized banking and central bank collectively known as banking system of uk.In uk banking system it has a central bank which is Bank of England .IT is the head of all the banks it control and regulate the affair of all schedule banks like HSBC, Barclay Bank and ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND all these banks deals in day to day functions of receiving deposits and advancing finances to the public.Banking system stability depend upon the external factors such as saving ,national income,industrial growth and development,government policies and internal factors such as bank ability to channel the deposit safely to the borrowers normally industrial sector. Benefits of a strong banking system in uk is that it will channelize the idle funds from the hands of depositor to the one who required such finances to invest It in that place which is useful for the development of the uk.Strong banking system of uk is playing an important role in increasing the saving of the people by providing incentives by giving them attractive interest rates.The banking system of uk is also helpful for the creation of new industries by providing finances to the industrial sector.The banking system of uk is also providing finances for the promotion of trade and commerce. Banks provide finance to the industry and the public as well and charge interest on it and earn profit for the bank.A question comes in our mind are banks main finance provider for the industry externally or other sector contribute in it the most.i have gone through an article of colin this article he compare the investment activities and sources of getting the finance in venture capital in some countries like uk, germany japan and other countries he concluded that the souces of funds and investment differ in different countries due to financial system,economic condition, geographical factors and sectors difference.For example the amount of fund required in germany and japan are mainly cover from banks,corporation sources in Israel and pension funds sources in UK. Sources of finance analysis In ENGLAND 44% OF THE FINANCES ARE COVER FROM BANKS BUT MAIN SOUCE IS PENSION FUNDS WHICH SHOWS 49% FINANCIAL SOURCING MEAN IN INDUSTRY. Following data displays the sources of external finance for the industry in the four diferrent countries,showed some important facts. In Germany, banks provide the main source of finance for the VC industry, and pension funds. By contrast, in the ENGLAND pension funds provide the main source of finance for the VC industry, other institutional investors, and individual investors PLAY AN IMPORTANT ROLE IN FINACEING THE INDUSTRY OF MANY COUNTRIES as many companies as banks. Contrary to popular views, government atorities also play an important role for (typically local authority) funding plays a more important role in the United Kingdom than it does in Germany, and is negligible in the other countries. Table 1. Sources of external funds for the VC industry This table reports sources of funds of VC firms in Germany, Israel, Japan and the United Kingdom based on binary and not mutually exclusive responses to a question of whether or not a particular fund uses a certain source. Panel A displays the proportion of funds that report using a given source. Panel B displays the percentage of funds using one, two, three, or four or more sources. Mean values which are statistically different from those of the United Kingdom at the 10% level. Mean values which are statistically different from those of the United Kingdom at the 5% level. Sources of funds for the Israeli VC are banks from the above figure it is shown, with industrial corporations (typically from the United States) being the single most popular source of funds. In Japan, non banking financial institutions (e.g., securities firms, credit card or leasing companies and mortgage institutions) are the single most important category of finance among Japanese funds, followed by banks and insurance companies.9 It is quite common in Japan for the owners/providers of finance for Japanese VC funds to be all affiliated with the same bank-centered corporate group, or to be otherwise related to each other. In over half of the Japanese funds in our sample, at least three of the five largest shareholder providers of finance are related to each other or affiliated with the same group. VC funds in Germany tend on average to use fewer sources of funds than do VCs in other countries (Table 1, Panel B). By contrast, funds in Israel, Japan and the United Kingdom tend to use many sources of finance; in particular, about a third of the UK funds report using at least four different sources.10 Relying exclusively on bank finance is also very common in Germany: over 60% of the VC funds that raise money from banks use this source exclusively; the corresponding figure for the United Kingdom is about one-third, and for Israel about one-fifth. Surprisingly, despite the typical characterization of the Japanese economy as bank dominated (like Germany), only one-seventh of the Japanese VC funds in our sample rely exclusively on bank finance. EVOLUTION OF BANKING IN UK AND ITS DEVELOPMENT STAGES : The birth of modern UK Banks Strange as it may seem, UK banking can trace its origins back to the days of the Roman conquest. During the period of the Roman conquest of Britain, Romans conducted two forms of banking business: one, called argentarii, of a professional nature; the other, called feneratores, of an amateur nature run by the elite nobles of the Roman Empire. What was said to characterise this institution was the two-fold service of (a) receiving deposits and (b) advancing credit. Modern UK banks evolved in the 1530s., it was not really until approximately 400 years ago, during the mid-1600s, that London really started to make its position as a financial backbone of importance when goldsmith bankers started to emerge, following King Charles I seizure of gold deposited in the Tower of London and the English Civil War, as a safe-haven (away from the clutching arms of the Crown!) for the gentry and aristocracy to deposit their money and valuables. Shortly after this period (circa. 1677), there were a recorded 44 goldsmith bankers in London acting as keepers of running cash who ran their business on a personal liability basis. However, strict legal controls on how big goldsmith bankers could become (because of the strict personal liability basis), together with poor transportation and communication, combined to restrict the growth of these i nto national UK banks [evidenced of this can be seen in the fact that in 1784 the total number of UK banks exceed 100; but only 7 had more than one office]. The wind of change Following a number of prominent UK bank collapses in the early 1820s, parliament finally relaxed the laws governing who could own banks to allow for joint stock banking (1826) [A notable exception to this was the establishment of the Bank of England as a joint stock bank some 200 years before this legislation]. Importantly, joint stock banking allowed the owners of UK banks to spread the risk among a number of proprietors. This, combined with the Industrial Revolution, better transportation and faster means of communication all resulted in a growth of more national banks in the UK. Prominent among these was the foundation, in 1833, of the National Provincial Bank of England (later to become National Westminster Bank NatWest), the first UK bank established with the specific agenda of being a national bank. Although UK banks began to expand nationally during this period, the services they (did and could) offered did not. Consequently, it was also around this time that another division in UK banks began to emerge; namely the formation of the Big Three banking sectors: Clearing High Street Banks even as recently as 1900 there were a reported 250 private and joint stock banks operating in the UK; Merchant Banks; and Other financial institutions; such as Building Societies which came into being following 1874 legislation The Bank of England founded in 1694 to act as the Governments banker and debt-manager. Since then its role has developed and evolved, centred on the management of the nations currency and its position at the centre of the UKs financial system. The history of the Bank is very interesting one. Events and circumstances over the last three hundred or so years have change and influenced the role and responsibilities of the Bank. They have adopted the culture and traditions, as well as the expertise, of the Bank which are relevant to its reputation and effectiveness and responsibilities a central bank in the early years of the 21st century.The history of the Bank passed different situation and circumstances of to the economic and financial history, political history, of the United Kingdom. If you want to get closer to the Banks history and are visiting London, the Banks Museum provides a unique insight into the history of the Bank and its business, alongside a great deal of material about the Bank today. Key moments in the Banks history a brief guide King William Queen Mary When William and Mary came in 1688, public finances were not strong. The system of money deposit and advancing it(credit) was in not working efficiently. At that time a national bank was needed to mobilize the saving and investment,the nations resources. MR Willium Peterson William Paterson proposed a loan of  £1,200,000 to the Government. In return the subscribers would be able to incorporate the Governor and Company of the Bank of England. The Royal Charter The money was raised in a some weeks and the Royal Charter was sealed on 27th July 1694. The Banking started life as the Governments banker and debt-manager, with 17 clerks and 2 gatekeepers. In 1734 the Bank moved to Thread-needle Street, gradually acquiring land and premises to create the site seen today. Commercial functions of the banks The Bank managed the accounts of that time Governments and made loans available to finance spending at times of peace and war. A commercial bank took deposits and issued notes. The 18th Century During the 18th Century the Government borrowed more and more money. These outstanding loans were called the National Debt. 1781: renewal of the Banks Charter Dependency on the Bank of England was such that when its charter was renewed in 1781 it was define as the public ex chequer. The bankers bank By now the Bank was acting as the bankers bank too. It was liable to fail if all its depositors decided to withdraw their money at the same time. But the Bank made sure it kept enough gold to pay its notes on demand. The Restriction Period By 1797 war with France had drained the gold reserves. The Government prohibited the Bank from paying claims of its notes in gold. This Restriction Period lasted until 1821. The 19th Century The 1844 Bank Charter Act tied the note issue to the Banks gold reserves. The Bank was required to keep the accounts of the note issue separate from those of its banking operations and produce a weekly summary of both accounts. The Bank Return, as its called, is still published every week. Lender of last resort In the 19th Century the Bank took on the role of lender of last resort, providing stability during several financial crises. The First World War: 1914-18 During the First World War the National Debt jumped to  £7 billion. The Bank helped manage Government borrowing and resist inflationary pressures. Gold In 1931 the United Kingdom left the gold standard; its gold and foreign exchange reserves were transferred to the Treasury. But their management was still handled by the Bank and this remains the case today. Nationalisation 1946 After the Second World War the bank was nationalised. It remained the Treasurys adviser, agent and debt manager. Financial crises During the 1970s, the Bank played a key role during several banking crises. The Bank was at the fore when monetary policy again became a central part of Government policy in the 1980s. Operational independence May 1997 In May 1997 the Government gave the Bank responsibility for setting interest rates to meet the Governments stated inflation target. The was enshrined in the 1998 Bank of England Act. Managing the modern bank The Banks governing body, the Court of Directors, as its known, is made up of the Banks Governor and 2 Deputy Governors, and 9 Non-Executive Directors (under the Banking Act 2009 There are different kinds of banks which are working in different parts of the world main banks are as follows all these banks are specialize in performing speacialized functions of banks.on the basis of different types of functions we have the following bank Bank of England is the central bank of England perform fuctions of monetory policy,fiscal policy.issue of notes,bankers banks,lender of last resort to other banks Alliance HYPERLINK Leicester plc Based in the UK, provides personal and business customers a comprehensive range of mortgage, investment, personal banking and insurance products, cash transmission services and corporate banking facilities. BankHYPERLINK of Ireland Personal and business banking in Britain. British HYPERLINK Association Principal representative body for banks active in the UK, with over 300 member banks from more than 60 countries. HSBC Midland HYPERLINK Personal and business banking division of HSBC. BankHYPERLINK of Ireland Northern Ireland Bank that provides private and corporate services worldwide. BankHYPERLINK of Scotland Financial institution that provides personal banking, small-business banking and corporate services. Barclays Bank offers personal banking, student banking and international corporate banking. Bermuda Monetary Authority Responsible for the licensing of banks, deposit companies and investment businesses. Bradford HYPERLINK Bingley International Subsidiary of Bradford Bingley Building Society, a savings and loan bank. Bristol HYPERLINK West Specialists in mortgages, savings and investments. Cheltenham HYPERLINK Gloucester Provides mortgages, investments, savings and loans. HSBC Investment HYPERLINK Provides the advisory and financing, equity securities, asset management, private banking and trustee, foreign exchange and capital markets trading, debt funding and treasury activities of the HSBC Group. Citibank UK Provides personal banking in the UK. Co-operative HYPERLINK Provides banking services including Internet banking. BankNet Provides on-line Banking Service. A joint venture between MarketNet and Secure Trust Bank PLC. Coutts Group International private banking arm of the Royal Bank of Scotland Group offering investment, fiduciary and banking products. First Direct Member HSBC Group. Halifax Financial institution that provides personal financial services including mortgages, long-term savings accounts, home, motor and creditor insurance, retail banking, consumer credit and share dealing. Hamilton Direct HYPERLINK Division of HFC Bank PLC which provides unsecured personal loans and credit card products in the UK. Julian Hodge HYPERLINK Group Banking and financial services group owned by the Carlyle Trust. Legal HYPERLINK General Assurance Society Insurance company offering financial products including mortgage, investment, savings and home, life and health insurance. Leeds City Credit Union Financial cooperative offering savings and loans products to employees of selected employers in the Leeds area. Lloyds HYPERLINK,1001,general,00.htmlBank Financial institution that provides personal banking, small-business banking and corporate services. Lombard Financial institution that provides personal banking, small-business banking and corporate services. National Savings HYPERLINK Investments One of the largest savings organisation in the UK that offers savings and investment products guaranteed by the Government to personal savers and investors while contributing towards the Governments funding needs. NatWest Financial institution that provides personal banking, small-business banking and corporate services. Northern Rock Bank that offers savings accounts, deposit accounts, residential mortgages, investment mortgages and offshore savings accounts. Prudential Provider of portfolio management services, financial advice, mortgages and personal loans. Royal HYPERLINK of Scotland Bank specializes in corporate, private and offshore banking, as well as retail banking and private motor insurance. Scotiabank Group International Canadian banking group that provides retail, commercial, corporate, investment and international banking services to customers around the globe. Smile Internet bank, part of the Co-operative Bank PLC. Standard HYPERLINK London International merchant bank of the Standard Bank Group that offers specialist banking services and promotes trade, investment and business flows with an emerging market focus on a worldwide basis. Standard Chartered HYPERLINK International commercial banking group providing consumer, corporate and institutional banking and treasury products and services with a focus on emerging markets in Asia, the sub-continent, the Middle East, Africa and Latin America. Standard Life HYPERLINK Subsidiary of The Standard Life Assurance Company that provides mortgages, savings and online banking. Triodos HYPERLINK UK branch of the Dutch trust bank that offers savings accounts and investments products financing projects with social and environmental benefits. Virgin Direct Personal Financial Service Ltd. Bank that offers savings accounts, deposit accounts, residential mortgages, investment mortgages and offshore savings accounts. Woolwich Financial services organization that provides mortgages, loans, investments, banking and insurance products and services. LIST OF BANKS OF ALL THE BANKS IN ENGLAND OPERATING TILL 2010 Uk major banks THERE ARE 116 BANKS OPERATE IN UK ACCORDING TO FSA website There are three types of banks, High Street Banks, Building Societies, and Direct Banks. High Street Banks are the main banks, such as Royal Bank of Scotland, HSBC, NatWest, Citibank, and Barclays. Building Societies such as Woolich, Abbey National, and Halifax were created for those who wanted to save in order to buy a house and offer pretty much the same services as the other banks. Direct Banks such as Co-op ( and First Direct dont have branches, but you can bank at First Direct at the Post Office and Co-op bank at their grocery outlets. They are telephone banks which have grown in popularity over the last few years Different Types of Banks * High Street Banks and Building Societies High Street banks and building societies are commercial banking businesses whose primary market is consumer finance. These are the most common banks you will encounter. * Investment Banks An investment bank is a financial company, securities firm or brokerage house that purchases new issues of securities from private corporations and offers them to their clients. They form a syndicate in order to sell these securities to their customers and the general public. * Private Banks Private Banks typically provide a more personal and customised set of services than high street banks. Marketed to individuals with large incomes or high personal wealth, opening a private bank account usually requires a very large minimum deposit. * Online-Only Banks Online-only banks offer the same services as traditional High Street banks or building societies through electronic banking and the Internet. They normally do not have branches for their clients to use. Besides online-only banks however, a number of High Street banks also offer online services. The banking system in the UK is highly concentrated with the top 10 banks having over 90% of market share.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
political and pastoral in marvells poetry :: essays research papers
â€Å"A tension between the worlds of political engagement and private retreat†How distinct are the political and the pastoral in Marvell’s poetry The political and the pastoral certainly figures highly in Marvell’s poetry and often the two worlds become intertwined. Indeed, Marvell frequently utilises metaphors of nature to help convey and rationalise his political thoughts and feelings. With particular reference to the ‘mower’ and ‘Cromwell’ poems, I shall explore the relationship between the political and the pastoral in his work.      To begin, in the overtly political poem An Horation Ode upon Cromwell’s return from Ireland, Marvell begins by describing Cromwell emerging from a muses â€Å"shadow†, and â€Å"private gardens, Where he lived reserved and austere†. This, as the critic Friedman asserts, is a typical retreat of â€Å"poetic creativity†, and one often employed by Marvell. Indeed, in A poem upon the death of his late Highnesse the Lord Protector, Marvell presents a young Cromwell spending â€Å"pleasing hours†with his mother. The addition of a private presentation of Cromwell lends him a more human edge and helps us to understand his human weaknesses. In his Horation Ode, Marvell portrays Cromwell as a â€Å"flame of angry heavens†who â€Å"tis madness to resist or blame†. This lends Cromwell a godlike eminence or as Thomas. M. Greene asserts, puts him â€Å"beyond ethical categories†. However, Marvell continues that the â€Å"same arts that did gain a power, must it maintain†, i.e. the â€Å"inglorious arts†of war. The irony of comparing war, something primarily destructive, as an art, highlights the unease and possibly transient nature of Cromwell’s rule. Certainly, the fact that Marvell likens Cromwell to a Falcon, who once â€Å"having kill’d†seeks a â€Å"green bough†to perch on and then â€Å"the falconer has her sure†, shows that although he is strong, he cannot continue forever and will eventually be in some way controlled. Therefore, by utilising the idea of natural retreat, Marvell subtly asserts beneath the grandiloquent verse, the frailty and humanity of Cromwell existence.      Indeed the idea of the â€Å"green bough†, is a recurring notion in marvels poetry, and is often Connected with thought and retreat. In the epic poem Upon Appleton House Marvell seeks â€Å"sanctuary†in the woodland to â€Å"among the trees and birds confer†. This is something that the critic Friedman asserts as the â€Å"primeval unity of mind and nature†. This is amply supported by the line in Damon The mower, â€Å"My mind was once a true survey†¦ of all these meadows fresh and gay†, and further more
Monday, August 19, 2019
The Power Of One :: film essay
The movie was about a boy that wanted every one to come together to understand each other better and for them to have equal rights. P.K was a boy that was thought about many things on the people he was thought by his mother about England and by nanny about the Zulu. When P.K. was a small boy he went to a boarding school for the Afrikaans. He was treated bad he even almost got killed by Jaapie Botha. When he got out of the school he went to live with Doc a friend of his grandfather. Doc goes to jail because he failed to register when he entered the country since he was coming form Germany; P.K. went with him too, to jail. Their he learned to box he was thought by Geel piet a black prisoner that new how to box, as P.K he became more of a boxer. When he got out of jail he went to box at a gym. He went to school. One day in a boxing match P.K fell in love with a girl called Maria Maria's. Maria was Afrikaner and wasn't aloud to date a British boy. They started to go out then decided to get married but that never happened because Maria got killed. P.K. and his friend were teaching the black how to reed and right and that was illegal Maria was teaching too. The Afrikaner army came in and prohibited the school and that started a fight. Maria was running towards P.K. when one of the troops smashed a chair into Marias face and she died. P.K then left because he was searched by the Afrikaners that wanted him. So he left towards Alexandria. The troops were looking for P.K. and could not find him. The troops killed any black person they could see. Jaapie Botha found P.K and he was going to kill P.K but one of P.K.'s friends killed Jaapie Botha. They both escaped from the Afrikaners. There is a lot of south African history in this video because it shows what happen to black people and the British and how they were treated un equal to the Afrikaners. They were all different but that did not mean they had to be treated this way. They were punished by the police real hard for any little insignificant thing. It also shows how they believed that separation was the right thing when it rely wasn't.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Premature Infancy Essay -- Babies Birth Early Premature Essays
Premature Infancy      Premature babies, otherwise known as preterm babies, or preemies, are babies that are born earlier than the full-term of thirty-eight to forty-two weeks of pregnancy. These babies are generally born between the twentieth and thirty-eighth week. Almost 250,000 babies, nearly seven percent of newborns, are premature(Golant 4). Prematurity, even with all the advances in technology, is still a major cause of fetal and neonatal death. Actually, around seventy- five percent of perinatal deaths are due to a number of problems associated with prematurity(Freeman 232). Premature babies are very weak and defenseless, and need to be hospitalized. One reason for this is that a baby may become startled into shock by a loud sound or even bright light. This occurs because many babies have fully-developed senses and underdeveloped organs, which may become a problem, since the brain may not be developed well enough to be able to distinguish these different senses, which causes the baby to panic and lose control of its actions.      The main underdeveloped parts of a premature baby are its organs, chiefly the lungs and the brain. The lungs are developed in the last few weeks of pregnancy, and if the child is born before the thirty sixth week, he/she may require some special attention. Usually, the child is monitored closely for the first few weeks of its life, in order to make sure there is no problems with the breathing or any other function of its body. The premature baby will probably need supplemental oxygen to help it through the early stages, but rarely will it need an actual respirator or other life-supporting device on a full-time twenty four hour basis. In fact, giving the baby too much oxygen may complicate problems, such as damages to the eyes. This is caused by a over- abundance of oxygen in the blood stream, which in turn causes the blood vessels of the eye to expand, damaging the eye. This problem is one of the main concerns when bearing a pre-term baby versus a full-term baby.      Another difference, probably the most noticeable one, is the size and weight of the baby. A preemie will look thin and helpless, and will also have transparent skin. Blood vessels, veins and bones are sometimes visible through the skin of these babies. This is because the skin of a premature baby is very fragile and tend... ... eight to forty two weeks, and must get rid of the children from the uterus in order to return the body to normal and prevent any injuries from occurring inside the mother's womb.      Many advances are occurring everyday which enable mothers to feel safer with the care of premature babies. New drugs are being developed and new methods are being tested to ensure the security of a preemie, enabling the rate of deaths and the rate of premature babies born to both be lowered. As recently as 1986, premature babies had a much lower chance of survival, and with the help of experts, this factor has been greatly reduced. Hopefully, by the time our generation or our children's generation begins to think about bearing children, there will not be much of a risk of having a premature baby. Works Cited Freeman, Roger, and Pescar, Susan. "Safe Delivery: Protecting Your Baby During High-Risk Pregnancy. New York: Facts on File, Inc., 1982. Golant, Susan and Ludington, Susan. Kangaroo Care The Best You Can Do To Help Your Preterm Infant. New York: Bantam Books, 1993. Griesemer, Bernard and Pfister, Fred. The Littlest Baby. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice- Hall Inc., 1983.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
I’m Not Scared Essay Essay
Fear is one of the most incapacitating and destructive emotions I’m Not Scared demonstrates. As well as the human potential to do evil things in life for self-gain. Ammaniti shows us this through characters in the text that commit cruel and violent acts. He also shows us that not all men can be cruel and selfish, through the character of Michele, who shows bravery, compassion and goodness. From the very beginning of the novel we are alerted to the fact that humans can be very cruel, yet equally as gallant and kind. In the start we are introduced to a cruel rumour from Skull, about a fierce old man known as Melichetti, who feed his own dog to his savage pigs. When he is confronted about this from Barbara, he laughs at the idea and replies saying that he loved his dog and would never do such a thing, and is astonished as to why someone would make up such lies about him. Barbara says that Skull had told them this and Melichetti scolds him saying that he should never tell lies, an d the truth only. Thus showing that there is good in some humans. Although not all of them. After these events Skull hatches a plan to get back at Barbara for embarrassing him. He proposes that they have a race to the top of a hill, knowing that Barbara will lose and have to do the forfeit so he can extract his revenge, being the harsh human that he is. Human’s immense capacity for cruelty is highlighted by the appalling conditions that Filippo is kept in. He chained in a dark prison hole and is barely fed enough to stay alive. He is treated like a prisoner of war. His skin is pale and dirty, and so thin that you could see the outline of his bones. Yet Ammaniti tempers these descriptions with humour in order to soften the blow and Michele relieves his suffering. Michele’s determination to help Fillipo in his plight and his success in revealing his pain that becomes the focus of the tale. He performs acts of kindness towards Fillipo, bringing him food and water, and letting him out of the hole to embrace the outside world. There is no doubt that humans are capable of extreme violence as demonstrates by the response to Luisa Carducci’s appeal and through characters such as Sergio, Skull and Felice, yet we also get the sense that they are not so much evil, but human through Ammaniti’s portrayal of them. Some of these acts of violence or portrayed through the actions of Skull and his potential for cruelty to others and animals. An example of this is when he says â€Å"wring its neck, then put a stick up its arse†, also when the entire town of Acqua Traverse is silent watching Michele, except for Togo who is barking. Skull then proceeds to boot Togo away. Yet although Skull is ruthless and cruel, the kids have the power to overcome him. For instance when Skull makes Barbara do the forfeit, the kids do not like this idea and Michele stands up and takes the forfeit. They are also strongly motivated by self-gain and are also capable of horrible betrayal in order to gain something for t hemselves. The people of Acqua Traverse are easily motivated by money. They had kidnapped a child just for personal gain. They were prepared to betray their own beliefs and morals. For example when Luisa Carducci had sent an appeal to the kidnappers, she pleaded that they do not hurt her son and asked them what it would feel like if any of them had their own child taken away from them. Papa, who cared for his children a lot and loved them, betrayed his own beliefs that night, responding that they should cut off both of Filippo’s ears. Yet they are also capable of fierce love, extreme loyalty and forgiveness. An instance of this is Teresa’s protectiveness over Michele after Felice’s attack on him. Upon finding out that Felice had hurt her son, she launched herself at him in a raging fit of fury to protect her son. After seeing Felice on his mother Michele, also protective of his mother, jumps at Felice. Loyalty is also portrayed in the story through some characters. One of which is Michele, who made a promise to Filippo that he would always come back and save him. And he did under any circumstances, no matter how bad the consequences may have been. Also, it is Papa, who at first was with the idea of keeping Filippo hostage, yet later he proposed the idea to let the boy go. Ammaniti creates a world that emphasises people’s capacity for evil and self-gain and uses his power to tell us how he became a man that learns loyalty and trust are far more valuable than money or objects through events and experiences he comes into contact with. His knowledge and understanding form the base of his moral decisions and guide him to help the innocent boy, Filippo, escape from the villainous adults of Acqua Traverse.
Friday, August 16, 2019
60 Years of Indian Republic
60 years of Republic, â€Å"India†from the eyes of a common man. India is now progressing on the verge of becoming a developed nation through relentless efforts and thus reinforcing its stand globally. Today as we celebrate 60 years of republic it forces me think what has india achieved for a common man. Today still there are 80 million tribals in india, lakhs of people are still below poverty line which is a paradox for the country of vedas. On the brighter side we assert on the very fact that we are developing, the development is essential but it shudn't be on the extent of taking the lives of innocent people, snatching the shelters of poor on the name of developing big glitzy malls. Well we cannot stop developing but we should be aware of the conditions which still prevail in india and the ones which are alleviated on the name of development. The tears and pains of mumbai attack are still in the eyes of thousands who lost their loved ones, and till date the assassins havnt been punished. So can we feel happy to develop this way. This wasn't the India Bapu and Nehru ji had dreamt of, today we need to build a terror free and violence free india. An India of everyone's dreams! Being an Indian it aches to see the treasures of Gandhi ji being destroyed, as it happned when the Van Vasi Chetna Asharam was destroyed just because they violated against Salwa Judum, at Dantewada district in Chattisgarh. The communal harmony is still killing thousands just on the issue of being a hindu and a muslim. We still need enlightenment of our hearts for instilling in us the feelings of brotherhood and love! So that we dont witness again another Ram mandir and Babri masjid issue. Today when we talk of modernisation and development, these communal harmonies tear us apart and take us aback. The state is elected by the people but during the intercourse of development the worst sufferers are the poors who cannot exercise their rights, who are thrown away from their dwellings to rural places in the name of making the city clean and beautification. The Nandigram violence is another set back which killed innocents in the name of development. So lets learn make others aware of the reality which India faces each chilly night, still there are thousand homeless, forced to spend night huddled in a single blanket when the whole city sleeps in quilts. I am not against development but it shudnt be carried out putting the guns on the shoulders of poor. Lets develop in a way that there occurs no harm to nybody, lets flourish with a feeling of love and lets be empathic towards the harsh realities of our country. Lets learn to raise voice against injustice and help the sufferers then whether the war be against individuals, big celebrities or the state, to stand with courage against the feigning personalities in politics or anywhere. If we kindle this spirit today, there would be thousands to follow and muster strength can work wonders, so lets spread this message with a hope to see india democratic in a real sense! Let us condone our vindictiveness for religions and rise above the horizons where each human is equal in the eyes of almighty. This way we can carve a Beautiful India- the golden bird n true sense!!! last but not the least i cannot conclude without saying the lines- †SARE JAHAN SE ACHA HINDUSTAN HAMARA, HUM BULBULEIN HAI ISKI YE GULISTAN HAMARA†Jai Hind!!!!
Cognitive Approach Essay
Abstract: There are pros and cons to everything in life. Because I just started my education program, I was interested in researching the positive and negatives effects of an inclusion classroom. I wondered, what exactly were the positive effects this type of setting had on its special education population? I have always felt, in my opinion, that inclusion classrooms are helpful in numerous ways, but now it was time to see if research agreed. History and Background: In the past special education students were separated from general education students. â€Å"At the federal level, the recent No Child Left Behind Act (2001) and the current and previous versions of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (1997, 2004) require access to the general education curriculum for students with disabilities†(Berry, 2006, p.490). Methodology: An inclusion classroom, also known as a CTT or Collaborative Team Teaching classroom, is a classroom that has both a general education population, as well as special education population, combined together. This special education population consists of children with mild to moderate disabilities, including physical, emotional, and learning. According to Berry (2006) â€Å"inclusion may be defined as 100% placement in age-appropriate general education or as a range of learning opportunities both within and outside the general education classroom†(p.490). A teacher can evaluate different perceptions based on how the students communicate with each other. Results: Berry (2006) found that students with disabilities often have difficulty not only academically, but socially. Placing these students in an inclusion classroom, as opposed to the smaller setting of years ago, helps students to benefit enormously. Depriving disabled children from participating in an inclusive classroom setting, â€Å"may underestimate the extent to which these students might benefit from social interactions and, at the most, deprive them of critical opportunities for learning and participation that can lead to autonomy and empowerment in classroom interactions†(Berry, 2006, p.492). Discussion: Inclusion classrooms have two teachers, one that specialized in special education, while the other focuses on general education. While the classroom functions as any other classroom would, incorporating whole, group, and individualized instruction, the smaller classroom setting and extra adults in the room to be quite helpful in helping those students who were struggling. The teachers make sure to use varied teaching techniques and made sure to accommodate many different learning styles in their lessons. Howard Gardner, an educational theorist, believed in the idea of â€Å"multiple intelligences.†Gardner believed every child learned differently. According to Berry (2006) it is important for the teachers to learn how their students learn best in order for them to achieve their fullest potential. The teacher also observes how students interact with one another. Bias/Limitations: It has said that inclusion classrooms can hold back a general education student from progressing at a steady pace; when students were paired with other struggling students. I also found the combination of students of all different academic levels to play a positive role. While the â€Å"higher†student helped the â€Å"weaker†student academically, both learned social skills. Conclusion: Berry also discusses how language is a useful tool in an inclusion classroom. Berry discusses how reciprocal teaching is often used in these types of classrooms. Reciprocal teaching is a strategy in which the teacher uses â€Å"talk†to make her ideas clear. This â€Å"talk†is often focused around comprehension skills such as predicting, questioning, summarizing and clarifying (Berry, 2006). Why article was selected: The education system has come a long way since before the No Child Left Behind Act. In the past, any child with â€Å"special needs†was placed on the fourth floor of the building, out of sight. When the general education students saw any of the children with special needs, it was only at lunch, and they were easily identified because they were kept in small groups away from the other children. Today, inclusion has made it possible for many of children to interact and learn in the same environment as their peers. They are being treated as equals, rather than being hidden away in a corner. Reference: Berry, R. (2006). Inclusion, power and community: Teachers and students interpret the language of community in an inclusion classroom. American Educational Research Journal 43(3).
Thursday, August 15, 2019
The Pride of Zeus
In Greece and Asia Minor around 2000 B. C. there existed a common belief in a group of deities. Of this group of deities were twelve Olympians who were immortal. From that group of Olympians came the most dominant and commanding God known to immortals and mortals alike. That Olympian god was Zeus; the son of Titans Cronus and Rhea. When Zeus had grown to maturity, he waged war against his father with his disgorged brothers and sisters as allies. The battle was of epic proportions, Zeus fighting from Mt. Olympus, Cronus from Mt. Othrys. This is Mark Morford’s interpretation of Zeus’ rise to power, which he’d argue is a story of, â€Å"The Hero and the Quest†(Morford, 76). While there is no arguing Zeus’ supremacy, it is easy to argue his intentions. Zeus has been labeled as a selfish God; a God who looks only after his bests interests. There is no arguing Zeus is an egocentric God. But being the most powerful God, it’s difficult to place blame on him. However, there is more to Zeus than his powerful facade. Zeus may always be looking out for his best interests as seen in the poem, Leda and the Swan, but he is aware of the existence of the other Gods and mortals. It is because of this that I believe Zeus not only tries to appease himself, but also every other living soul on Earth at the time, whether they be brothers or sisters, sons and daughters, or Gods and mortals. While others may declare these are patterns of evilness and destructiveness, I believe it’s more than anything the pride of Zeus which justifies his actions. In Homer’s great Epic, â€Å"The Iliad,†the presence of Zeus affected every action taken or avoided in some shape, way, or form. His allowance of other gods intervening in the war at times strengthens the idea that he is all-seeing and all-powerful, due to the fact that the other gods' intervention inevitably led fate back onto its original course. But, we’re talking about Zeus; God of all Gods. He refuses to be undermined, and if ever he needed could destroy the Earth with a single creation. That frightening thought was almost made a reality in Hesiod’s â€Å"Pandora†from his poems Works and Days. In the myth, Zeus creates the first woman, who is capable of the destruction of mankind. Obviously Zeus is a very contradictive character. On the one hand, he possesses a number of powers that mankind can benefit from, as seen in his role in, â€Å"The Iliad. †On the other hand, he owns a number of negative qualities, among which greed probably the most significant one, made significant in his role in, â€Å"Pandora. †Through it all, Zeus remains true to himself. And while at times he may be viewed as chaotic, the prideful Zeus never backs downs from any God or any mortal. In the era of Homer, divine intervention was thought to be typical, and one of his foremost works, â€Å"The Iliad,†reflects this. Nearly all of the Greek gods are involved in the outcome of the Trojan War, which happens to be the background story of this epic poem. The gods are used by Homer to add twists on an otherwise standard plot of war. Zeus, very untypical of a Greek god in his lack of involvement in the Trojan War for his own reasons, was portrayed as the father figure, being impartial and fair to both sides of the war. He remains this way to serve as a check for each god's involvement in the war. Without his presence at the head of the inner circle of Olympus, it is likely that the activity of the Trojan War would become chaotic, possibly even becoming a recreational war for the gods. With Zeus's majestic power, above all of the other gods combined, along with his experience, he is quite befitting to his role in the storyline of The Iliad. The role of Zeus in Homer's Iliad is one of moderator and the overall director of all that occurs in this story. His position was to ensure that whatever fate decreed would happen. Without his presence, the story would likely become a war for the gods instead of the Greeks and Trojans. Zeus stayed impartial throughout almost the entire epic in contrast to the other gods, who would scheme and contrive plans for the sides that they chose to ally with. For example, Hera, his wife, chose to display the more typical actions of a Greek divinity. Paris, a Trojan prince, chose Aphrodite as the fairest over Hera and Athena, and this infuriated her, and she went to no end to try to help the Greek army defeat the Trojan side. However, Hera recognizes the superiority of Zeus over herself as well as the rest of the Olympian gods. Hera is obviously the subservient god, even becoming afraid and ceasing speaking when Zeus orders her under the possible occurrence of him laying his â€Å"invincible†hands on her. She does try to undermine his power by trickery, slyly getting him to sleep while her and her brother, Poseidon, god of the seas, influence the war in the favor of the Greeks (Homer, 201). However, when Zeus awakens, his reemergence into the picture effectively eliminates the other gods from intervening in the war due to his sheer will and backing power. This is another of your evil schemes, you unmanageable creature! †said Zeus (Homer, 210). â€Å"You shall soon find out if you get any good by your loving and your bedding and by coming all this way to deceive me! †(Homer, 210). The opposing gods were mainly Apollo and Artemis, twin brother and sister. They favored the Trojan side, and were constantly turning the tide in favor of the Trojans. Apollo respected Zeus and his enforcing of the laws of fate, however, and kept fate as it was deemed to be. An example of this is when Achilles' servant, Patroclus, tries to take the city of Troy. Before Patroclus was allowed to wear Achilles' armor into battle, he promised only to drive the Trojans away from the ships and not to take an offensive against the city of Troy. Only the reflection of Patroclus by Apollo's shield three times prevents this. This lack of moderation shown by Patroclus, as well as the deeming of death before the end of battle by fate, granted by Zeus, leads to his death. Patroclus replied, half fainting, â€Å"For this once, Hector, make your proud boast; for you are the victor, by help of Zeus and Apollo, who mastered me an easy thing†(Homer, 245). Zeus serves as an enforcer of fate in the epic, giving no ground to anyone, even his blood relatives. Zeus also shows no mercy to mortals in The Iliad. His own son, Sarpedon, was allowed to die at the hands of Patroclus while Zeus looked on, unwilling to break fate and save even his own son. Zeus was debating whether or not to take him from the battlefield, but Hera convinced him by expressing the feelings other gods would have, namely anger. She told him that he would not be praised and that other gods would possibly take their loved ones out of battle as well. Zeus was confined to his own sorrow because he was not willing to take his son out of the battle. Zeus was able, however, to have Apollo take his body from the battlefield and take him back to Lykia, where he could be buried as a hero. Zeus also wanted a respectable and honorable death for Hector, the Trojan hero, and was infuriated when Achilles decided to desecrate the body of Hector. This epic ends when Hector's body is ransomed back to the Trojan side to the pleasure of Zeus, making prevalent the presence of all-powerful Zeus. Zeus has an overriding presence in The Iliad, sometimes not directly present, but always in the mix. He is the only presence in the epic that stresses the Greek ideals of moderation and fate. The Greeks believed in the ideal of moderation, and the essence that moderation was the key to becoming a better person. Fate also could not be avoided in the eyes of the Greeks, and when fate was trifled with, bad things happened, as they did when fate was trifled with in The Iliad. The presence of Zeus in the epic affected every action taken or avoided in some shape, way, or form. His allowance of other gods intervening in the war at times strengthens the idea that he is all-seeing and all-powerful, due to the fact that the other gods' intervention inevitably led fate back onto its original course. In the eyes of the Greeks, the Trojan War was a spectacular event to the mortals, but to the gods, it was nothing more than a mere petty struggle. However, the idea of fate must be kept under all circumstances, and Zeus was the overseeing power in that ensured this in â€Å"The Iliad. †While Zeus’ role in the Iliad can be viewed as more passive or submissive, his role in Hesiod’s creation myth â€Å"Pandora†can only be viewed one way: oppression. When Zeus, the king of the Olympian gods, was young and trying to establish his rule, he was challenged by a group of ferocious Titans, who tried to keep him from gaining power. A long and terrible war ensued, with all the Olympian gods joined against the Titans, who were led by Cronus and Atlas (Morford, 76). After ten years of fighting, and with the help of the Cyclopes and the Hecatoncheires, Zeus and his fellow Olympians defeated the Titans. Only a few Titans, including Themis, Prometheus and his brother Epimetheus, fought on the side of Zeus – against their fellow Titans – and once Zeus won, he rewarded them. But soon Prometheus made Zeus very angry by stealing fire from Mount Olympus and giving it to the race of mortal men living on earth, who were cold and hungry. Zeus had warned Prometheus not to give fire to men, and was outraged that anyone had the nerve to ignore his command. In the Theogony (507-616) Hesiod tells the stories of Prometheus and his conflict with Zeus, with the human race as the pawn in this gigantic clash of divine wills. Hesiod goes on to describe the dread consequence of Zeus’ anger at Prometheus for his theft of fire (Theogony 570-616): Immediately he contrived an evil thing for mortals in recompense for the fire. The renowned lame god, Hephaestus, fashioned out of earth the likeness of a modest maiden according to the will of the son of Cronus. When he had fashioned the beautiful evil in recompose for the blessing of fire, he led her out where the other gods and mortals were, exulting in the raiment provided by the gleaming-eyed daughter of a mighty father. Unlike his role in â€Å"The Iliad,†Zeus is now acting in a state of vengeance. Hesiod provides another account of Prometheus in the Works and Days (47-105); the evil is now specifically named. She is Pandora, which means, â€Å"All gifts,†and she has a jar. Zeus is viewed as the oppressor to mankind in â€Å"Pandora,†while Prometheus can be viewed as the benefactor. Pandora was created for one reason, to punish mankind as a goal for revengeful Zeus. Zeus cannot and will not tolerate anybody going behind his back for any circumstances. He will go to such great lengths to ensure he remains the leader of all Gods, again, showing the pride he has for himself. From the beginning he was faced with opposition, and once he overcame that, he proved his worth. For the rest of his life, he was not going to let anyone be of aggravation to him. Another side of the many faces of Zeus is shown in William Butler Yeats’ poem Leda and the Swan. The poem is based on the mythological story about the rape of Leda, a mortal woman who was married to the mortal man, Tyndareus, but the god of gods, Zeus, wanted to have her. Zeus was known for taking advantage of women by posing as various animals, like a bull, or like objects, such as a shower of gold. When he chose to have Leda, he took the form of a swan. The poem tells of the actual situation of Zeus having sex with Leda in the shape of a swan. The lines â€Å"How can those terrified vague fingers push the feathered glory from her loosening thighs? â€Å"(Yeats, 25) show that his power is far greater than hers, and she cannot fight to stop him, and â€Å"A shudder in the loins engenders there†(Yeats, 25) describes Leda becoming pregnant with Helen, who is to become the most beautiful woman alive, and is courted by thousands of men. Zeus has many affairs with beautiful women and goddesses, even if they are unwilling. Even though he hides his evil intentions in the form of a swan, he will stop at nothing to accomplish his goals, and takes great pride in doing so. To try to put an explanation on all of Zeus’ actions would be an impossible task, as classical scholars and philosophers have dedicated entire lives to it. My interpretation of all of Zeus’ actions seems to have one underlying theme, and that is Zeus is a very prideful person. He is the Supreme Being among the gods of Olympia. He is capable of anything, but yet allows those who spoil him to live. He sends harsh messages to those that need to be put in check, and even helps mortals live a balanced life. While many of Zeus’ good deeds go unnoticed, his character remains unscathed to all of those around him. The pride of Zeus always remained at an elevated level. Quite simply, he is the most powerful being in Greek mythology, and his motive for all his actions could be summarized in a quote from C. S. Lewis: â€Å"Pride is a personal commitment. It is an attitude which separates excellence from mediocrity. †Being the God of gods, Zeus has no room for mediocrity. Only excellence will be accepted, and his pride is correlates directly to that.
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